TYR kinases in all conformations in complex with All ligands

Total number of genes: 87
Total number of chains: 2731
Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 757 AF-P42680-K1A
DFGin BLAplus 195 4UWCA
DFGin ABAminus 351 8BXHA
DFGin BLBminus 58 5NKGA
DFGin BLBplus 474 6DI1A
DFGin BLBtrans 90 6V66A
DFGin None 302 8BA3A
DFGinter BABtrans 16 7YC9A
DFGinter None 45 1P4OA
DFGout BBAminus 292 3UGCA
DFGout None 119 2HZIA
None None 32 2OJ9A

Database table as tsv

Gene UniprotID Protein PDB Resol Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type
AATK LMTK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK1 AF-Q6ZMQ8-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ4A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4ST Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ4C 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ST Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7N9GB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STI 1N1 Allosteric Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 AF-P00519-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6XR6A 999.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4TWPA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AXI Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4TWPB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AXI Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2V7AA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 627 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2V7AB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 627 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ4B 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ST Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2GQGA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2F4JA 1.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VX6 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2IA 3.12 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2IB 3.12 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2GQGB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8SSNB 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none AY7 SKI Allosteric Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8SSNA 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none AY7 SKI Allosteric Type1.5_Back
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TB 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TD 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7XA 2.0 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 8DW Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7XB 2.0 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 8DW Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4XEYB 2.891 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 1N1 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7N9GA 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in STI 1N1 Allosteric Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7N9GC 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in STI 1N1 Allosteric Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2FA 2.7 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6BL8A 2.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in PVB Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6BL8B 2.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in PVB Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7YA 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in 8IW Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7YB 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in 8IW Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7FA 2.45 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QEW Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7FB 2.45 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QEW Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7HA 2.278 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QH9 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7HB 2.278 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QH9 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4ZOGA 2.3 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in VX6 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7CC2A 2.723 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in FVC Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7CC2B 2.723 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in FVC Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7DT2A 2.3 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in HJ9 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7DT2B 2.3 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in HJ9 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2HA 2.0 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in P16 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4XEYA 2.891 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in 1N1 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4YC8A 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None out-none out-in 4B7 Type1.5_Front
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4YC8B 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None out-none out-in 4B7 Type1.5_Front
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6XRGA 999.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRJA 1.82 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRJB 1.82 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ0A 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in GIN Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ0B 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none GIN Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYC 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYD 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9A 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in NIL Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9B 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none NIL Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9C 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none NIL Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9D 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in NIL Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRIA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRIB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HIWA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 7MP Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HIWB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 7MP Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2E2BA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 406 Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2E2BB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 406 Type2
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 5HU9A 1.529 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 66K 66K Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3PYYA 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI 3YY Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3PYYB 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI 3YY Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPEA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI KWD Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPEB 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in STI KWD Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPUA 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI KWV Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPUB 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in STI KWV Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPVA 1.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI KWP Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPVB 1.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in STI KWP Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRKA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 9DP Type3
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6XR7A 999.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZIA 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in JIN Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4ZOGB 2.3 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in VX6 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4WA9B 2.2 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in AXI Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3UE4A 2.424 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in DB8 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3UE4B 2.424 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in DB8 Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2FB 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in AGS Type1
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZIB 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in JIN Type1.5_Back
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2HB 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2FO0A 2.27 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPLA 3.42 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPLB 3.42 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 5MO4A 2.17 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out NIL AY7 Type2 Allosteric
ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4WA9A 2.2 Inactive None None none-none out-in AXI Type1
ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 AF-P42684-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 2XYNA 2.81 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in VX6 Type1
ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 2XYNB 2.81 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in VX6 VX6 VX6 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 2XYNC 2.81 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in VX6 VX6 VX6 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 3HMIA 1.65 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in DKI Type1
ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 3GVUA 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI STI Type2 Allosteric
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4TT7A 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out COM COM Allosteric Allosteric
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JY4A 2.42 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out W47 W47 Allosteric Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YHVA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4ANLA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNWA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNXA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6CDTA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YJSA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3L9PA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4ANSA 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YFXA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CLJA 1.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 5P8 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CD0A 2.23 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in AWJ Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4ANQA 1.76 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AA9A 1.93 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 5P8 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AAAA 1.73 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AA8A 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 5P8 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AABA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6MX8A 1.96 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out 6GY Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2XB7A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out GUI Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2XBAA 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 571 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5FTOA 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in YMX Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5FTQA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in U4W Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 8ARJA 1.645 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out NRR Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6E0RA 2.303 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in HKJ Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6EBWA 2.455 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in J3Y Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JYRA 2.32 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VTA Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JYSA 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out VTD Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JYTA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VRM Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2XP2A 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CCBA 2.03 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in OFG Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CCUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in AWF Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CLIA 2.05 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 5P8 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CMOA 2.05 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in YPW Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CMTA 1.73 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in GWH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CMUA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in IV7 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CNHA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 3U9 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CTBA 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out KVC Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CTCA 2.03 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in J99 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5KZ0A 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 6YL Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7R7KA 1.831 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 25J Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7R7RA 1.935 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in AWJ Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNZA 2.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in NZF Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IUIA 1.88 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 45Q Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FODA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 0UV Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3AOXA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in EMH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5A9UA 1.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 5P8 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AACA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7BTTA 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out F8R Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FOBA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 0US Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FOCA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 0UU Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4Z55A 1.55 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 4LO Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3LCSA 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out STU Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3LCTA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none out-out ADP Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4MKCA 2.01 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 4MK Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CNHB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 3U9 3U9 Type1 Allosteric
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4JOAA 2.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 3DK Type1.5_Front
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor AF-Q9UM73-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YJRA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6EDLA 2.799 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out J4M Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IMXA 2.12 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in CZ4 Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4DCEA 2.03 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 0JF Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4DCEB 2.03 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 0JF Type1
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IUGA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 729 Type2
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IUHA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 34Y Type2
ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNYA 2.45 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out I3K Type2
AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO AF-P30530-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BB 2.84 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7YS Type1
AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BD 2.84 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7YS Type1
AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BA 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none 7YS Type1
AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BC 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none 7YS Type1
BLK BLK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk AF-P51451-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX AF-P51813-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 8X2AA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LTJ Type1
BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 3SXRA 2.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in 1N1 Type1
BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 3SXRB 2.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in 1N1 Type1
BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 3SXSA 1.89 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in PP2 Type1
BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 6I99A 2.001 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in H88 Type1
BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 6I99B 2.001 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in H88 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK AF-Q06187-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 1K2PA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3K54A 1.94 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 1N1 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PIZA 2.21 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 03C Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PJ1A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out LHL LHL Type1 Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 1K2PB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3P08A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3P08B 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W8IA 3.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W8IB 3.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4NWMA 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 2P5 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4NWMB 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 2P5 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6AUBA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BXM Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6S90A 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out L0Z Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6S90B 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out L0Z Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5BPYA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4UQ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5BPYB 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 4UQ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5JRSA 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 6MV Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5JRSB 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 6MV Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5T18A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 73T Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXNA 1.34 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9P Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXOA 1.94 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9S Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7LTYA 1.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out YD7 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7LTZA 1.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out YDA Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXLA 1.84 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9J Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4A 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9M3 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4C 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4D 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4E 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9M3 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4F 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6O8IA 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LTJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N4QA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0B9 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N4RA 1.62 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0BG Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N4SA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0B0 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RX5A 1.356 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3YO Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5KUPA 1.389 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 6XL Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5VGOA 1.621 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9B1 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXQA 1.38 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9Y Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3OCSA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 746 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OTFA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2VL Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4ZLYA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4RU Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4ZLZA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4RV Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8GC7A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out YXJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8U2DA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UQX Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8U2EA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UP9 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5U9DA 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 83P Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5VFIA 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9AJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI0A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJG Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI1A 1.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJD Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI9A 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out GJJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NFHA 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out KLM Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXMA 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9M Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXPA 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9V Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PIXA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 027 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87A 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87B 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87C 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87D 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N6Z Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N6Z Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPC 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out N6Z Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out N6Z Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPE 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out N6Z Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9FA 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2VL Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9GA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 7G6 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9HA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 7G7 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9KA 1.28 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 7G8 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9LA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 7G9 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6AUAA 1.66 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BXJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NZMA 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out L9S Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NZMD 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out L9S Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5BQ0A 1.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4US Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLHA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out Y8H Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLVA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ZB9 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4Z3VA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4L6 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5OA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0BQ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5RA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0UW Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5XA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0GW Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5YA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0CI Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BIKA 1.901 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DTJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BKEA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DVJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BKHA 1.792 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DVD Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BLNA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DY4 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6XE4A 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out V1G Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6VXQA 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out RQS Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W06A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out S5M Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W07A 1.51 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out S9A Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLGA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out Y8C Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OT5A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 481 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OT6A 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2V1 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OTQA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2V2 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OTRA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2V3 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RFYA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3OU Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RFZA 1.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3OV Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RG0A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3P0 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6EP9A 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BNB Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6HRPA 1.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GMQ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6HRTA 1.36 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GMW Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8GC8A 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out YXJ Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8EJBA 1.58 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out WKC PD Type1 Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3NA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ULV 5WE Type1 Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BKWA 1.499 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out DXM FPZ Type1 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6J6MA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BA0 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7R61A 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2IJ Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI3A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJA Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI5A 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJ7 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6N9PA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out KHD Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6OMUA 1.41 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out MZJ Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7L5OA 1.21 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R1L Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7L5PA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R1L Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7L5PB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R1L Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7R60A 1.94 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2IE Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8E2MA 1.904 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UB6 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W7OA 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TL7 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W7OB 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TL7 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W8IC 3.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TKY Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8DSOB 2.334 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out TOO Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4YHFA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 4C9 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4YHFB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4C9 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9IA 1.11 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1E8 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9JA 1.08 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 8E8 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9MA 1.41 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 7GB Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3GENA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out B43 Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6E4FA 1.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out HRA Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5FBOA 1.894 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 5WH 5WE Type1.5_Back Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLNA 1.334 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out Y7W BTB Type1.5_Front Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5FBNC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 5WF 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3OA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ULY 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3OB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ULY 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLLA 1.498 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out Y7W BTB Type1.5_Front Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5FBND 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5WF 5WE 5WE 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3PA 1.34 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UM4 UM4 BTB Type1.5_Front Allosteric Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PIYA 2.55 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out 585 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PJ2A 1.75 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 04K Type1.5_Back
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5XYZA 2.64 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-in GYL Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5XYZB 2.64 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-in GYL Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7YC9A 1.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-in IS4 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3OCTA 1.95 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 1N1 Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NFIA 2.41 Inactive DFGinter None out-out none-out KLP Type1
BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PJ3A 1.85 Inactive None None in-in none-out 04L Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor AF-P07333-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3LCDA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in BDY Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 8CGCA 1.925 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in LMR UIK Allosteric Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3BEAA 2.02 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in IXH Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2I1MA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 5CN Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 8JOTA 1.69 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in UKI Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2I0VA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 6C3 Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2I0YA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5CN Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3KRJA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in KRJ Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3KRLA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in KRL Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 7TNHA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none out-in I9W Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6T2WA 1.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in M9T Type1
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3DPKA 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 8C5 Type1.5_Back
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 4HW7A 2.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 64M Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 4R7HA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P31 Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 4R7IA 2.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6N33A 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 622 Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 7MFCA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none out-in Z6V Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6WXJA 2.62 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in UF4 Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3LCOA 3.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in LC0 Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6IG8A 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in A7O Type2
CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2OGVA 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 3D7UA 4.111 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 3D7UC 4.111 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK AF-P41240-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 3D7TA 2.899 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none STU Type1
CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1BYGA 2.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out none-in STU Type1
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 AF-Q08345-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6Y23A 2.58 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6Y23B 2.58 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6Y23C 2.58 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6BRJA 2.231 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in VX6 Type1
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6BSDA 2.606 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in 1N1 Type1
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAUA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IF Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAVA 1.76 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IJ Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAWA 1.601 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IM Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAXA 1.902 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IM Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAYA 2.19 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IJ Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAYB 2.19 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IJ Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAZA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IW Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SB0A 1.97 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IZ Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SB1A 1.53 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1JI Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FEWA 1.44 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6W Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FEXA 1.291 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Z Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FILA 1.73 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6W Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FINA 1.67 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJQ Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FIOA 1.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJH Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FIQA 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJW Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 3ZOSB 1.92 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 4BKJA 1.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 4BKJB 1.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 4CKRA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DI1 Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6GWRA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FEW Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6GWRB 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FEW Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6HP9A 1.96 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in GKB Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6HP9B 1.96 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in GKB Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7BCMA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in TBK Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7BCMB 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in TBK Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7BE6A 1.871 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in TJW Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVNA 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 4VD Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVOA 1.98 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 4VE Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5FDPA 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5WR Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5FDXA 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5X1 Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5FDXB 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5X1 Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 3ZOSA 1.92 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI 0LI Type2 Allosteric
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7FEHA 1.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 3UI Type3
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVWA 1.94 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in 1N1 Type1
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SB2A 1.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 1K2 Type2
DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVKA 2.29 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 4VC Type3
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 AF-Q16832-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERD 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type1
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERI 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type1
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERA 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERB 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERC 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERE 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERF 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERG 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERH 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERJ 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERK 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERL 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type2
DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 7AYMA 2.12 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 4VD Type2
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3IKAA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0UN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ER2A 2.662 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LL0A 4.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in YUN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LL0B 4.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in YUN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV4A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 MWU Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV6A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N86 Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV7A 2.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N8O Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV8A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N99 Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV9A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N9L Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV1A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N6N Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV3A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 MWU Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV5A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N7C Allosteric Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JITA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3UG1A 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor AF-P00533-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2J5EA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS2A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS6A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WRGA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7SI1A 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4TKSA 3.202 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 1M14A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2EB2A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4R3PA 2.905 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4R3RA 3.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CZHA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CZIA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8H7XA 3.404 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GY Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XGNA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 85X Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JRXA 2.201 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JO Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5J9YA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6HL Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8EMEB 3.32 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-none ZNL Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5J9ZA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6HJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6IA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in R1W Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2KA 3.201 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0UN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIUA 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in AEE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5FEQA 3.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5XH Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4G5PA 3.17 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0WN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GMPA 2.797 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out F62 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTZA 2.999 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 81C Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XDKA 2.346 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8JC Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JX4A 2.531 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WD5A 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-out 3LH Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5Y9TA 3.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8RC Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3UG2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IRE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3VJNA 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7VRAA 2.41 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in I0A Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7VREA 2.507 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7VH Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S89A 2.701 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L0Q Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S8AA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L0N Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYMA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GY Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYNA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0UN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYPA 2.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in R25 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7OXBA 2.56 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 35Z Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8WD4A 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in W7W Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6LUBA 2.315 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EUX Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6LUDA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HVAA 2.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in N9R Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JZ0A 2.86 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CKO Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITWA 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ITQ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITXA 2.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITYA 3.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IRE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2J5FA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DJK Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2J6MA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AEE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6VH4A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6VHNA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6VHPA 3.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QP1 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8G63A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YXT Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKVA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZRT Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5FEDA 2.651 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5X4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7T4IA 2.61 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JQ7A 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJQ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JQ8A 2.83 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJ8 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JR3A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJR Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JRVA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJV Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LI5A 2.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1WY Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I23A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1C9 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UGBA 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8BM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7AEIA 2.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R85 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5JEBA 3.298 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6JS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WKQA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IRE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZAUA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAVA 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZQ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM8A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5Q4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KXZA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XA4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U99A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in M0R Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U9AA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in M19 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1HA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X9H Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1XA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1YA 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R2E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8TJLA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HZ6 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV2A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in MWU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 1M17A 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AQ4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7B85A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3VJOA 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7AEMA 2.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GY Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITNA 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITOA 3.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IRE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITPA 2.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AEE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITQA 2.68 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ITQ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S9BA 3.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L1H Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S9CA 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L1K Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S9DA 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L3Z Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HY7A 2.91 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NSO Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ4A 2.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3QW Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ7A 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3R1 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ8A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3QS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5C8KA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4YV Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5C8MA 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4YW Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5C8NA 2.401 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4YX Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CALA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4Z8 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CANA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZB Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAOA 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in 4ZG Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAPA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZH Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM7A 2.81 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5Q4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HCXA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 60B Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HCZA 2.62 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 60E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HIBA 2.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 63M Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JRKA 2.796 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in C6O Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITTA 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AEE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITUA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ITQ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITVA 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITZA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IRE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X26A 2.951 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7XO Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X27A 2.952 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7XR Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X28A 2.952 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7XU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XDLA 2.7 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 8JC Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JWLA 2.551 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LQMA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DJK Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSB 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSC 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSD 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7T4JA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7T4JB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMA 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMB 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMC 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMD 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRME 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JX0A 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 YY3 Type1 Allosteric
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4G5JA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0WN 0WM 0WM Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D73A 2.17 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QCR Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D73B 2.17 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QCR Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D76A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFO Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D76B 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFO Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6D8EA 2.537 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FZP Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1ZA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X9B Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ5A 3.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in 3QY Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAQA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZJ Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CASA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZQ Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAUA 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZR Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HCYA 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 60D Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HICA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 63N Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4R5SA 3.001 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FI3 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2OA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in 03P Type1.5_Front
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2PA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in W2P Type1.5_Front
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2QA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in HKI Type1.5_Front
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EDPA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XGMA 2.952 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 85X Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JRJA 2.943 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out in-none C6O Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5Y25A 3.102 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 8LU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EDRA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 5N4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM5A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 5Q2 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2EB3A 2.84 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in in-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFUB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-out N7K Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EDQA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 5N3 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A27A 1.07 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out KY9 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A2AA 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out KY9 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXIC 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-in 8BS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ6A 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in 3R0 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM6A 2.78 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in 5Q3 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A2DA 1.11 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-in KXY Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXNA 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7TVDA 2.96 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5ZTOA 2.649 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none 9JO Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66D 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QP1 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KC 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KD 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KF 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KG 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OC 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OD 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OE 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OH 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5NA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QP7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QP4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4C 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSED 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5D41B 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AD 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKB 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VO7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VO7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VO7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMC 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0A 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in XA4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFYA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N7Z Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6JB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R2E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYQA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out V58 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5FEEA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in in-in 5X4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYA 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 816 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYC 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 816 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYF 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 816 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNOB 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNNA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP NQ1 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LC 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LD 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP O57 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AMP O57 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QC 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AMP O57 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QD 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AMP O57 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4A 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in Q6K NQ1 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4D 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP NQ1 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5D41A 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP 57N Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKC 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKD 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKE 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKF 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKC 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKD 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKE 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKF 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMB 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in YY3 9LL Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMD 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPA 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPB 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPD 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPF 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQB 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP VNS Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQD 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP VNS Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP YFA Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP YFA Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP YFA Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXD 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP YFA Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4A 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4B 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4C 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4D 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4BA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out Q6K 9LL Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4BB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out Q6K 9LL Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4DB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out 8BS 57N Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1IA 3.202 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP VNS Type1 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GNKA 1.796 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 80U Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2A 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TOV Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2B 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in TOV Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2C 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in TOV Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2D 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in TOV Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3C 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out YA6 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4D 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in YAA Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in N7K Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFVA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-in N7Q Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFVB 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in N7Q Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFWA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in N7W Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFWB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N7W Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFYB 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N7Z Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFZA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-in N7B Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFZB 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in N7B Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG0A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in N78 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG0B 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in N78 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG1A 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N82 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG1B 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out N82 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIVB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out HKI Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYB 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYD 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYE 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYG 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYH 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2RA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W2R Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RGPA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in HYZ Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3BELA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in POX Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ITI Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ITI Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ITI Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBD 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ITI Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3POZA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 03P Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2SA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out W2R Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W32A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W32 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W33A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W19 Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 1XKKA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out FMM Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out TQA Type1.5_Front
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXNC 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out UEJ Type1.5_Front
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXND 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in UEJ Type1.5_Front
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8B 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS 8RC Type1.5_Front Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5ZWJA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out 9LL Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A2BA 1.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out KY9 Type3
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in NQ1 ANP Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in NQ1 ANP Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4B 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in NQ1 Q6K Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPC 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in JBJ YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPE 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in JBJ YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQA 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS ANP Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQC 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VNS ANP Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8A 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS 8RC Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8C 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS 8RC Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8D 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS 8RC Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A2AA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 57N 7G9 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A2AB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 57N 7G9 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HA 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HB 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HC 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HD 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HE 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HF 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4C 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWD 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFDA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFDB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFEA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFEB 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFEC 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFED 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66A 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP1 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66B 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QP1 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66C 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP1 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KE 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KH 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QQJ Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OF 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OG 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5NB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5NC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QP7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5ND 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QP4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PD 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXNB 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWB 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-in ZRT Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWC 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ZRT Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3B 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3D 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSEA 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSEB 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSEC 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AC 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XO Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2CA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XR Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2CB 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XR Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FC 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FD 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XU Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXIA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-in 8BS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXID 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 8BS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in VO7 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMA 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0B 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out XA4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0D 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in XA4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98B 3.42 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out M1O Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98C 3.42 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out M1O Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98D 3.42 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-out M1O Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WC 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WD 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4DA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 8BS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6JA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out R2E Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-none none-out R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KC 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-none none-out R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-out R28 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I24A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1C9 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I24B 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 1C9 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9A 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9B 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9C 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9D 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I22A 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out IRE Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS7A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS7B 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8A 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8B 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8C 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8D 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNOA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4HJOA 2.75 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out AQ4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNNB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JXTA 2.307 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in YY3 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XO ANP Type1 Allosteric
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AB 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XO ANP Type1 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8EMEA 3.32 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GOPA 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXIB 3.0 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-in 8BS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0C 3.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in XA4 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98A 3.42 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none M1O Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYQB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out V58 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIWB 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIWD 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIXB 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIXD 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIYB 2.981 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIYD 2.981 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIVA 3.5 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in HKI Type1.5_Back
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8H7XB 3.404 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XGNB 3.0 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JITB 3.1 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIUB 3.05 Inactive DFGinter None in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4G5PB 3.17 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3IKAB 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WD5B 3.3 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UWDA 3.06 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out 8OV Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RF9A 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZJVA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZJVB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG5A 1.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 633 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG7A 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 630 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG8A 1.42 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 634 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG9A 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 63A Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5U8LA 1.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in O44 Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UG8A 1.46 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8BP Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UG9A 1.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8AM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UGAA 1.82 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8BM Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UGCA 1.58 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8BS Type1
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I1ZA 3.0 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I21A 3.37 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I21B 3.37 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RF9B 3.5 Inactive DFGout None out-none in-out No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I20A 3.34 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8DSWA 2.39 Inactive None None none-none in-in ANP Type1
EPHA1 EPHA1_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 1 AF-P21709-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4TRLA 2.452 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJBA 2.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK0A 1.597 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 91E Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK8A 1.761 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 90Z Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNHA 1.379 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in DXK Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNHB 1.379 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out DXK Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK3A 1.586 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 92Q Type1.5_Back
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8QQYA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in WT3 Type1.5_Back
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 AF-P29317-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4P2KA 1.499 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9UA 1.889 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5EK7A 1.901 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5EK7B 1.901 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9VA 1.458 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA0A 1.948 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in A5B Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKAA 1.377 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in 91H Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNHC 1.379 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none DXK Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BINA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in QRR Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 1MQBA 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-in ANP Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 1MQBB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJAB 1.75 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ACP Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BIOA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in QRD Type1.5_Back
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9WA 1.359 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in ANP Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9XA 1.427 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in DB8 Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9YA 1.228 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-none 1N1 Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9ZA 1.698 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 627 Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA0B 1.948 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in A5B Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA0C 1.948 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none A5B Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA3A 1.788 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in P17 Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NJZA 1.768 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in 8ZH Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK1A 1.548 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90N Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK2A 1.649 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZZ Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK4A 1.45 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90E Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK5A 1.329 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90K Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK6A 1.267 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 90W Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK7A 1.889 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZZ Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK9A 1.588 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 912 Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKBA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZT Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKCA 1.448 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90T Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKDA 1.408 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 91K Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKEA 1.39 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90B Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKFA 1.099 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 8ZN Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKGA 1.1 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 8ZK Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKHA 1.29 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZQ Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKIA 1.675 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none 8ZW Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BK0A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in QJI Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJCA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in ACP Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJCB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none ACP Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJAA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none ACP Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA2A 1.619 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in L66 Type1.5_Back
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4PDOA 2.104 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4PDOB 2.104 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA1A 2.036 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in ZZL Type1
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8XPVA 1.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 4Z5 Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNFA 1.556 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none DXH Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNGA 1.038 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in DWT Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HESA 1.128 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G0H Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HETA 1.208 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G0Q Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEUA 1.719 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G0N Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEVA 1.28 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in G0K Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEWA 1.268 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out G0E Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEXA 1.413 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G02 Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEYA 1.367 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out FZW Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7BA 1.009 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out HO5 Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7CA 1.049 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out HOK Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7DA 0.978 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out HOT Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7EA 1.059 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none HMW Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7GA 1.047 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none HO8 Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOCA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in QUF Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BODA 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QTX Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOGA 1.47 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QUU Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOHA 1.42 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out R0T Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOIA 1.63 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out R0O Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOKA 2.02 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in R0X Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOMA 1.12 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QU6 Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA4A 1.797 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 88Z Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA5A 1.776 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in GV0 Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7FA 1.204 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none HNZ Type2
EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOFA 1.82 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none R3L Type2
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 AF-P29320-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOBA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 3FY2A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2GSFA 1.77 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QO2A 1.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOKA 1.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QONA 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOCA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4GK3A 1.898 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L87 Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4P5QA 1.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q0B Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4TWOA 2.047 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 37W Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 3FXXA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QO7A 1.605 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-none ANP Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QO9A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOQA 1.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in ANP Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4G2FA 1.699 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none C07 Type1.5_Back
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4GK2A 2.195 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none L66 Type1.5_Back
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4GK4A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L90 Type1.5_Back
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 6IN0A 1.501 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O4B O4B Type3 Allosteric
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOOA 1.25 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOFA 1.2 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QODA 1.15 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOIA 1.25 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOLA 1.07 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4P4CA 1.599 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none 25Q Type1
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 3DZQA 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none IFC Type2
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4P5ZA 2.002 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none Q7M Type2
EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4TWNA 1.706 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in B96 Type2
EPHA4 EPHA4_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 4 AF-P54764-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA5 EPHA5_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 5 AF-P54756-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA5 EPHA5_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 5 2R2PA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA6 EPHA6_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 6 AF-Q9UF33-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 7EEDA 3.05 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 2REIA 1.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 7EECA 3.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 AF-Q15375-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 7EEFA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 3DKOA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none IHZ Type2
EPHA8 EPHA8_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 8 AF-P29322-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA8 EPHA8_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 8 3KULA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHA8 EPHA8_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 8 3KULB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 AF-P54762-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXC 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXE 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXF 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXG 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXH 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXI 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJAB 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7O3 Type1
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJBB 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7O3 Type1
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJAA 2.14 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 7O3 Type1.5_Back
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJBA 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7O3 Type1.5_Back
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 7KPLA 2.705 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 7KPMA 1.608 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none ADP Type1
EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 6UMWA 1.982 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in CTC Type1.5_Back
EPHB2 EPHB2_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 2 AF-P29323-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB2 EPHB2_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 2 3ZFMA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 AF-P54753-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 3ZFYA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 3ZFYB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 5L6OA 1.88 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 6P6 Type1
EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 5L6PA 2.26 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 6P8 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNLA 1.269 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 AF-P54760-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 3ZEWA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 3ZEWB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-none none-in STU Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNKA 1.049 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in DXK Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNMA 1.157 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 1N1 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 4AW5A 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in 30K Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWXA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X4 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWYA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X5 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWZA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X6 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VX0A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X7 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VX1A 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X8 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2X9FA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in X9F Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 4BB4A 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 32W Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2XVDA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in AS6 Type1.5_Back
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2YN8A 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none STU Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2YN8B 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none STU Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 7X1 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWVA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 7X3 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWWA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 7X2 Type1
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNIA 1.468 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out DXH Type2
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNJA 1.239 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out DWT Type2
EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNJB 1.239 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out DWT Type2
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 AF-P04626-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDB 3.21 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDD 3.21 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7PCDA 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-in 70I Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHA 3.27 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHE 3.27 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHB 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-in VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHC 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHD 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHF 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHG 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHH 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3PP0A 2.25 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in 03Q Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3PP0B 2.25 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in 03Q Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDA 3.21 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 03P Type1.5_Back
ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDC 3.21 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 03P Type1.5_Back
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3KEXA 2.797 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3KEXB 2.797 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIWA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIWC 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 6OP9A 2.501 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in DB8 Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3LMGA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3LMGB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIYA 2.981 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIYC 2.981 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIXA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIXC 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 AF-Q15303-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BCEA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BCEB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BCEC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBWA 4.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBWB 4.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 2R4BA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in GW7 Type1.5_Back
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 2R4BB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in GW7 Type1.5_Back
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBTB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none FMM Type1.5_Back
ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBTD 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none FMM Type1.5_Back
FER FER_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fer AF-P16591-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps AF-P07332-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 6JMFA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9FC Type1
FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 3BKBA 1.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 4E93A 1.84 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GUI Type1
FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 3CBLA 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU STU STU Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 3CD3A 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU STU STU Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXB 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXC 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXD 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFA 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFB 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFC 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFD 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 AF-P11362-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQIA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWIA 2.292 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWIB 2.292 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGKB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWYA 2.305 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWYB 2.305 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KY2A 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KY2B 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWLA 2.193 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFE 2.58 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM7A 1.957 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM7B 1.957 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWKA 2.982 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 66T Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4ZSAA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 4UT Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4ZSAB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 4UT Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5Z0SA 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 960 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5Z0SB 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 960 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6ITJA 1.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out AXU Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6ITJB 1.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out AXU Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F63A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 0S7 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F63B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out 0S7 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F64A 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 0S8 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F64B 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 0S8 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKAA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out 2K7 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKSA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 2M2 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKSB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 2M2 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWBA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out JVT Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWBB 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out JVT Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWCA 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 4Y0 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWCB 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 4Y0 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O49A 1.91 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 9K5 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O49B 1.91 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 9K5 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O4AA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 9K8 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O4AB 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 9K8 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZBAAA 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 47I Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZBBBB 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 47I Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZDAAA 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 42I Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZDBBB 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 42I Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZFAAA 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 466 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZFBBB 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 466 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1AGWA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out SU2 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1AGWB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out SU2 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGIA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out SU1 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGIB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out SU1 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM6A 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM6B 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UQ0A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out WP1 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UQ0B 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out WP1 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3JS2A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out VM1 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3JS2B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out VM1 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQLC 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-none GQL Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8JMZA 1.988 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out UKI Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8JMZB 1.988 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out UKI Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A46A 2.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A46B 2.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWKB 2.982 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 66T Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3C4FA 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out C4F Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3C4FB 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out C4F Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3RHXA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 3RH Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3RHXB 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 3RH Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A4CA 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out XOJ Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A4CB 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out XOJ Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NK9B 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 2K5 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5EW8A 1.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5SF Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5EW8B 1.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5SF Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 2FGIA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out PD1 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 2FGIB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out PD1 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5B7VA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out LWJ Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4WUNA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 66T Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4WUNB 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 66T Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UR1A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY9 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C18A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY5 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C19A 2.12 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY7 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C19B 2.12 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY7 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1BA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY4 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1BB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY4 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1CA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY6 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1CB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY6 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1OA 2.29 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out MK9 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1OB 2.29 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none MK9 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZQA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZQB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWJA 2.489 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 66T Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWJB 2.489 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 66T Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQLA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out GQL Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3TT0A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 07J Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3TT0B 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 07J Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out XL6 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL6 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL6 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLD 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out XL6 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7WCLA 2.495 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 8ZF Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7WCLB 2.495 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 8ZF Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8XLOA 2.36 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out A1LVQ Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8XLOB 2.36 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out A1LVQ Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZWA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5VNDA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 9ES Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5VNDB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 9ES Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P68A 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O1Y Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P68B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O1Y Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P68C 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O1Y Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P69A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O21 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P69B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O21 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQLB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-none GQL Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5ZV2A 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out LEV Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5ZV2B 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out LEV Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NK9A 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 2K5 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5B7VB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out LWJ Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UR1B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none YY9 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWLB 2.193 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 3ZC Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F65A 2.26 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 0S9 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKAB 2.19 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 2K7 Type1
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F65B 2.26 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 0S9 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C18B 2.3 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none YY5 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZWB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4V01A 2.33 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4V01B 2.33 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8SWEA 2.24 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GSH WXQ Allosteric Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J96A 2.297 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J98A 2.307 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 AF-P21802-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 1GJOA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UI0A 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PSQA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PSQB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PWLA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PWLB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGLA 1.861 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGLB 1.861 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J96B 2.297 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J98B 2.307 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVFA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3CLYA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99A 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99B 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99C 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99D 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYC 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYD 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95A 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95B 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95C 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95D 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZ5A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZ5B 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97A 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97B 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97C 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97D 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZPA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZPB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZRA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZRB 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UHNA 2.909 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UHNB 2.909 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3B2TA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in M33 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3B2TB 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in M33 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7OZYAAA 2.28 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 47I Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7OZYBBB 2.28 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 47I Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75A 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KX0 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75B 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KX0 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75C 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in KX0 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75D 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KX0 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVKA 2.29 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVC Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVKB 2.29 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVC Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVLA 2.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVL Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVLB 2.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVL Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3RI1B 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3RH Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 1OECA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AA2 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8SWEB 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in WXQ Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGXA 2.349 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGXB 2.349 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UI0B 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIAA 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WFD Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIAB 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WFD Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIEA 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WF7 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIEB 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WF7 Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2Q0BA 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2Q0BB 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PY3A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PY3B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5EG3A 2.606 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QA 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QB 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QD 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXA 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXB 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXC 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXD 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3RI1A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3RH Type1.5_Back
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8E1XA 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out U9P Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8E1XB 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out U9P Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8STGA 3.79 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-in WCJ Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8U1FA 3.33 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-in UIM Type1.5_Back
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QC 2.46 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8U1FB 3.33 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out UIM Type1.5_Back
FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8STGB 3.79 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in WCJ Type1.5_Back
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 AF-P22607-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 4K33A 2.341 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 6LVMA 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVR Type1.5_Back
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 7DHLA 2.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H6X Type1.5_Back
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDUB 1.737 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WIQ Type1.5_Front
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDTA 2.829 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out MLT MLT WGF Allosteric Allosteric Type1.5_Front
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 6PNXA 2.199 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-in ACP Type1
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 6PNXB 2.199 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-in ACP Type1
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDVA 2.348 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDVB 2.348 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDVC 2.348 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDTB 2.829 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out WGF Type1.5_Front
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDTC 2.829 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out WGF Type1.5_Front
FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDUA 1.737 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 AF-P22455-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQJA 1.682 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQTA 1.501 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYGA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7WCXA 2.175 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 90F Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YBXA 2.233 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IH7 Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7WCWA 2.317 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 90F Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YBPA 2.243 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IH7 Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6JPJA 2.638 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out FGF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7VJLA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 7IF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7VJLB 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 7IF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6YI8A 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out FGF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6YI8B 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out FGF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NUDA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out 99K Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYIA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 38O Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7WCTA 2.106 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 90F Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YBOA 2.307 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IH7 Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YC1A 2.535 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IIQ Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YC3A 1.987 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IIW Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6IUOA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out AWX Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6IUPA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out AX0 Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4XCUA 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 40M Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVGA 1.99 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL8 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVHA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out XL6 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVIA 2.117 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out XL7 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVJA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL5 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVKA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL9 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6V9CA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out QS7 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7DTZA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out HHL Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6JPEA 1.601 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out BYU Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NWZB 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 9CT Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7F3MA 2.289 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out GX3 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7V29A 1.983 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5JR Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7V29B 1.983 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5JR Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 8XLQA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out A1LVQ Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQCA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 37O Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NWZA 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-in 9CT Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYEA 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5XFJA 3.25 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 6LF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5XFFA 2.7 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 6LF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5JKGA 2.352 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 6LF Type1
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQ5A 2.203 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 37O Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4R6VA 2.353 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none FI3 Type1.5_Back
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4UXQA 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYJA 2.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QRCA 1.901 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out 0LI Type2
FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NUDB 2.5 Inactive None None in-in none-out 99K Type1
FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr AF-P09769-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr 7UY0A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VSE Type1.5_Back
FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr 7UY0B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSE Type1.5_Back
FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr 7UY3A 2.99 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OJL Type2
FLT1 VGFR1_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 AF-P17948-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FLT1 VGFR1_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 3HNGA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 8ST Type2
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 AF-P36888-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 4XUFA 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P30 Type2
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 4XUFB 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P30 Type2
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 4RT7A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P30 Type2
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 1RJBA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 6JQRA 2.2 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in C6F Type1
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 5X02A 2.401 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in F6M Type1
FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 6IL3A 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in A9R Type1
FLT4 VGFR3_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 AF-P35916-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FRK FRK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK AF-P42685-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FYN FYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn AF-P06241-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
FYN FYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn 2DQ7X 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK AF-P08631-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 1AD5A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out ANP Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 1AD5B 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out ANP Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2HCKA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out QUE Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2HCKB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out QUE Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2HK5A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1BM Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5ZJ6A 1.696 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VSE Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 1QCFA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out PP1 Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS2A 2.609 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSB Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS5A 2.851 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSG Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS5B 2.851 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSG Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS7B 3.001 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none KS1 Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUDA 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SK8 Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUDB 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SK8 Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0GA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOU Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5ZJ6B 1.696 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VSE Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRYA 2.481 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out B43 Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRYB 2.481 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out B43 Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS3A 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSE Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS3B 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSE Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS4A 2.747 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSF Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS4B 2.747 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSF Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS6A 2.373 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSH Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS6B 2.373 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSH Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUEA 3.04 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSE Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUEB 3.04 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSE Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H09A 1.945 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOO Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0BA 1.651 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOQ Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0EA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOS Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0HA 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOV Type1.5_Back
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0IB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L1G Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0OB 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L2G Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0IA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L1G Type1.5_Front
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0OA 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L2G Type1.5_Front
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0TA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L3G Type1.5_Front
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0TB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L3G Type1.5_Front
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRZA 2.218 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none VRZ Type1.5_Front
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRZB 2.218 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out VRZ Type1.5_Front
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS0A 2.934 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VS0 Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS0B 2.934 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VS0 Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS1B 2.464 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VSA Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS2B 2.609 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VSB Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS7A 3.001 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none KS1 Type1
HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS1A 2.464 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VSA Type1.5_Back
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1K3AA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in ACP Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3B 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3C 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3D 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPA 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PDR Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPB 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PDR Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPC 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PDR Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PB 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PC 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PD 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PE 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PF 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PG 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PH 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PI 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PJ 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PK 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PL 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PM 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PR 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PS 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PT 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor AF-P08069-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUC 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in 01P Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPD 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PDR Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 01P Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 01P Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUD 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 01P Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 4D2RA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in DYK Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3NW5A 2.14 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in LGX Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3NW6A 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in LGW Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3NW7A 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in LGV Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5FXQA 2.3 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in GD5 Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5FXRA 2.4 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 8LN Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1JQHA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ANP Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1JQHB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ANP Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1JQHC 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ANP Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3I81A 2.08 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in EBI Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5FXSA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-in OZN Type1
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3D94A 2.3 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in D94 Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIAAA 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIBBB 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYICCC 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIDDD 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIEEE 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIFFF 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIGGG 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIHHH 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNC 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZND 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNE 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNF 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNG 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNH 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1M7NA 2.7 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1M7NB 2.7 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1P4OA 1.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1P4OB 1.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0A 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0B 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0C 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3O23A 2.1 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in MQY Type2
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYJAAA 2.702 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in IEA Type2
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYKAAA 2.23 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in IC2 Type2
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYLAAA 2.93 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in IE0 Type2
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYMAAA 2.652 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in IED Type2
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYNAAA 1.71 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in ICV Type2
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0D 1.79 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2OJ9A 2.0 Inactive None None in-out out-in BMI Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2AUHA 3.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2B4SB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2B4SD 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3BU6A 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor AF-P06213-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1GAGA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1RQQA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1RQQB 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3BU3A 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2Z8CA 3.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in S91 Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1IR3A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3BU5A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 4XLVA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1P14A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 4IBMA 1.8 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IR1 Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 4IBMB 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in IR1 Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1I44A 2.4 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ACP Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 5E1SA 2.264 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 5JA Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3EKKA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in GS2 Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3EKNA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in GS3 Type1
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 5HHWA 1.79 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 60O Type1.5_Front
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1IRKA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3ETAA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 351 Type2
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3ETAB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 351 Type2
INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 8DWNA 2.15 Inactive None None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
INSRR INSRR_HUMAN Insulin receptor-related protein AF-P14616-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK AF-Q08881-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGYB 2.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none L7O Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MIYB 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none B49 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF1A 2.113 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none 29Y Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF1B 2.113 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 29Y Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4RFMA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 3P6 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOA 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none G5K Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOB 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none G5K Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOD 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none G6K Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4L7SA 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none G7K Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4L7SB 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none G7K Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF0A 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 29Z Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PP9A 2.58 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none 2VT Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PP9B 2.58 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none 2VT Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4QD6A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 30T Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGWA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out PQC Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGYA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none PQC Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5JA 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0F2 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LA 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0G1 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LB 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 0G1 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LC 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 0G1 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LD 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 0G1 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8TA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 477 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8TB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 477 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8WA 2.27 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0G2 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8WB 2.27 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0G2 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOC 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out G6K G5K Type1 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNXA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNXB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MJ2A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out MJG Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPAA 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VU Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPAB 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VU Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPBA 2.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VV Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPBB 2.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VV Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4QD6B 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 30T Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SM2A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none STU Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNUA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none STU Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4HCTA 1.48 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 18R Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4HCUA 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 13L Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4HCVA 1.48 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 13J Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3T9TA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out IAQ Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M0YA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out M0Y M0Y Type1 Type3
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M14A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QWS QWS Type1 Type3
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M12A 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1YZ Type3
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M13A 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1E0 Type3
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M0ZA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out M0Z M0Z Type3 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M15A 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QWS ADP Type3 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MIYA 1.67 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none B49 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MJ1A 1.72 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 614 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PQNA 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 2W6 Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF0B 2.67 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 29Z Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPCA 2.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 2VW Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPCB 2.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 2VW Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGWB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none L7A Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SM2B 2.3 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none STU Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNUB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none STU Type1
ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5JB 2.59 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 0F2 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LE 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 3EYGA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 3EYHA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5E1EB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6AAHA 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6AAHB 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPEA 2.87 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTW Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPEB 2.87 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTW Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPFA 2.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPFB 2.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6GGHA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in EYQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6GGHB 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in EYQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6ELRA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in BFK Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6ELRB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in BFK Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SM8B 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKT Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SMBA 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SMBB 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LD 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4NA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NL Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4NB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NL Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E5WA 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NT Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E5WB 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NT Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZA 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZB 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZC 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZD 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EI4A 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0Q2 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EI4B 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0Q2 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4FK6A 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0UJ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4FK6B 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0UJ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4I5CA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in C5I Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4I5CB 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in C5I Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVBA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J5 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVBB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J5 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVCA 2.35 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J6 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVCB 2.35 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J6 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVDA 1.93 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15T Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVDB 1.93 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15T Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4K6ZA 2.73 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1Q3 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4K77A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1Q4 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4K77B 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1Q4 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5HX8A 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 66P Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5HX8B 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 66P Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5WO4A 1.84 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in B7V Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5WO4B 1.84 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in B7V Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6HZUA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in GYQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6HZUB 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in GYQ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N77A 1.64 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEJ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N77B 1.64 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEJ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N78A 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEP Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N79A 2.27 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KES Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7BA 1.81 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEY Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7CA 1.69 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KF1 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7CB 1.69 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KF1 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7DA 1.78 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KF4 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSBA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KGZ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSBB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KGZ Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSCA 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH5 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSCB 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH5 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSDA 1.76 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH8 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSDB 1.76 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH8 Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSEA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHH Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSEB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHH Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSHA 1.71 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHE Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSHB 1.71 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHE Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SM8A 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKT Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7AA 1.33 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEV Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7AB 1.33 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEV Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5KHWA 2.47 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5KHXA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6TE Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6BBUA 2.08 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in D7D Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6DBNA 2.48 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in G4J Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6W8LA 2.11 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4S Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 AF-P23458-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6C7YA 2.499 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5E1EA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5KHWB 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L01A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L01B 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L00A 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L00B 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZA 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Allosteric Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZB 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Allosteric Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZD 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Allosteric Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7UYWA 2.51 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in OV0 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BBVA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in D7D Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6X8EA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6X8EB 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7LL5A 1.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in Y5G Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2B7AA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2B7AB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3FUPA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3FUPB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4P7EA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2HB Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4P7EB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2HB Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3E62A 1.922 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5B1 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3E63A 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5B2 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3E64A 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5B3 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3KRRA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in DQX Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3LPBA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NVB Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3LPBB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NVB Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ6A 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GV Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ6B 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GV Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ7A 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ7B 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7LL4A 1.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in Y5D Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7REEA 1.38 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 4LY Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4D0WA 1.77 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in VVQ Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4D0XA 1.82 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 953 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5AEPA 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in QUP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJCA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0TP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJCB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0TP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJDA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6TP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJDB 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6TP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4HGEA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4HGEB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4IVAA 1.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J5 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4JI9A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4JI9B 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1M3 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3Q32A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in J2I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3Q32B 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in J2I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF8A 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF8B 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4AQCA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 88A Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4AQCB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 88A Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4F08A 2.82 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1RS Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4F08B 2.82 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1RS Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4F09A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GFMA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0X2 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3RVGA 2.498 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 17P Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLC 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLD 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VN8A 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 3JW Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VN8B 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 3JW Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNBA 2.19 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6P Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNBB 2.19 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6P Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNCA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNCB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNEA 2.32 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2TA Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNEB 2.32 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 2TA Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNFA 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6S Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNFB 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out R6S Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNGA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6M Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNGB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6M Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNHA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in XZS Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNHB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out XZS Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNIA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R61 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNIB 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out R61 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNJA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5S Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNJB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5S Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKC 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKD 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5W2 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5W2 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLC 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 5W2 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLD 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 5W2 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNMA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5Y Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNMB 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5Y Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VS3A 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VS3B 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSNA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSNB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSNC 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSND 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTNA 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTOA 1.74 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 3JW Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTPA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in U8P Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTQA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out U8J Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G6ZA 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YSI Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G6ZB 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YSI Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8OA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT0 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8OB 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT0 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8XA 1.97 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT8 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8XB 1.97 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT8 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3IO7A 2.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1P5 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3IOKA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1P6 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BX9A 1.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S59 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BX9B 1.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S59 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BXCA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S4R Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BXCB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S4R Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BXHA 1.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in C87 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BPVA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6T3 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BPWA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2V9 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BPWB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2V9 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4ZIMA 2.65 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 4OK Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4ZIMB 2.65 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 4OK Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF4A 2.38 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50Y Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF4B 2.38 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50Y Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF5A 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 50W Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF5B 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50W Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF6A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50O Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF6B 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50O Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6DA 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NU Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6DB 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NU Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6QA 1.948 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 0NV Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6QB 1.948 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 0NV Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2XA4A 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in AZ5 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2XA4B 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in AZ5 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3ZMMA 2.51 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in F9J Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3ZMMB 2.51 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in F9J Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C61A 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LMM Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C61B 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LMM Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C62A 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in XWW Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C62B 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in XWW Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZC 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Type1 Allosteric
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 AF-O60674-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2W1IB 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTCA 2.16 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4HW Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTFA 1.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4HZ Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTHA 2.04 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 467 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTIA 2.52 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VJK Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4D1SA 1.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in BJG Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4JIAA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1K3 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4MA 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4MB 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4MD 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4ME 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GMYA 2.403 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0X5 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BX6A 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in S5I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5USYA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in SKE Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5USYB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in SKE Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6DRWA 2.303 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in SKE Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BM2A 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQC Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BM2B 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQC Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WEVA 1.854 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9ZS Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2W1IA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L0I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6TPDA 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QZ8 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5L3AA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6DP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6AAJA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6AAJB 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBEA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBEB 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBEC 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBED 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFC 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFD 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ4A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 7GY Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ5A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7GX Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ8A 1.59 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7GS Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7IA 1.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9I8 Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7KA 1.61 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9I5 Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7LA 1.97 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9I2 Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7WA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9HR Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3JY9A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZH Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3KCKA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3KC Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA4B 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4FVPA 2.01 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C09A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5I4NA 1.54 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6G3CA 1.6 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out EKT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6G3CB 1.6 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out EKT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6D2IA 3.192 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 35R Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6D2IB 3.192 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 35R Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B8NA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out AQG Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B8UA 1.5 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B8UB 1.5 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA2A 1.5 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q9X Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA4A 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out Q8U Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7F7WA 1.83 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 36H Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7F7WB 1.83 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 36H Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4FVRA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B99A 1.6 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out SKE Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B9EA 1.5 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q7F Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BABA 1.55 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q8N Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BAKA 1.65 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out AD5 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C0AA 1.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C0AB 1.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WIJA 2.04 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AQG Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WIKB 2.6 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 584 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WILA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out YDJ Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WIMA 2.55 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 35R Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WINA 2.38 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out SKE Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4FVQA 1.75 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5USZA 2.103 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out SKE Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT0A 2.102 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 35R Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT1A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 7DZ Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT2A 1.75 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 3YT Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT3A 1.501 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out IK1 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT4A 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out DQX Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT5A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 2HB Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT6A 1.645 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 8MY Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BRWA 2.031 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 5BS Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BS0A 1.541 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out E4V Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BSSA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 4SP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6M9HA 1.79 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out J9D Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OAVA 1.939 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out M3A Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OBBA 1.904 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M3Y Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OBFA 1.71 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M4G Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OBLA 2.061 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M4P Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OCCA 2.03 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M57 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6XJKA 2.024 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out V4D Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7JYOA 2.161 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VPS Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7JYQA 1.859 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out VPJ Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7T0PA 2.04 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out E3W Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7T0PB 2.04 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out E3W Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7T1TA 2.08 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out E8I Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B9HA 1.5 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q7F Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA3A 1.4 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q8U Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8EX0A 1.85 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AQG Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8EX1A 1.5 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AD5 Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C08A 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ATP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C08B 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8EX2A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out Q2Q Type1
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ3A 2.69 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in 7GZ Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ3B 2.69 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in 7GZ Type1.5_Back
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7RN6A 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 046 Type2
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3UGCA 1.34 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 046 Type2
JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7TEUA 1.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out I6C Type2
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7C3NA 1.98 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in FHX Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3LXKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 AF-P52333-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVA 2.46 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none GYW Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVB 2.46 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none GYW Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVC 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GYW Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVD 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GYW Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86A 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9YV Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86B 2.61 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9YV Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86C 2.61 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 9YV Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86D 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9YV Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKA 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKB 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKC 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKD 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6A 2.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VFC Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6B 2.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VFC Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6C 2.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out VFC Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6D 2.42 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none VFC Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPC 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPD 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVC 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out OV5 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVD 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4RIOA 2.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3QX Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5VO6A 2.65 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 9J4 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5WFJA 2.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9Z4 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6NY4A 2.33 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Z3A Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVDA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 933 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVGA 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 19Q Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVHA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 19R Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVIA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 19S Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4I6QA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1DT Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4QT1A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3C9 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3PJCA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PJC Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TOZA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7H4 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TTSA 2.34 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KU Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TTUA 1.72 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KV Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TTVA 1.93 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KX Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DA4A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in G4V Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DB3A 1.97 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in G54 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DB4A 1.662 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in G4Y Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DUDA 1.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HB4 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7Q6HAAA 1.749 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 934 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3LXLA 1.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4V0GB 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none G9B Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4V0GA 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none G9B Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 1YVJA 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4ST Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16A 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4LH Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16B 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4LH Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16C 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4LH Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16D 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4LH Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4QPSA 1.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 37Q Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4QPSC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 37Q Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5LWMA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 79T Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GL9A 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F3W Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GL9B 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F3W Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLAA 1.92 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F4B Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLAB 1.92 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F4B Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLBA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F48 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLBB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F48 Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APFA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQZ Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APFB 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQZ Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5LWNA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 79R 79S Type1 Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 AF-P35968-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CJGA 2.25 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none KIM Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2P2HA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 994 Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3WZDA 1.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out LEV Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8RA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 887 Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8RB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 887 Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1VR2A 2.4 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1Y6AA 2.1 Inactive DFGinter None in-in none-none AAZ Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1Y6BA 2.1 Inactive DFGinter None in-in none-none AAX Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4AG8A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AXI Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4AGDA 2.81 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B49 Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPBB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C92 Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2XIRA 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 00J Type1.5_Back
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4AGCA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AXI Type1.5_Back
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3WZEA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2OH4A 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out GIG Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2P2IA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 608 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3EFLA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 706 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3EFLB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 706 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 5EW3A 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 5T2 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 5EW3B 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 5T2 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6GQOA 1.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F82 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6GQPA 2.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F88 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6GQQA 1.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F8B Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6XVJA 1.78 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O35 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6XVKA 1.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O3E Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4ASDA 2.03 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in BAX Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4ASEA 1.83 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AV9 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VHEA 1.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 42Q Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VHKA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BPK Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2QU5A 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 276 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2QU6A 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 857 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2RL5A 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 2RL Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8QB 2.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 900 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3BE2A 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none RAJ Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CP9A 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C19 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CP9B 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C19 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPCB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C52 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3DTWB 2.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out A96 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3EWHA 1.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in K11 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3U6JA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 03X Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3C7QA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out XIN Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2P2IB 2.4 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 608 Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VNTA 1.64 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 0JA Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VO3A 1.52 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 0KF Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2QU6B 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 857 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8QA 2.75 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 900 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPBA 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out C92 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPCA 2.4 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out C52 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3DTWA 2.9 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out A96 Type2
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CJFA 2.15 Inactive None None in-out in-none SAV Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1YWNA 1.71 Inactive None None in-in none-out LIF Type1
KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VIDA 2.3 Inactive None None in-in none-out 4TT Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit AF-P10721-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHJA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEG Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHJB 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEG Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHKA 2.34 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEJ Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQGA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQGC 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQ9A 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQ9C 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQAA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 98A Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQAC 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 98A Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQBA 1.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9XO Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQCA 1.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9OO Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQCB 1.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9OO Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQDA 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9VV Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQDB 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9VV Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQEB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9WU Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQFA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9KI Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQFC 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9KI Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1PKGA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ADP Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1PKGB 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHKB 2.34 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEJ Type1.5_Back
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 3G0FA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B49 Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 3G0FB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B49 Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7ZW8A 2.119 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in K3R Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6KLAA 2.109 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJX Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 4HVSA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 647 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHGA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P31 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQJA 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F82 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQJB 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F82 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQKA 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F88 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQKB 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F88 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQLA 2.01 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F8B Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQLB 2.01 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F8B Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQMA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F8H Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQMB 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F8H Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XV9A 3.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O35 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XV9B 3.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O35 Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVAA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2K Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVAB 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2K Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVBA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2H Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVBB 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2H Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6HH1A 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G4E Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6MOBA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in JWY Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1T46A 1.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 4U0IA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7ZY6A 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in KCI Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6ITTA 2.103 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AWO Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6ITTB 2.103 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AWO Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6ITVA 1.881 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AWO Type2
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1T45A 1.9 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 3G0EA 1.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in B49 Type1
KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQEA 2.0 Inactive None None in-in none-in 9WU Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck AF-P06239-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3LCKA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OF2A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 547 Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OF4A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 979 Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYOA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AM9 Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OFUA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N9 Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPCA 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPEA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP2 Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPJA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2ZM1A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSF Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2ZM4A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSM Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2ZYBA 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSL Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC1A 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KZI Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC2A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSE Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC3A 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSH Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC4A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KZL Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC5A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KZM Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC8A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KSK Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3ACJA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSS Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3ACKA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSR Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AD4A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KBM Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AD5A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5PB Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AD6A 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSC Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3KXZA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 925 Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPDA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYMA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AM0 Type1.5_Back
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3KMMA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LHL Type1.5_Back
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3B2WA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 9NH Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3MPMA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out 5LK Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 4C3FA 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out 7KW Type1
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 6PDJA 1.81 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none in-in ODJ Type1.5_Front
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OG8A 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 1N8 Type2
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OG8B 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 1N8 Type2
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYSA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none AM5 Type2
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYUA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in AM6 Type2
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2PL0A 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OFVA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 242 Type2
LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OFVB 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-none 242 Type2
LMTK2 LMTK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK2 AF-Q8IWU2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LMTK3 LMTK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK3 AF-Q96Q04-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LMTK3 LMTK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK3 6SEQA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
LTK LTK_HUMAN Leukocyte tyrosine kinase receptor AF-P29376-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LYN LYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 5XY1A 2.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 8H0 Type1.5_Back
LYN LYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn AF-P07948-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LYN LYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 3A4OX 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in STU Type1
MATK MATK_HUMAN Megakaryocyte-associated tyrosine-protein kinase AF-P42679-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer AF-Q12866-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AAZA 1.855 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in R6K Type1.5_Front
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7M5ZB 3.06 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none YR7 Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVYA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none S4E Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW2A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none S4W Type1.5_Front
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OLSA 1.89 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none VJZ Type1.5_Front
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OLVA 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none VK2 Type1.5_Front
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OLXA 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none VK5 Type1.5_Front
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7CQEA 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none YDJ Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7CQEC 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none YDJ Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7DXLA 3.146 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out E56 Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7DXLB 3.146 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none E56 Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 2P0CA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-none ANP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 2P0CB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-none ANP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRC 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRD 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BRBA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ADP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BRBB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none ADP Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4M3QB 2.718 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 24K Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MHAA 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 4MH Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0KA 2.545 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 6Q1 Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0XA 2.231 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none K0X Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 6MEPA 2.893 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 9VS Type1.5_Back
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVXA 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in S4K Type1.5_Front
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TD2B 2.68 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MH7B 2.51 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TC0B 2.24 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AB0A 1.74 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TD2A 2.68 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 7AE Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OAMB 2.65 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-out V6H Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3TCPA 2.69 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none CKJ Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3TCPB 2.69 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out CKJ Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4M3QA 2.718 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 24K Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MH7A 2.51 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none MH7 Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MHAB 2.59 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 4MH Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0KB 2.545 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 6Q1 Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TC0A 2.24 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-in 79Y Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5U6CA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 7YS Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5U6CB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 7YS Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AB1A 1.93 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none C6F Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AB2A 1.78 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none R6N Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVZA 2.04 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none S4N Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW0A 1.893 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none S4Q Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW3A 1.99 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none S4Z Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7M5ZA 3.06 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none YR7 Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 6MEPB 2.893 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 9VS Type1.5_Back
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7XHYA 2.16 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-none E0X Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AAYA 1.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out L1X Type2
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW4A 1.98 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-none S5E Type3
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW4B 1.98 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-none S5E Type3
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVXB 2.44 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none S4K Type1
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AAXA 1.762 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none R6H Type2
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW1A 1.98 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none S4T Type2
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OAMA 2.65 Inactive None None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0XB 2.231 Inactive None None out-out none-none K0X Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4IWDA 1.99 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in AME 1JC Allosteric Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3Q6WA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in Q6W Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3R7OA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in M61 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor AF-P08581-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3Q6UA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-in AME Allosteric
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2G15A 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 1R1WA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AU3A 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3E8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AU3B 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3E8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AU5A 2.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AW1A 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AW1B 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 1RU Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 1RU Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 1RU Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 1RU Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4R1VA 1.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2WD1A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ZZY Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4R1YA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3EH Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3F66A 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in IHX Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3F66B 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in IHX Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3QA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SV5 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3TA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in SVK Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3VA 1.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in SWB Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3WA 2.02 Inactive DFGin BLBplus none-none out-in SVH Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3ZA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SV8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B40A 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SWN Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B41A 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in SWK Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B42A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in SW8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B43A 1.87 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SW5 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B43B 1.87 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SW5 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B44A 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SVT Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2WGJA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VGH Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2WKMA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in PFY Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZBXA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 6XE Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZC5A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W9Z Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZCLA 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5TF Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZXZA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in KRW Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZZEA 1.87 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 6XP Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4AOIA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 4K0 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4AP7A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in F47 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SDEA 2.49 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in V0L Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7Y4TA 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in I90 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7Y4UA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in I94 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8GVJA 2.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in KGL Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3I5NA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in B2D Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4DEGA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0JJ Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4DEHA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0JK Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4DEIA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0JL Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4XMOA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 46G Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4XYFA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 44X Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5EYCA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5SZ Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5EYDA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5T1 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2RFSA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AM8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CCNA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in LKG Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CD8A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in L5G Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4GG5A 2.423 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in 0J3 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4GG7A 2.27 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0J8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5EOBA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5QQ Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5YA5A 1.89 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in 6TD Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5UABA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 84M Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5UADA 2.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 84P Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6UBWA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 84S Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3DKGA 1.91 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in SX8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 1R0PA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out KSA Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HNIX 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 63B Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HNIY 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 63B Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HO6A 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 63K Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3QTIA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3QT Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3QTIB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3QT Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3DKCA 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ATP Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3DKFA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in SX8 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3A4PA 2.54 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in DFQ Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HOAA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 63K Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HORA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 63K Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3U6HA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 03X Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3U6IA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 044 Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HLWA 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 62E Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFKA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none MT4 Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFKB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none MT4 Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3RHKB 1.94 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-in M97 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8ANSA 2.01 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none in-in MDI Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AN8A 2.394 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-none MDI Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AN8B 2.394 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in MDI Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SDCA 1.67 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 88Z Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SDDA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in 353 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3LQ8A 2.02 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 88Z Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SD9A 2.35 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 88Z Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4EEVA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in L1X Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4MXCA 1.632 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DWF Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HTIA 1.66 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 66L Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7V3SA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5I9 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3VW8A 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DF6 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CE3A 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 1FN Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CTHA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 319 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3F82A 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 353 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3L8VA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in L8V Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUUA 1.77 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in W49 Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUUB 1.77 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W49 Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUVA 1.783 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3R Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUVB 1.783 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3R Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OV7A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3W Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OVZA 2.206 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3N Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OVZB 2.206 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3N Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OWGA 2.631 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-none W40 Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OWGB 2.631 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-in W40 Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OWGC 2.631 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none none-out W40 Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OW3A 2.27 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none none-in W40 Type3
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3RHKA 1.94 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in M97 Type1
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFJA 2.6 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none MT3 Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5DG5A 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 5B4 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5DG5B 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 5B4 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7V3RA 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 5IE Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CTJA 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in 320 Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3C1XA 2.17 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-in CKK Type2
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5T3QA 2.0 Inactive None None out-out none-out 75H Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2RFNA 2.5 Inactive None None out-out none-none AM7 Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2RFNB 2.5 Inactive None None out-out none-none AM7 Type1.5_Front
MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFJB 2.6 Inactive None None out-none none-none MT3 Type1.5_Front
MST1R RON_HUMAN Macrophage-stimulating protein receptor AF-Q04912-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MST1R RON_HUMAN Macrophage-stimulating protein receptor 3PLSA 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
MUSK MUSK_HUMAN Muscle, skeletal receptor tyrosine-protein kinase AF-O15146-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KVTA 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in YMX Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6IQNB 2.54 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out none-in AQ6 Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4YNEA 2.023 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-in 4EK Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4AOJA 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in V4Z Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4AOJC 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-in V4Z Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7VKNA 2.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 7GI Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor AF-P04629-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMTA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 31Y Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5I8AA 2.33 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in 69C Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6IQNA 2.54 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in AQ6 Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7XAFA 3.001 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in FKT Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6J5LA 2.3 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in B9C Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMEB 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in OOY Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7VKOA 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 7GI Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4AOJB 2.75 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in V4Z Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKGA 2.53 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in 22L GO7 Allosteric Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKIA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 22L GOD Allosteric Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D1ZA 1.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in FQD FQM Allosteric Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7VKMA 2.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMPA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 31W Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5H3QA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 7HF Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMMA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 31V Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFSA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 6K0 Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFVA 1.59 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 6K1 Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFWA 1.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 6K2 Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFXA 1.63 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-in none-in 6K4 Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKWA 2.91 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in GXA Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKWB 2.91 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in GXA Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL2A 2.59 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in OOM Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7XBIA 2.16 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CVY Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J5XA 2.092 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in A4U Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL4A 2.06 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in OO7 Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D20A 1.94 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in FQD FQG Allosteric Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4F0IA 2.302 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4F0IB 2.302 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4GT5A 2.398 Inactive DFGout None in-none out-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D22A 2.46 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKBA 2.68 Inactive DFGout None out-in none-in FKY Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMOA 2.67 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in 6UM Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMSA 2.8 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 31X Type1.5_Back
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J5WA 2.28 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in A4U Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J61A 3.051 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in A0X Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J63A 3.001 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in A6X Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5WR7A 2.76 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in RCH Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL1A 2.03 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in OOJ Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL3A 3.0 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in OOD Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMAA 2.53 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OQS Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMBA 2.81 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OQM Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMCA 2.19 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OQJ Type2
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6NSPA 2.31 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in L0P Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6NPTA 2.19 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in KWY Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6NSSA 1.97 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in L0M Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D1YA 1.93 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in FQJ Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMIA 1.87 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UE Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMJA 2.04 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 6UF Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMKA 2.24 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UG Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMMA 2.12 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UJ Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMLA 2.01 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UH Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMNA 2.14 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UK Type3
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4YPSA 2.101 Inactive None None out-out out-in 4F6 Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMEA 3.0 Inactive None None in-out out-in OOY Type1
NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMEC 3.0 Inactive None None in-out out-in OOY Type1
NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor AF-Q16620-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4AT3A 1.77 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in LTI Type1
NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4AT4A 2.36 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in T6E Type2
NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4ASZA 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4AT5A 1.71 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in MUJ Type2
NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor AF-Q16288-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 3V5QA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 0F4 Type2
NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 3V5QB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 0F4 Type2
NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 6KZCA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DZC Type2
NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 6KZDA 1.708 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DZ6 Type2
NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 4YMJA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-in 4EJ Type1
NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 4YMJB 2.0 Inactive DFGout None out-none out-in 4EJ Type1
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha AF-P16234-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQHA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQIA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9OO Type1
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOIA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-in 6T2 Type1
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 5GRNA 1.77 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 748 Type2
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOLA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQKA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6A32A 1.87 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQJA 1.82 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 5K5XA 2.168 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOKA 3.8 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in B49 Type1
PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOJA 2.6 Inactive None None in-in out-in 6T2 Type1
PDGFRB PGFRB_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta AF-P09619-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 3PXKA 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out PXK Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 3PXKB 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in PXK Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YT6A 1.537 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out PKE Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YT6B 1.537 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in PKE Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSA 1.81 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PVT Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYA 1.918 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in P1E Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 AF-Q05397-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU9B 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 4GU Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4K8AA 2.91 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-out K8A Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4K8AB 2.91 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out out-out K8A Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KABB 2.71 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 4KA Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2ETMA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out out-out 7PY Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2ETMB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 7PY Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYB 1.918 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out P1E Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2IJMB 2.187 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out ADP Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 7PI4DDD 2.24 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 3BZ3A 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out YAM Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU9A 2.4 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4GU Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KABA 2.71 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4KA Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2IJMA 2.187 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out ATP Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6I8ZA 1.99 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out H82 Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4I4EA 1.55 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 1BQ Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU6A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 10N Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU6B 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 10N Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YOJA 1.361 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in P4N Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1A 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1B 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1C 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1D 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9A 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P9K Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9B 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P9K Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9C 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out P9K Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9D 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P9K Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSB 1.81 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out PVT Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSD 1.81 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out PVT Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYC 1.918 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out P1E Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYD 1.918 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out P1E Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVA 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out Q2H Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVB 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out Q2H Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVC 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out Q2H Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVD 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out Q2H Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4EBWA 2.65 Inactive DFGinter None in-in none-out 0PF Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KAOA 2.39 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out KAO Type2
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KAOB 2.39 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out KAO Type2
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4EBVA 1.67 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0O7 Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4K9YA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out K9Y Type2
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4I4FA 1.75 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out 1BR Type3
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 1MP8A 1.6 Inactive None None in-in none-out ADP Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4Q9SA 2.07 Inactive None None in-in none-out 30G Type1
PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSC 1.81 Inactive None None in-out none-out PVT Type1
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta AF-Q14289-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZOA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 8YGXA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3CC6A 1.6 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 8XOXA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out YAM Type1
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 5TOBA 2.117 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-none YAM Type1
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZSA 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in B96 Type2
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 4H1MA 1.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 0YJ Type2
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3ET7A 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 349 Type1
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZPA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-in AGS Type1
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZRA 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 3JZ Type1
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 5TO8A 1.985 Inactive DFGout None in-none out-none 7FM Type1
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZTA 1.95 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 4JZ Type2
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 4H1JA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 0YH Type2
PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3H3CA 2.0 Inactive None None in-out none-in P1E Type1
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 AF-Q13882-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VA 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VB 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VC 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VD 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 6CZ2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UA 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UB 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UC 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UD 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5DA3A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 58V Type1
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 6CZ3A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out FLJ Type1
PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 6CZ4A 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none FKY Type2
PTK7 PTK7_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 6VG3A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
PTK7 PTK7_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 6VG3B 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
PTK7 PTK7_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 6VG3C 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret AF-P07949-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 5AMNA 2.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DTQ Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6FEKA 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in ADN Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6I82A 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H6W Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6I82B 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H6W Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6I83A 1.88 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H72 Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6VHGA 2.303 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QX1 Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVSA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACK Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVSB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACK Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVTA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVUA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZD6 Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2KA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2K Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2LA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2L Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2MA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2M Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2MB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2M Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 4CKJA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADN Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NJAA 1.92 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADE Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU9A 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU9B 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU5A 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU5B 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU6A 2.06 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7NZNA 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VJH Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVVA 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP1 Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 5FM2A 3.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP1 Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 5FM3A 2.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP1 Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NE7A 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 4CKIA 2.116 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADN Type1
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NECA 1.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XIN Type1.5_Back
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NECC 1.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XIN Type1.5_Back
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DUAA 1.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HJ0 Type1.5_Back
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DUAB 1.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HJ0 Type1.5_Back
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7RUNA 3.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7QU Type1.5_Back
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7RUNB 3.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7QU Type1.5_Back
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU8A 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1.5_Front
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU8B 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1.5_Front
RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU6B 2.06 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1.5_Front
ROR1 ROR1_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR1 6TU9A 1.94 Inactive None None in-in out-in 0LI Type1
ROR1 ROR1_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR1 6TU9B 1.94 Inactive None None in-in none-in 0LI Type1
ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 3ZZWA 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 4GT4A 2.406 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 4GT4B 2.406 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 3ZZWB 2.9 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 3ZBFA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out VGH Type1
ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 4UXLA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-out 5P8 Type1
ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS AF-P08922-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5WA 2.254 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out IDW Type1
ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5WB 2.254 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out IDW Type1
ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5XA 2.035 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out AWJ Type1
ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5XB 2.035 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out AWJ Type1
RYK RYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase RYK 6TUAA 2.38 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src AF-P12931-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YI6A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YI6B 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXYA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXYB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXZA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXZB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXXA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EC 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6ED 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EF 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EH 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2BDFA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2BDFB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2BDJA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HET Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8JF3A 2.846 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none C0N Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXOA 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXOB 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6ATEA 2.402 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 6H3 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1Y57A 1.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in MPZ Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EE 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EG 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in HVY Type1.5_Back
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1FMKA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2SRCA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2H8HA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out H8H Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4K11A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0J9 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1KSWA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out NBS Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7NG7A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UCW Type1.5_Back
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8HAQA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none L1N Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8JF3B 2.846 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none C0N Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOMB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out P01 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXXB 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out none-in DB8 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7OTEA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7OTEB 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOJA 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOJB 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOLA 2.3 Inactive None None in-none none-none S03 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOLB 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none S03 Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8HAQB 2.27 Inactive None None none-none none-none L1N Type1
SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOMA 2.9 Inactive None None in-none none-out P01 Type1
SRMS SRMS_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Srms AF-Q9H3Y6-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK AF-P43405-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG2A 2.21 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 1XBAA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4F4PA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0SB Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4DFLA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0K0 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4DFNA 2.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0K1 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PV0A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CG4 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6HM6A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GDK Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6HM7A 1.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GDH Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3SRVA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in S19 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3SRVB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in S19 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5LMAA 1.43 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6ZG Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5LMBA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6ZF Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5LMBB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6ZF Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 8X5KA 1.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 3YT Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6VOVA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R6D Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6VOVB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R6D Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJOA 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4DF Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJPA 1.83 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4DL Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJQA 1.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DK Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJRA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DJ Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJSA 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4DN Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJTA 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DQ Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJUA 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DO Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJVA 1.652 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DT Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5TR6A 1.93 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 7KG Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5TT7A 1.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KF Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RSSA 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4MG Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG3A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in X3G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG3B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X3G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG4A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X4G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG6A 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X6G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG7A 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out X7G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG8A 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none X8G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG8C 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X8G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG9A 2.91 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X9G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG9B 2.91 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X9G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5GHVA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X5G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5GHVB 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X5G Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 1XBBA 1.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STI Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 1XBCA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQEA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P5C Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQHA 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 057 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQHB 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 057 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQSA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 585 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FL1A 1.79 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FYNA 2.318 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VE Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FYOA 1.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VF Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FZ6A 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VG Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FZ7A 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VH Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4GFGA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0XF Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4I0RA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1B4 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4I0SA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1B5 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4I0TA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 1B6 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PUZA 2.085 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CG9 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PUZB 2.085 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CG9 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5T68A 2.93 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 77V Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5T68B 2.93 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 77V Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5TIUA 1.49 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7CU Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3EMGA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 685 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5Y5TA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8OR Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5Y5UA 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8OU Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5Y5UB 2.14 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 8OU Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3VF8A 2.08 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 0JE Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3VF9A 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 477 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4WNMA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3RT Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5C26A 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 50H Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5C27A 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 50J Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6SSBA 2.08 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LUE Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZC0A 1.97 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QDZ Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCPA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFK Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCQA 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFB Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCRA 1.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCSA 1.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFE Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCUA 1.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCXA 1.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFQ Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCYA 1.81 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QF8 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 8BI2A 1.508 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QR7 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RX7A 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3YV Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RX8A 1.59 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3YX Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5CXHA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55M Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5CXZA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55U Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RX9A 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3YT Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PX6A 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 2X6 Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5CY3A 1.76 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55Y Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FL3A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none ANP Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FL2A 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3TUCA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none FPW Type1.5_Front
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3TUBA 2.23 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none FPU Type2
SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3TUDA 2.33 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in FPX Type2
TEC TEC_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Tec AF-P42680-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor AF-Q02763-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 3L8PA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 0CE Type1
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 1FVRA 2.2 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 1FVRB 2.2 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2OO8X 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out RAJ Type2
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2OSCA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out MUH Type2
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2P4IA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in MR9 Type2
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 6MWEA 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 919 Type2
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 6MWEB 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 919 Type2
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2WQBA 2.95 Inactive DFGout None none-none out-out QQ1 Type1
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2P4IB 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out MR9 Type2
TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 4X3JA 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 3WR Type2
TIE1 TIE1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Tie-1 AF-P35590-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNK1 TNK1_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TNK1 AF-Q13470-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZRA 1.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZRB 1.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U46A 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4EWHA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T77 Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4EWHB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T77 Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 7KP6A 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in WTP Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 7KP6B 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in WTP Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 6VQMA 2.87 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R7P Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U54A 2.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8FE9A 3.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in R9B Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4ID7A 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 1G0 Type1.5_Back
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTA 3.17 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTB 3.17 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTC 3.17 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQRA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T74 Type1.5_Back
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQRB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T74 Type1.5_Back
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 AF-Q07912-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U46B 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQPA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in T95 Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQPB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in T95 Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 6VQMB 2.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R7P Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U4DA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DBQ Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U4DB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DBQ Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U54B 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSA 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSB 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSC 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSD 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTD 3.17 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 5ZXBA 2.198 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 9KO Type2
TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 5ZXBB 2.198 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 9KO Type2
TXK TXK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK AF-P42681-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYRA 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in OVI Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4PY1A 2.16 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2YK Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6DBKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in G5D Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6DBMA 2.368 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in G4J Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNSA 2.09 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5D Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNVA 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4Y Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNXA 2.18 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4V Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNYA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4S Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6X8FA 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6X8FC 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6X8GA 2.21 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWM Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3LXNA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GJ2A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0XH Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GJ3A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0XP Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5WALA 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 9ZS Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4OLIA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 2TT 2TT Allosteric Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 AF-P29597-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYSA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OVC Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYTA 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYUA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV0 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GVJA 2.03 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3LXPA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5F1ZA 2.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5U3 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5F20A 2.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5U4 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6OVAA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in N9G Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GFOA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 0X2 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3NZ0A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6AAMA 1.98 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 9T6 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GIHA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0X5 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3NYXA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in TZ1 Type1.5_Back
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GIIA 2.31 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in 0X6 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7AX4A 2.12 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out NM7 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7AX4B 2.12 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out NM7 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S98A 1.87 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZRU Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S98B 1.87 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZRU Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S98C 1.87 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZRU Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S99A 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZS3 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S99B 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZS3 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S99C 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZS3 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S9AA 1.83 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZSB Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S9AB 1.83 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZSB Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S9AC 1.83 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZSB Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5TKDA 1.92 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 7GL Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5TKDB 1.92 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 7GL Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3ZONA 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out IK1 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZRA 2.56 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LAJ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZRB 2.56 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LAJ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4WOVA 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 3SM Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4WOVB 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 3SM Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NSLA 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out KZJ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NSLB 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out KZJ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZEA 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L8Y Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZEB 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L8Y Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZFA 2.39 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L91 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZFB 2.39 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L91 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZHA 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L9A Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZHB 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L9A Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZPA 2.35 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB7 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZPB 2.35 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB7 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZQA 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB4 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZQB 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB4 Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7OA 2.82 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZJ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7OB 2.82 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZJ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7QA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZG Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7QB 2.27 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZG Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB5A 2.32 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOQ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB5B 2.32 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOQ Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB6A 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOI Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB6B 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOI Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C01A 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out UNL Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C01B 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out UNL Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C03A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AGS Type1
TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C03B 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AGS Type1
TYRO3 TYRO3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 AF-Q06418-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
YES1 YES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes AF-P07947-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 AF-P43403-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 1U59A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 2OZOA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none ANP Type1
ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 4K2RA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out ANP Type1

TYR kinases in all conformations in complex with All ligands

Total number of genes: 90
Total number of chains: 3001
Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 841 AF-P42680-K1A
DFGin BLAplus 199 4UWCA
DFGin ABAminus 366 8BXHA
DFGin BLBminus 65 5NKGA
DFGin BLBplus 493 6DI1A
DFGin BLBtrans 91 6V66A
DFGin None 355 8BA3A
DFGinter BABtrans 18 7YC9A
DFGinter None 53 1P4OA
DFGout BBAminus 342 3KFAA
DFGout None 131 2HZIA
None None 47 8EWYA

Database table as tsv

Organism Gene UniprotID Protein PDB Resol Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95A 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 Type1
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95D 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 Type1
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y93A 1.695 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 Type1
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95B 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 PE4 Type1 Allosteric
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95C 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 PE4 Type1 Allosteric
Caenorhabditis elegans LET23 LET23_CAEEL Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase let-23 5WNOA 2.386 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4VA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4YB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5HB 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5KB 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4SB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in BI9 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4VB 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-out KB8 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D58B 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out BI9 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D55A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0LA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY4A 5.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY4B 5.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4RA 1.55 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4RB 1.55 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4SA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4YA 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D58A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5KA 1.75 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY3A 6.32 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY3B 6.32 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKMA 2.31 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out BII Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0MB 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKQA 2.6 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in VG8 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in BI9 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKOA 1.65 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in BIJ Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4BRXA 2.05 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out KGW Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4C7TA 2.05 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in 5RI Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5HA 1.75 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 9RM Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCRA 2.3 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out EUW Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCWA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out EUQ Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCWB 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out EUQ Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCXA 1.553 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out EUW Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0JA 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0KA 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0KB 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SWHA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none none-none 71D Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SWHB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 71D Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QI8A 2.32 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6HA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2OIQB 2.07 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EL8B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3TB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QQ7A 2.38 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none SR2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3LOKA 2.48 None DFGin BLAminus out-none in-none DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D11A 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out 56G Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D11B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 56G Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D12A 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in G97 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVEA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GUW Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWA 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWB 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWC 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWD 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in AMP Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQXB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN4A 2.55 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in KS1 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN5B 2.66 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none KS4 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XC 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XD 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQFB 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none BK5 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQGA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQGB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4FICA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-out 0UL Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4FICB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus none-none none-out 0UL Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4O2PB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 11V Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4U5JA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4U5JB 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5K9IA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-in O44 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP5A 2.101 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8BU Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP5B 2.101 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BU Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP7A 2.012 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C6 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP7B 2.012 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8C6 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7AH3B 1.95 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out RCK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWOA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none RBS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QLQB 2.33 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none SR2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3GEQA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3GEQB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MCVA 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29K Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5TEHB 2.99 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out S56 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLGA 2.75 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLGB 2.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN4B 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KS1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQFA 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus in-none none-none BK5 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4DGGB 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out I76 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6WIWB 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none I14 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D57B 2.104 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 37O Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G5DA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G5DB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LA 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LB 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LC 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LD 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3U51A 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3U51B 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3SVVA 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-none VSP Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3SVVB 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none VSP Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4DGGA 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none none-out I76 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5J5SA 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5J5SB 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5BMMA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5BMMB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2PTKA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4YBKA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4B7 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3U4WA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QI8B 2.32 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OF0A 2.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OF0B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN7B 2.81 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D10B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 563 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVFA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none GUT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLFA 2.75 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out PD5 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN6B 2.39 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none KS5 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN7A 2.81 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none ABJ Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4O2PA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out 11V Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7AH3A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none RCK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGGA 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGGB 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWOB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none RBS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWPA 2.48 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-in DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGHA 2.84 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none 0JN Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGHB 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 0JN Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MCVB 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none in-out 29K Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5T0PA 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5T0PB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QLQA 2.33 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none SR2 SR2 Type1 Allosteric
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5TEHA 2.99 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out S56 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLFB 2.75 Inactive DFGin None out-none in-out PD5 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QQ7B 2.38 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none SR2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3LOKB 2.48 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D57A 2.104 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 37O Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3WA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3WB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6HB 2.35 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none G6H Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OEZA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OEZB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out STI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2OIQA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6GA 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out G6G Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4YBJA 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4A9 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4YBJB 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none none-out 4A9 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7WF5A 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7WF5B 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3VA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3VB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ7A 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ7B 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ8A 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ8B 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ9A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SYSA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SYSB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3UB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in 1AW Type3
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3TA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AU 1AU Type3 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3UA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AW 1AW Type3 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3D7TB 2.899 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in STU Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5K9IB 2.5 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in O44 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D5OB 2.69 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EL7A 2.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none PD3 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EL8A 2.3 Inactive DFGout None in-in in-out PD5 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6GB 2.31 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out G6G Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4AGWA 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4AGWB 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ9B 3.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out AQU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3D7UB 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3D7UD 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN6A 2.39 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D10A 2.7 Inactive None None none-none none-none 563 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D12B 3.0 Inactive None None in-out none-out G97 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVEB 1.9 Inactive None None none-none none-none GUW Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVFB 2.1 Inactive None None out-none none-none GUT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN5A 2.66 Inactive None None none-none none-none KS4 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D5OA 2.69 Inactive None None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWPB 2.48 Inactive None None none-none none-out DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6WIWA 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none I14 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens AATK LMTK1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK1 AF-Q6ZMQ8-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ4A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4ST Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ4C 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ST Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7N9GB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STI 1N1 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 AF-P00519-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6XR6A 999.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4TWPA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AXI Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4TWPB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AXI Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2V7AA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 627 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2V7AB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 627 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ4B 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ST Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2GQGA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2F4JA 1.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VX6 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2IA 3.12 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2IB 3.12 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2GQGB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8SSNB 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none AY7 SKI Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8SSNA 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none AY7 SKI Allosteric Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TB 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G1TD 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7XA 2.0 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 8DW Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7XB 2.0 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 8DW Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4XEYB 2.891 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7N9GA 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in STI 1N1 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7N9GC 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in STI 1N1 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2FA 2.7 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6BL8A 2.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in PVB Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6BL8B 2.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in PVB Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7YA 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in 8IW Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7W7YB 2.2 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in 8IW Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7FA 2.45 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QEW Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7FB 2.45 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QEW Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7HA 2.278 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QH9 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 8H7HB 2.278 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in QH9 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4ZOGA 2.3 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in VX6 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7CC2A 2.723 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in FVC Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7CC2B 2.723 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in FVC Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7DT2A 2.3 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in HJ9 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 7DT2B 2.3 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in HJ9 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2HA 2.0 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in P16 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4XEYA 2.891 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4YC8A 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None out-none out-in 4B7 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4YC8B 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None out-none out-in 4B7 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6XRGA 999.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRJA 1.82 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRJB 1.82 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ0A 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in GIN Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZ0B 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none GIN Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYC 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HYYD 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9A 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in NIL Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9B 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none NIL Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9C 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none NIL Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3CS9D 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in NIL Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRIA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRIB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 919 Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HIWA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 7MP Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HIWB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 7MP Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2E2BA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 406 Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2E2BB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 406 Type2
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 5HU9A 1.529 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 66K 66K Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3PYYA 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI 3YY Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3PYYB 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI 3YY Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPEA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI KWD Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPEB 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in STI KWD Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPUA 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI KWV Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPUB 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in STI KWV Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPVA 1.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI KWP Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6NPVB 1.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in STI KWP Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3QRKA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 9DP Type3
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6XR7A 999.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZIA 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in JIN Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4ZOGB 2.3 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in VX6 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4WA9B 2.2 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in AXI Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3UE4A 2.424 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3UE4B 2.424 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2FB 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in AGS Type1
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZIB 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in JIN Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2G2HB 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2FO0A 2.27 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPLA 3.42 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPLB 3.42 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 5MO4A 2.17 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out NIL AY7 Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL1 ABL1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 4WA9A 2.2 Inactive None None none-none out-in AXI Type1
Homo sapiens ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 AF-P42684-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 2XYNA 2.81 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in VX6 Type1
Homo sapiens ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 2XYNB 2.81 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in VX6 VX6 VX6 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 2XYNC 2.81 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in VX6 VX6 VX6 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 3HMIA 1.65 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in DKI Type1
Homo sapiens ABL2 ABL2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 3GVUA 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI STI Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4TT7A 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out COM COM Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JY4A 2.42 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out W47 W47 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YHVA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4ANLA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNWA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNXA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6CDTA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YJSA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3L9PA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4ANSA 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YFXA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CLJA 1.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 5P8 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CD0A 2.23 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in AWJ Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4ANQA 1.76 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AA9A 1.93 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 5P8 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AAAA 1.73 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AA8A 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 5P8 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AABA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6MX8A 1.96 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out 6GY Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2XB7A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out GUI Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2XBAA 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 571 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5FTOA 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in YMX Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5FTQA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in U4W Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 8ARJA 1.645 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out NRR Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6E0RA 2.303 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in HKJ Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6EBWA 2.455 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in J3Y Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JYRA 2.32 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VTA Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JYSA 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out VTD Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7JYTA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VRM Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2XP2A 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CCBA 2.03 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in OFG Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CCUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in AWF Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CLIA 2.05 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 5P8 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CMOA 2.05 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in YPW Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CMTA 1.73 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in GWH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CMUA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in IV7 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CNHA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 3U9 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CTBA 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out KVC Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CTCA 2.03 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in J99 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5KZ0A 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 6YL Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7R7KA 1.831 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 25J Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7R7RA 1.935 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in AWJ Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNZA 2.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in NZF Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IUIA 1.88 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 45Q Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FODA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 0UV Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3AOXA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in EMH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5A9UA 1.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 5P8 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5AACA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 7BTTA 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out F8R Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FOBA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 0US Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FOCA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 0UU Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4Z55A 1.55 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 4LO Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3LCSA 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out STU Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 3LCTA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none out-out ADP Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4MKCA 2.01 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 4MK Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4CNHB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 3U9 3U9 Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4JOAA 2.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out 3DK Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor AF-Q9UM73-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 2YJRA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 6EDLA 2.799 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out J4M Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IMXA 2.12 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in CZ4 Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4DCEA 2.03 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 0JF Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4DCEB 2.03 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 0JF Type1
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IUGA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 729 Type2
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 5IUHA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 34Y Type2
Homo sapiens ALK ALK_HUMAN ALK tyrosine kinase receptor 4FNYA 2.45 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out I3K Type2
Homo sapiens AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO AF-P30530-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BB 2.84 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7YS Type1
Homo sapiens AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BD 2.84 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7YS Type1
Homo sapiens AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BA 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none 7YS Type1
Homo sapiens AXL UFO_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO 5U6BC 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none 7YS Type1
Homo sapiens BLK BLK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Blk AF-P51451-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX AF-P51813-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 8X2AA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LTJ Type1
Homo sapiens BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 3SXRA 2.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 3SXRB 2.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 3SXSA 1.89 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in PP2 Type1
Homo sapiens BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 6I99A 2.001 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in H88 Type1
Homo sapiens BMX BMX_HUMAN Cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein kinase BMX 6I99B 2.001 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out in-in H88 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK AF-Q06187-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 1K2PA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3K54A 1.94 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PIZA 2.21 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 03C Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PJ1A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out LHL LHL Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 1K2PB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3P08A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3P08B 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W8IA 3.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W8IB 3.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4NWMA 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 2P5 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4NWMB 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 2P5 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6AUBA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BXM Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6S90A 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out L0Z Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6S90B 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out L0Z Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5BPYA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4UQ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5BPYB 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 4UQ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5JRSA 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 6MV Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5JRSB 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 6MV Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5T18A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 73T Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXNA 1.34 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9P Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXOA 1.94 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9S Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7LTYA 1.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out YD7 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7LTZA 1.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out YDA Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXLA 1.84 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9J Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4A 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9M3 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4C 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4D 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4E 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9M3 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5ZZ4F 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9M3 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6O8IA 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LTJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N4QA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0B9 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N4RA 1.62 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0BG Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N4SA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0B0 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RX5A 1.356 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3YO Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5KUPA 1.389 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 6XL Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5VGOA 1.621 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9B1 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXQA 1.38 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9Y Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3OCSA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 746 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OTFA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2VL Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4ZLYA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4RU Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4ZLZA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4RV Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8GC7A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out YXJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8U2DA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UQX Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8U2EA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UP9 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5U9DA 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 83P Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5VFIA 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 9AJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI0A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJG Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI1A 1.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJD Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI9A 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out GJJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NFHA 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out KLM Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXMA 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9M Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7KXPA 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out X9V Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PIXA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 027 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87A 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87B 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87C 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5J87D 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N42 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N6Z Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out N6Z Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPC 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out N6Z Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out N6Z Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6TFPE 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out N6Z Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9FA 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2VL Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9GA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 7G6 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9HA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 7G7 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9KA 1.28 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 7G8 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9LA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 7G9 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6AUAA 1.66 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BXJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NZMA 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out L9S Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NZMD 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out L9S Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5BQ0A 1.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4US Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLHA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out Y8H Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLVA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ZB9 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4Z3VA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4L6 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5OA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0BQ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5RA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0UW Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5XA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0GW Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7N5YA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0CI Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BIKA 1.901 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DTJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BKEA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DVJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BKHA 1.792 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DVD Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BLNA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out DY4 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6XE4A 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out V1G Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6VXQA 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out RQS Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W06A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out S5M Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W07A 1.51 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out S9A Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLGA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out Y8C Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OT5A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 481 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OT6A 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2V1 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OTQA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2V2 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4OTRA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2V3 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RFYA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3OU Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RFZA 1.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3OV Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4RG0A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3P0 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6EP9A 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BNB Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6HRPA 1.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GMQ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6HRTA 1.36 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GMW Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8GC8A 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out YXJ Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8EJBA 1.58 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out WKC PD Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3NA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ULV 5WE Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6BKWA 1.499 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out DXM FPZ Type1 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6J6MA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out BA0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7R61A 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2IJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI3A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJA Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6DI5A 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out GJ7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6N9PA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out KHD Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6OMUA 1.41 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out MZJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7L5OA 1.21 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R1L Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7L5PA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R1L Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7L5PB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R1L Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7R60A 1.94 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 2IE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8E2MA 1.904 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UB6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W7OA 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TL7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W7OB 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TL7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6W8IC 3.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TKY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8DSOB 2.334 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out TOO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4YHFA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 4C9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4YHFB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4C9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9IA 1.11 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1E8 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9JA 1.08 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 8E8 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5P9MA 1.41 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 7GB Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3GENA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out B43 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6E4FA 1.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out HRA Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5FBOA 1.894 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 5WH 5WE Type1.5_Back Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLNA 1.334 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out Y7W BTB Type1.5_Front Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5FBNC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 5WF 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3OA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ULY 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3OB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ULY 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FLLA 1.498 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out Y7W BTB Type1.5_Front Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5FBND 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5WF 5WE 5WE 5WE Type1.5_Front Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6X3PA 1.34 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UM4 UM4 BTB Type1.5_Front Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PIYA 2.55 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out 585 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PJ2A 1.75 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 04K Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5XYZA 2.64 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-in GYL Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 5XYZB 2.64 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-in GYL Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 7YC9A 1.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-in IS4 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3OCTA 1.95 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans in-out out-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6NFIA 2.41 Inactive DFGinter None out-out none-out KLP Type1
Homo sapiens BTK BTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 3PJ3A 1.85 Inactive None None in-in none-out 04L Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor AF-P07333-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3LCDA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in BDY Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 8CGCA 1.925 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in LMR UIK Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3BEAA 2.02 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in IXH Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2I1MA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 5CN Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 8JOTA 1.69 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in UKI Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2I0VA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 6C3 Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2I0YA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5CN Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3KRJA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in KRJ Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3KRLA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in KRL Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 7TNHA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none out-in I9W Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6T2WA 1.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in M9T Type1
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3DPKA 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 8C5 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 4HW7A 2.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 64M Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 4R7HA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P31 Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 4R7IA 2.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6N33A 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 622 Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 7MFCA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none out-in Z6V Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6WXJA 2.62 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in UF4 Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 3LCOA 3.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in LC0 Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 6IG8A 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in A7O Type2
Homo sapiens CSF1R CSF1R_HUMAN Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor 2OGVA 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 3D7UA 4.111 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 3D7UC 4.111 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK AF-P41240-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 3D7TA 2.899 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none STU Type1
Homo sapiens CSK CSK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1BYGA 2.4 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out none-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 AF-Q08345-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6Y23A 2.58 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6Y23B 2.58 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6Y23C 2.58 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6BRJA 2.231 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in VX6 Type1
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6BSDA 2.606 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAUA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IF Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAVA 1.76 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IJ Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAWA 1.601 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IM Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAXA 1.902 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IM Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAYA 2.19 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IJ Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAYB 2.19 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IJ Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SAZA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IW Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SB0A 1.97 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1IZ Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SB1A 1.53 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 1JI Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FEWA 1.44 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6W Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FEXA 1.291 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Z Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FILA 1.73 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6W Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FINA 1.67 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJQ Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FIOA 1.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJH Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6FIQA 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJW Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 3ZOSB 1.92 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 4BKJA 1.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 4BKJB 1.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 4CKRA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DI1 Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6GWRA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FEW Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6GWRB 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FEW Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6HP9A 1.96 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in GKB Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 6HP9B 1.96 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in GKB Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7BCMA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in TBK Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7BCMB 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in TBK Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7BE6A 1.871 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in TJW Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVNA 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 4VD Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVOA 1.98 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 4VE Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5FDPA 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5WR Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5FDXA 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5X1 Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5FDXB 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5X1 Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 3ZOSA 1.92 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI 0LI Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 7FEHA 1.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 3UI Type3
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVWA 1.94 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5SB2A 1.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 1K2 Type2
Homo sapiens DDR1 DDR1_HUMAN Epithelial discoidin domain-containing receptor 1 5BVKA 2.29 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 4VC Type3
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 AF-Q16832-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERD 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type1
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERI 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type1
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERA 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERB 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERC 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERE 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERF 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERG 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERH 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERJ 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERK 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 6FERL 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in D6Q Type2
Homo sapiens DDR2 DDR2_HUMAN Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2 7AYMA 2.12 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 4VD Type2
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3IKAA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0UN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ER2A 2.662 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LL0A 4.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in YUN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LL0B 4.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in YUN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV4A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 MWU Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV6A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N86 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV7A 2.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N8O Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV8A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N99 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV9A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N9L Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV1A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N6N Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV3A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 MWU Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV5A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PE5 N7C Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JITA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3UG1A 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor AF-P00533-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2J5EA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS2A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS6A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WRGA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7SI1A 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4TKSA 3.202 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 1M14A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2EB2A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4R3PA 2.905 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4R3RA 3.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CZHA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CZIA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8H7XA 3.404 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GY Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XGNA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 85X Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JRXA 2.201 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JO Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5J9YA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6HL Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8EMEB 3.32 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-none ZNL Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5J9ZA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6HJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6IA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in R1W Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2KA 3.201 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0UN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIUA 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in AEE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5FEQA 3.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5XH Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4G5PA 3.17 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0WN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GMPA 2.797 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out F62 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTZA 2.999 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 81C Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XDKA 2.346 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8JC Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JX4A 2.531 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WD5A 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-out 3LH Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5Y9TA 3.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8RC Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3UG2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IRE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3VJNA 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7VRAA 2.41 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in I0A Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7VREA 2.507 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7VH Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S89A 2.701 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L0Q Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S8AA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L0N Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYMA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GY Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYNA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0UN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYPA 2.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in R25 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7OXBA 2.56 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 35Z Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8WD4A 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in W7W Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6LUBA 2.315 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EUX Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6LUDA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HVAA 2.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in N9R Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JZ0A 2.86 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CKO Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITWA 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ITQ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITXA 2.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITYA 3.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IRE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2J5FA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DJK Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2J6MA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AEE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6VH4A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6VHNA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6VHPA 3.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QP1 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8G63A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YXT Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKVA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZRT Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5FEDA 2.651 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5X4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7T4IA 2.61 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JQ7A 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJQ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JQ8A 2.83 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJ8 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JR3A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJR Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4JRVA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KJV Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LI5A 2.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1WY Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I23A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1C9 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UGBA 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8BM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7AEIA 2.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R85 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5JEBA 3.298 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6JS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WKQA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IRE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZAUA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAVA 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZQ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM8A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5Q4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KXZA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XA4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U99A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in M0R Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U9AA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in M19 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1HA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X9H Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1XA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1YA 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R2E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8TJLA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HZ6 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HV2A 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in MWU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 1M17A 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AQ4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7B85A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3VJOA 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7AEMA 2.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GY Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITNA 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITOA 3.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IRE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITPA 2.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AEE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITQA 2.68 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ITQ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S9BA 3.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L1H Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S9CA 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L1K Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6S9DA 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L3Z Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8HY7A 2.91 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NSO Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ4A 2.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3QW Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ7A 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3R1 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ8A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3QS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5C8KA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4YV Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5C8MA 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4YW Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5C8NA 2.401 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4YX Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CALA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4Z8 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CANA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZB Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAOA 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in 4ZG Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAPA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZH Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM7A 2.81 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5Q4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HCXA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 60B Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HCZA 2.62 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 60E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HIBA 2.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 63M Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JRKA 2.796 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in C6O Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITTA 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AEE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITUA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ITQ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITVA 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2ITZA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IRE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X26A 2.951 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7XO Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X27A 2.952 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7XR Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X28A 2.952 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7XU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XDLA 2.7 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 8JC Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JWLA 2.551 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LQMA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DJK Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSA 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSB 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSC 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LGSD 3.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6K Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7T4JA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7T4JB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMA 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMB 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMC 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRMD 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4LRME 3.526 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YUN Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JX0A 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YY3 YY3 Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4G5JA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0WN 0WM 0WM Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D73A 2.17 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QCR Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D73B 2.17 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QCR Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D76A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8D76B 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6D8EA 2.537 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FZP Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1ZA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X9B Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ5A 3.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in 3QY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAQA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CASA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CAUA 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4ZR Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HCYA 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 60D Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HICA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 63N Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4R5SA 3.001 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FI3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2OA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in 03P Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2PA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in W2P Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2QA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in HKI Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EDPA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XGMA 2.952 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 85X Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JRJA 2.943 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out in-none C6O Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5Y25A 3.102 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 8LU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EDRA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 5N4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM5A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 5Q2 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2EB3A 2.84 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFUB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-out N7K Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EDQA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-in 5N3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A27A 1.07 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out KY9 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A2AA 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out KY9 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXIC 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-in 8BS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RJ6A 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in 3R0 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5EM6A 2.78 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in 5Q3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A2DA 1.11 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-in KXY Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXNA 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7TVDA 2.96 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5ZTOA 2.649 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none 9JO Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66D 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QP1 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KC 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KD 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KF 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KG 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OC 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OD 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OE 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OH 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5NA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QP7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in QP4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4C 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSED 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5D41B 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AD 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKB 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VO7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VO7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VO7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMC 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0A 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in XA4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFYA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N7Z Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6JB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out R2E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYQA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out V58 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5FEEA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in in-in 5X4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYA 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 816 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYC 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 816 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYF 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 816 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNOB 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNNA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP NQ1 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LC 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1LD 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP O57 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AMP O57 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QC 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AMP O57 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P8QD 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AMP O57 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4A 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in Q6K NQ1 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4D 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP NQ1 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5D41A 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP 57N Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKC 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKD 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKE 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6DUKF 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKC 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKD 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKE 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXKF 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in 8BS JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMB 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in YY3 9LL Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMD 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP 9LL Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPA 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPB 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPD 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPF 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP JBJ Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQB 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP VNS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQD 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP VNS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXWD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out YY3 VNS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP YFA Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP YFA Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP YFA Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LTXD 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ANP YFA Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4A 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4B 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4C 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8GB4D 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none ANP YW5 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4BA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out Q6K 9LL Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4BB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out Q6K 9LL Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4DB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out 8BS 57N Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1IA 3.202 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ANP VNS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GNKA 1.796 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 80U Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2A 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out TOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2B 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in TOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2C 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in TOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WA2D 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in TOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3C 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out YA6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4D 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in YAA Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in N7K Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFVA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-in N7Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFVB 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in N7Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFWA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in N7W Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFWB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N7W Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFYB 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N7Z Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFZA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-in N7B Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TFZB 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in N7B Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG0A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in N78 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG0B 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in N78 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG1A 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out N82 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6TG1B 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out N82 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIVB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out HKI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYB 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYD 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYE 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYG 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5GTYH 3.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 816 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2RA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W2R Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RGPA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in HYZ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3BELA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in POX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ITI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ITI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ITI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3LZBD 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in ITI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3POZA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 03P Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W2SA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out W2R Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W32A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W32 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3W33A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W19 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 1XKKA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out FMM Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out TQA Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXNC 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out UEJ Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXND 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in UEJ Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8B 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS 8RC Type1.5_Front Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5ZWJA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out 9LL Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8A2BA 1.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out KY9 Type3
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in NQ1 ANP Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in NQ1 ANP Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4B 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in NQ1 Q6K Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPC 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in JBJ YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXPE 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in JBJ YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQA 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS ANP Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXQC 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VNS ANP Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8A 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS 8RC Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8C 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS 8RC Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7LG8D 2.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS 8RC Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A2AA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 57N 7G9 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A2AB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 57N 7G9 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HA 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HB 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HC 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HD 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HE 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7K1HF 2.602 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VNS YY3 Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6XL4C 2.06 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWD 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFDA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFDB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFEA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFEB 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFEC 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RFED 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6P1DA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66A 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP1 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66B 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QP1 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V66C 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP1 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KE 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6KH 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QQJ Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OF 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V6OG 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QQM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5NB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5NC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QP7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5ND 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out QP4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6V5PD 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in QP4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WAKB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6WXNB 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWB 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-in ZRT Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7UKWC 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ZRT Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3B 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV3D 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8FV4A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSEA 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSEB 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZSEC 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AC 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XO Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2CA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XR Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2CB 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XR Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FC 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2FD 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 7XU Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXIA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-in 8BS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXID 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 8BS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXLA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in VO7 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXMA 2.192 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0B 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out XA4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0D 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in XA4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98B 3.42 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out M1O Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98C 3.42 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out M1O Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98D 3.42 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-out M1O Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WC 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8F1WD 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in R2E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6Z4DA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 8BS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6JA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out R2E Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-none none-out R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KC 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-none none-out R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7A6KD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out none-out R28 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I24A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1C9 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I24B 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 1C9 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9A 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9B 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9C 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5YU9D 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I22A 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out IRE Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS7A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2GS7B 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8A 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8B 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8C 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GT8D 2.955 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNOA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4HJOA 2.75 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out AQ4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5CNNB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 6JXTA 2.307 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in YY3 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XO ANP Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5X2AB 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 7XO ANP Type1 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8EMEA 3.32 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3GOPA 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7JXIB 3.0 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-in 8BS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7KY0C 3.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in XA4 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7U98A 3.42 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none M1O Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 7ZYQB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out V58 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIWB 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIWD 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIXB 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIXD 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIYB 2.981 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4RIYD 2.981 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIVA 3.5 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in HKI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8H7XB 3.404 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5XGNB 3.0 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JITB 3.1 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2JIUB 3.05 Inactive DFGinter None in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4G5PB 3.17 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 3IKAB 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4WD5B 3.3 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UWDA 3.06 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out 8OV Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RF9A 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZJVA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4ZJVB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG5A 1.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 633 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG7A 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 630 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG8A 1.42 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 634 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5HG9A 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 63A Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5U8LA 1.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in O44 Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UG8A 1.46 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8BP Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UG9A 1.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8AM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UGAA 1.82 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8BM Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 5UGCA 1.58 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in 8BS Type1
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I1ZA 3.0 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I21A 3.37 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I21B 3.37 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 2RF9B 3.5 Inactive DFGout None out-none in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 4I20A 3.34 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EGFR EGFR_HUMAN Epidermal growth factor receptor 8DSWA 2.39 Inactive None None none-none in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA1 EPHA1_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 1 AF-P21709-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4TRLA 2.452 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJBA 2.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK0A 1.597 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 91E Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK8A 1.761 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 90Z Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNHA 1.379 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in DXK Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNHB 1.379 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out DXK Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK3A 1.586 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in 92Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8QQYA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in WT3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 AF-P29317-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4P2KA 1.499 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9UA 1.889 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5EK7A 1.901 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5EK7B 1.901 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9VA 1.458 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA0A 1.948 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in A5B Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKAA 1.377 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in 91H Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNHC 1.379 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none DXK Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BINA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in QRR Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 1MQBA 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 1MQBB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJAB 1.75 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ACP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BIOA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in QRD Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9WA 1.359 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9XA 1.427 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9YA 1.228 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-none 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5I9ZA 1.698 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 627 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA0B 1.948 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in A5B Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA0C 1.948 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none A5B Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA3A 1.788 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in P17 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NJZA 1.768 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in 8ZH Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK1A 1.548 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90N Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK2A 1.649 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZZ Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK4A 1.45 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90E Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK5A 1.329 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90K Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK6A 1.267 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 90W Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK7A 1.889 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZZ Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NK9A 1.588 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 912 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKBA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZT Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKCA 1.448 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90T Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKDA 1.408 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 91K Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKEA 1.39 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 90B Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKFA 1.099 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 8ZN Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKGA 1.1 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 8ZK Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKHA 1.29 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 8ZQ Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5NKIA 1.675 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none 8ZW Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BK0A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in QJI Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJCA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJCB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none ACP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 7KJAA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none ACP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA2A 1.619 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in L66 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4PDOA 2.104 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4PDOB 2.104 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA1A 2.036 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in ZZL Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8XPVA 1.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 4Z5 Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNFA 1.556 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none DXH Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6FNGA 1.038 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in DWT Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HESA 1.128 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G0H Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HETA 1.208 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G0Q Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEUA 1.719 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G0N Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEVA 1.28 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in G0K Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEWA 1.268 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out G0E Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEXA 1.413 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G02 Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6HEYA 1.367 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out FZW Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7BA 1.009 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out HO5 Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7CA 1.049 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out HOK Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7DA 0.978 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out HOT Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7EA 1.059 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none HMW Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7GA 1.047 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none HO8 Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOCA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in QUF Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BODA 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QTX Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOGA 1.47 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QUU Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOHA 1.42 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out R0T Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOIA 1.63 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out R0O Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOKA 2.02 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in R0X Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOMA 1.12 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QU6 Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA4A 1.797 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 88Z Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 5IA5A 1.776 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in GV0 Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 6Q7FA 1.204 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none HNZ Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA2 EPHA2_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 2 8BOFA 1.82 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none R3L Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 AF-P29320-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOBA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 3FY2A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2GSFA 1.77 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QO2A 1.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOKA 1.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QONA 1.79 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOCA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4GK3A 1.898 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L87 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4P5QA 1.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q0B Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4TWOA 2.047 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 37W Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 3FXXA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QO7A 1.605 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QO9A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOQA 1.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4G2FA 1.699 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none C07 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4GK2A 2.195 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none L66 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4GK4A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L90 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 6IN0A 1.501 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O4B O4B Type3 Allosteric
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOOA 1.25 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOFA 1.2 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QODA 1.15 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOIA 1.25 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 2QOLA 1.07 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4P4CA 1.599 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none 25Q Type1
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 3DZQA 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none IFC Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4P5ZA 2.002 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none Q7M Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA3 EPHA3_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 3 4TWNA 1.706 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in B96 Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA4 EPHA4_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 4 AF-P54764-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA5 EPHA5_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 5 AF-P54756-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA5 EPHA5_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 5 2R2PA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA6 EPHA6_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 6 AF-Q9UF33-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 7EEDA 3.05 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 2REIA 1.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 7EECA 3.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 AF-Q15375-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 7EEFA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA7 EPHA7_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 7 3DKOA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none IHZ Type2
Homo sapiens EPHA8 EPHA8_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 8 AF-P29322-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA8 EPHA8_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 8 3KULA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHA8 EPHA8_HUMAN Ephrin type-A receptor 8 3KULB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 AF-P54762-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXC 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXE 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXF 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXG 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXH 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 3ZFXI 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJAB 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7O3 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJBB 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7O3 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJAA 2.14 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 7O3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 5MJBA 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7O3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 7KPLA 2.705 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 7KPMA 1.608 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none ADP Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB1 EPHB1_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 1 6UMWA 1.982 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in CTC Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHB2 EPHB2_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 2 AF-P29323-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB2 EPHB2_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 2 3ZFMA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 AF-P54753-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 3ZFYA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 3ZFYB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 5L6OA 1.88 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 6P6 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB3 EPHB3_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 3 5L6PA 2.26 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 6P8 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNLA 1.269 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 AF-P54760-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 3ZEWA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 3ZEWB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-none none-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNKA 1.049 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in DXK Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNMA 1.157 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 4AW5A 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in 30K Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWXA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X4 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWYA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X5 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWZA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X6 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VX0A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X7 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VX1A 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 7X8 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2X9FA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in X9F Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 4BB4A 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 32W Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2XVDA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in AS6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2YN8A 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none STU Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2YN8B 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none STU Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 7X1 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWVA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 7X3 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 2VWWA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 7X2 Type1
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNIA 1.468 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out DXH Type2
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNJA 1.239 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out DWT Type2
Homo sapiens EPHB4 EPHB4_HUMAN Ephrin type-B receptor 4 6FNJB 1.239 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out DWT Type2
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 AF-P04626-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDB 3.21 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDD 3.21 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7PCDA 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-in 70I Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHA 3.27 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHE 3.27 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHB 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-in VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHC 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHD 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHF 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHG 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 7JXHH 3.27 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in VOY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3PP0A 2.25 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in 03Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3PP0B 2.25 Inactive DFGin None out-out in-in 03Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDA 3.21 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 03P Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB2 ERBB2_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 3RCDC 3.21 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 03P Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3KEXA 2.797 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3KEXB 2.797 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIWA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIWC 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 6OP9A 2.501 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3LMGA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 3LMGB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIYA 2.981 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIYC 2.981 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIXA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB3 ERBB3_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-3 4RIXC 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 AF-Q15303-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BCEA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BCEB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BCEC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBWA 4.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBWB 4.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 2R4BA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in GW7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 2R4BB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in GW7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBTB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none FMM Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ERBB4 ERBB4_HUMAN Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-4 3BBTD 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none FMM Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FER FER_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fer AF-P16591-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps AF-P07332-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 6JMFA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9FC Type1
Homo sapiens FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 3BKBA 1.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 4E93A 1.84 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GUI Type1
Homo sapiens FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 3CBLA 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU STU STU Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens FES FES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps 3CD3A 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU STU STU Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXB 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXC 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXD 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFA 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFB 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFC 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFD 2.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 AF-P11362-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQIA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWIA 2.292 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWIB 2.292 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGKB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWYA 2.305 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWYB 2.305 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KY2A 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KY2B 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWLA 2.193 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5FLFE 2.58 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM7A 1.957 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM7B 1.957 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWKA 2.982 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 66T Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4ZSAA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 4UT Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4ZSAB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 4UT Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5Z0SA 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 960 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5Z0SB 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 960 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6ITJA 1.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out AXU Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6ITJB 1.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out AXU Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F63A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 0S7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F63B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out 0S7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F64A 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 0S8 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F64B 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 0S8 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKAA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out 2K7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKSA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 2M2 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKSB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 2M2 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWBA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out JVT Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWBB 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out JVT Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWCA 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 4Y0 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4UWCB 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 4Y0 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O49A 1.91 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 9K5 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O49B 1.91 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 9K5 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O4AA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 9K8 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5O4AB 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 9K8 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZBAAA 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 47I Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZBBBB 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 47I Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZDAAA 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 42I Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZDBBB 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 42I Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZFAAA 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 466 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7OZFBBB 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 466 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1AGWA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out SU2 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1AGWB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out SU2 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGIA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out SU1 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1FGIB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out SU1 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM6A 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5AM6B 1.96 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UQ0A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out WP1 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UQ0B 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out WP1 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3JS2A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out VM1 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3JS2B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out VM1 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQLC 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-none GQL Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8JMZA 1.988 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out UKI Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8JMZB 1.988 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out UKI Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A46A 2.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A46B 2.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 38O Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWKB 2.982 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 66T Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3C4FA 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out C4F Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3C4FB 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out C4F Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3RHXA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 3RH Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3RHXB 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 3RH Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A4CA 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out XOJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5A4CB 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out XOJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NK9B 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 2K5 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5EW8A 1.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5SF Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5EW8B 1.63 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5SF Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 2FGIA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out PD1 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 2FGIB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out PD1 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5B7VA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out LWJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4WUNA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 66T Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4WUNB 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 66T Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UR1A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C18A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY5 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C19A 2.12 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C19B 2.12 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1BA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY4 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1BB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY4 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1CA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none YY6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1CB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out YY6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1OA 2.29 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out MK9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C1OB 2.29 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none MK9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZQA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZQB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWJA 2.489 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 66T Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWJB 2.489 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 66T Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQLA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out GQL Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3TT0A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 07J Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3TT0B 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 07J Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out XL6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6NVLD 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out XL6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7WCLA 2.495 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 8ZF Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 7WCLB 2.495 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 8ZF Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8XLOA 2.36 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out A1LVQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 8XLOB 2.36 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out A1LVQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZWA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5VNDA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 9ES Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5VNDB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 9ES Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P68A 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O1Y Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P68B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O1Y Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P68C 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O1Y Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P69A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O21 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6P69B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out O21 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3KXXA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 3GQLB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-none GQL Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5ZV2A 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out LEV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5ZV2B 2.86 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out LEV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NK9A 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 2K5 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5B7VB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out LWJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 5UR1B 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none YY9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4RWLB 2.193 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 3ZC Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F65A 2.26 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 0S9 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4NKAB 2.19 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 2K7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4F65B 2.26 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 0S9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6C18B 2.3 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none YY5 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 6MZWB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none TZ0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4V01A 2.33 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens FGFR1 FGFR1_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 4V01B 2.33 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8SWEA 2.24 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GSH WXQ Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J96A 2.297 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J98A 2.307 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 AF-P21802-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 1GJOA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UI0A 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PSQA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PSQB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PWLA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PWLB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGLA 1.861 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGLB 1.861 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J96B 2.297 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J98B 2.307 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVFA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3CLYA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99A 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99B 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99C 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J99D 1.847 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYC 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PVYD 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95A 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95B 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95C 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J95D 2.377 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZ5A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZ5B 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97A 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97B 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97C 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 4J97D 2.548 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZPA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZPB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZRA 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PZRB 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UHNA 2.909 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UHNB 2.909 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3B2TA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in M33 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3B2TB 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in M33 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7OZYAAA 2.28 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 47I Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7OZYBBB 2.28 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 47I Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75A 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KX0 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75B 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KX0 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75C 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in KX0 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8H75D 3.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KX0 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVKA 2.29 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVC Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVKB 2.29 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVC Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVLA 2.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVL Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6LVLB 2.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVL Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3RI1B 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3RH Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 1OECA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AA2 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8SWEB 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in WXQ Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGXA 2.349 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UGXB 2.349 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5UI0B 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIAA 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WFD Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIAB 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WFD Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIEA 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WF7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 7KIEB 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WF7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2Q0BA 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2Q0BB 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PY3A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2PY3B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 5EG3A 2.606 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QA 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QB 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QD 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXA 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXB 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXC 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6AGXD 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9WX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 3RI1A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3RH Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8E1XA 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out U9P Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8E1XB 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out U9P Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8STGA 3.79 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-in WCJ Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8U1FA 3.33 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-in UIM Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 6V6QC 2.46 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8U1FB 3.33 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out UIM Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR2 FGFR2_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 8STGB 3.79 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in WCJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 AF-P22607-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 4K33A 2.341 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 6LVMA 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in EVR Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 7DHLA 2.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H6X Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDUB 1.737 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WIQ Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDTA 2.829 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out MLT MLT WGF Allosteric Allosteric Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 6PNXA 2.199 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 6PNXB 2.199 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDVA 2.348 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDVB 2.348 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDVC 2.348 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDTB 2.829 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out WGF Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDTC 2.829 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out WGF Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens FGFR3 FGFR3_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 8UDUA 1.737 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out WIQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 AF-P22455-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQJA 1.682 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQTA 1.501 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYGA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7WCXA 2.175 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 90F Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YBXA 2.233 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IH7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7WCWA 2.317 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 90F Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YBPA 2.243 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IH7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6JPJA 2.638 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out FGF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7VJLA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 7IF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7VJLB 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none 7IF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6YI8A 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out FGF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6YI8B 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out FGF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NUDA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-none none-out 99K Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYIA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 38O Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7WCTA 2.106 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 90F Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YBOA 2.307 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IH7 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YC1A 2.535 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IIQ Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7YC3A 1.987 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out IIW Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6IUOA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out AWX Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6IUPA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out AX0 Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4XCUA 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 40M Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVGA 1.99 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL8 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVHA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out XL6 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVIA 2.117 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out XL7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVJA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL5 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6NVKA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-none XL9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6V9CA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out QS7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7DTZA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out HHL Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 6JPEA 1.601 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out BYU Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NWZB 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 9CT Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7F3MA 2.289 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out GX3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7V29A 1.983 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5JR Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 7V29B 1.983 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in out-out 5JR Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 8XLQA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out A1LVQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQCA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 37O Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NWZA 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-in 9CT Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYEA 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5XFJA 3.25 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 6LF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5XFFA 2.7 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 6LF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5JKGA 2.352 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 6LF Type1
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QQ5A 2.203 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 37O Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4R6VA 2.353 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none FI3 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4UXQA 1.85 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4TYJA 2.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 4QRCA 1.901 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens FGFR4 FGFR4_HUMAN Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 5NUDB 2.5 Inactive None None in-in none-out 99K Type1
Homo sapiens FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr AF-P09769-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr 7UY0A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VSE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr 7UY0B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens FGR FGR_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fgr 7UY3A 2.99 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OJL Type2
Homo sapiens FLT1 VGFR1_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 AF-P17948-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FLT1 VGFR1_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 3HNGA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 8ST Type2
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 AF-P36888-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 4XUFA 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P30 Type2
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 4XUFB 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P30 Type2
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 4RT7A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P30 Type2
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 1RJBA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 6JQRA 2.2 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in C6F Type1
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 5X02A 2.401 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in F6M Type1
Homo sapiens FLT3 FLT3_HUMAN Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3 6IL3A 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in A9R Type1
Homo sapiens FLT4 VGFR3_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 AF-P35916-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FRK FRK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase FRK AF-P42685-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FYN FYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn AF-P06241-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens FYN FYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn 2DQ7X 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK AF-P08631-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 1AD5A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 1AD5B 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2HCKA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out QUE Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2HCKB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out QUE Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2HK5A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1BM Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5ZJ6A 1.696 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VSE Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 1QCFA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out PP1 Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS2A 2.609 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSB Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS5A 2.851 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSG Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS5B 2.851 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSG Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS7B 3.001 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none KS1 Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUDA 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SK8 Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUDB 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SK8 Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0GA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOU Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5ZJ6B 1.696 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VSE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRYA 2.481 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out B43 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRYB 2.481 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out B43 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS3A 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS3B 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS4A 2.747 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSF Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS4B 2.747 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSF Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS6A 2.373 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSH Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS6B 2.373 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out VSH Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUEA 3.04 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 4LUEB 3.04 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none VSE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H09A 1.945 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0BA 1.651 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0EA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 5H0HA 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in OOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0IB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L1G Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0OB 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L2G Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0IA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L1G Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0OA 2.85 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L2G Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0TA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L3G Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 2C0TB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none L3G Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRZA 2.218 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none VRZ Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VRZB 2.218 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out VRZ Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS0A 2.934 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VS0 Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS0B 2.934 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VS0 Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS1B 2.464 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VSA Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS2B 2.609 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VSB Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS7A 3.001 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none KS1 Type1
Homo sapiens HCK HCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase HCK 3VS1A 2.464 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none VSA Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1K3AA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3B 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3C 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2ZM3D 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in 575 Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPA 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PDR Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPB 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PDR Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPC 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PDR Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PB 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PC 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PD 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PE 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PF 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PG 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PH 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PI 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PJ 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PK 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PL 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PM 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PR 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PS 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3F5PT 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 741 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor AF-P08069-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUC 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-in 01P Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LVPD 3.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PDR Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out out-in 01P Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 01P Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3QQUD 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 01P Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 4D2RA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in DYK Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3NW5A 2.14 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in LGX Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3NW6A 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in LGW Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3NW7A 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in LGV Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5FXQA 2.3 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in GD5 Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5FXRA 2.4 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 8LN Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1JQHA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1JQHB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1JQHC 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3I81A 2.08 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in EBI Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5FXSA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-in OZN Type1
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3D94A 2.3 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in D94 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIAAA 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIBBB 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYICCC 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIDDD 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIEEE 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIFFF 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIGGG 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYIHHH 3.06 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IER Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNC 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZND 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNE 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNF 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNG 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 5HZNH 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in 66A Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1M7NA 2.7 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1M7NB 2.7 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1P4OA 1.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 1P4OB 1.5 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0A 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0B 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0C 1.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3O23A 2.1 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in MQY Type2
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYJAAA 2.702 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in IEA Type2
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYKAAA 2.23 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in IC2 Type2
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYLAAA 2.93 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in IE0 Type2
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYMAAA 2.652 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in IED Type2
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 8PYNAAA 1.71 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in ICV Type2
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 3LW0D 1.79 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in CCX CCX Type3 Allosteric
Homo sapiens IGF1R IGF1R_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 2OJ9A 2.0 Inactive None None in-out out-in BMI Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2AUHA 3.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2B4SB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2B4SD 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3BU6A 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor AF-P06213-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1GAGA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1RQQA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1RQQB 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3BU3A 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 2Z8CA 3.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in S91 Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1IR3A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3BU5A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 4XLVA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1P14A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 4IBMA 1.8 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in IR1 Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 4IBMB 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in IR1 Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1I44A 2.4 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 5E1SA 2.264 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 5JA Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3EKKA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in GS2 Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3EKNA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in GS3 Type1
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 5HHWA 1.79 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 60O Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 1IRKA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3ETAA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 351 Type2
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 3ETAB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 351 Type2
Homo sapiens INSR INSR_HUMAN Insulin receptor 8DWNA 2.15 Inactive None None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens INSRR INSRR_HUMAN Insulin receptor-related protein AF-P14616-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK AF-Q08881-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGYB 2.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none L7O Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MIYB 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none B49 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF1A 2.113 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none 29Y Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF1B 2.113 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out out-out 29Y Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4RFMA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 3P6 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOA 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none G5K Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOB 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none G5K Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOD 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none G6K Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4L7SA 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none G7K Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4L7SB 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none G7K Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF0A 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 29Z Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PP9A 2.58 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none 2VT Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PP9B 2.58 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-none 2VT Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4QD6A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 30T Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGWA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out PQC Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGYA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none PQC Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5JA 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0F2 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LA 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0G1 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LB 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 0G1 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LC 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-out 0G1 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5LD 1.86 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 0G1 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8TA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 477 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8TB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 477 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8WA 2.27 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0G2 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V8WB 2.27 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none 0G2 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4KIOC 2.18 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out G6K G5K Type1 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNXA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNXB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MJ2A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out MJG Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPAA 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VU Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPAB 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VU Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPBA 2.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VV Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPBB 2.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 2VV Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4QD6B 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 30T Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SM2A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none STU Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNUA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none STU Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4HCTA 1.48 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 18R Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4HCUA 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 13L Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4HCVA 1.48 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 13J Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3T9TA 1.65 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out IAQ Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M0YA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out M0Y M0Y Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M14A 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QWS QWS Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M12A 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1YZ Type3
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M13A 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1E0 Type3
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M0ZA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out M0Z M0Z Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4M15A 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out QWS ADP Type3 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MIYA 1.67 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none B49 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3MJ1A 1.72 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 614 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PQNA 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 2W6 Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4MF0B 2.67 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 29Z Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPCA 2.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 2VW Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 4PPCB 2.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 2VW Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3QGWB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none L7A Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SM2B 2.3 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none STU Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 1SNUB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none STU Type1
Homo sapiens ITK ITK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK 3V5JB 2.59 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 0F2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LE 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 3EYGA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 3EYHA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5E1EB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6AAHA 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6AAHB 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPEA 2.87 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPEB 2.87 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPFA 2.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6TPFB 2.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NTQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6GGHA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in EYQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6GGHB 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in EYQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6ELRA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in BFK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6ELRB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in BFK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SM8B 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SMBA 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SMBB 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4LD 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4NA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NL Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E4NB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NL Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E5WA 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4E5WB 1.86 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZA 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZB 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZC 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EHZD 2.174 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EI4A 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0Q2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4EI4B 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0Q2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4FK6A 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0UJ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4FK6B 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0UJ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4I5CA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in C5I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4I5CB 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in C5I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVBA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVBB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVCA 2.35 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVCB 2.35 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVDA 1.93 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15T Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4IVDB 1.93 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15T Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4K6ZA 2.73 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1Q3 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4K77A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1Q4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4K77B 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1Q4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5HX8A 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 66P Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5HX8B 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 66P Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5WO4A 1.84 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in B7V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5WO4B 1.84 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in B7V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6HZUA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in GYQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6HZUB 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in GYQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N77A 1.64 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEJ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N77B 1.64 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEJ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N78A 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N79A 2.27 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KES Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7BA 1.81 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEY Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7CA 1.69 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KF1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7CB 1.69 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KF1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7DA 1.78 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KF4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSBA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KGZ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSBB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KGZ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSCA 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSCB 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSDA 1.76 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH8 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSDB 1.76 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KH8 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSEA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSEB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSHA 1.71 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6RSHB 1.71 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KHE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6SM8A 1.85 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LKT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7AA 1.33 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6N7AB 1.33 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in KEV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5KHWA 2.47 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5KHXA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6TE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6BBUA 2.08 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in D7D Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6DBNA 2.48 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in G4J Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6W8LA 2.11 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4S Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 AF-P23458-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 6C7YA 2.499 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5E1EA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 5KHWB 2.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L01A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L01B 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L00A 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK1 JAK1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 4L00B 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZA 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZB 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZD 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7UYWA 2.51 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in OV0 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BBVA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in D7D Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6X8EA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6X8EB 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7LL5A 1.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in Y5G Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2B7AA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2B7AB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3FUPA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3FUPB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4P7EA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2HB Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4P7EB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2HB Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3E62A 1.922 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5B1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3E63A 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5B2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3E64A 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5B3 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3KRRA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in DQX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3LPBA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NVB Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3LPBB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in NVB Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ6A 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ6B 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ7A 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ7B 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 7GT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7LL4A 1.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in Y5D Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7REEA 1.38 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 4LY Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4D0WA 1.77 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in VVQ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4D0XA 1.82 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 953 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5AEPA 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in QUP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJCA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0TP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJCB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0TP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJDA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6TP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3TJDB 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6TP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4HGEA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4HGEB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 15V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4IVAA 1.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1J5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4JI9A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4JI9B 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1M3 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3Q32A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in J2I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3Q32B 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in J2I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF8A 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF8B 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4AQCA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 88A Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4AQCB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 88A Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4F08A 2.82 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1RS Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4F08B 2.82 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1RS Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4F09A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in JAK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GFMA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0X2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3RVGA 2.498 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 17P Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLC 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VGLD 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VN8A 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 3JW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VN8B 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 3JW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNBA 2.19 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6P Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNBB 2.19 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6P Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNCA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNCB 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNEA 2.32 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2TA Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNEB 2.32 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 2TA Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNFA 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6S Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNFB 2.06 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out R6S Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNGA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6M Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNGB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6M Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNHA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in XZS Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNHB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out XZS Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNIA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R61 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNIB 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out R61 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNJA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5S Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNJB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5S Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKC 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNKD 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5W2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLB 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 5W2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLC 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 5W2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNLD 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 5W2 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNMA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5Y Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VNMB 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5Y Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VS3A 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VS3B 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R6V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSNA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSNB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSNC 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6VSND 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RG4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTNA 1.83 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in RXT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTOA 1.74 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 3JW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTPA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in U8P Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6WTQA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out U8J Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G6ZA 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YSI Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G6ZB 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YSI Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8OA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT0 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8OB 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT0 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8XA 1.97 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT8 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8G8XB 1.97 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in YT8 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3IO7A 2.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1P5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3IOKA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 1P6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BX9A 1.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S59 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BX9B 1.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S59 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BXCA 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S4R Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BXCB 1.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in S4R Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BXHA 1.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in C87 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BPVA 1.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 6T3 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BPWA 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2V9 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BPWB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2V9 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4ZIMA 2.65 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 4OK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4ZIMB 2.65 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 4OK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF4A 2.38 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50Y Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF4B 2.38 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50Y Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF5A 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 50W Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF5B 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50W Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF6A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50O Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5CF6B 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 50O Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6DA 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NU Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6DB 2.22 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0NU Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6QA 1.948 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 0NV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E6QB 1.948 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 0NV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2XA4A 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in AZ5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2XA4B 2.04 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in AZ5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3ZMMA 2.51 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in F9J Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3ZMMB 2.51 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in F9J Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C61A 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LMM Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C61B 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LMM Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C62A 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in XWW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4C62B 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in XWW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5HEZC 2.66 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out 1M3 1M3 Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 AF-O60674-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2W1IB 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTCA 2.16 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4HW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTFA 1.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4HZ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTHA 2.04 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 467 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4YTIA 2.52 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VJK Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4D1SA 1.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in BJG Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4JIAA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1K3 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4MA 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4MB 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4MD 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4E4ME 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0NH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GMYA 2.403 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0X5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BX6A 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in S5I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5USYA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in SKE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5USYB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in SKE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6DRWA 2.303 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in SKE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BM2A 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQC Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BM2B 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QQC Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WEVA 1.854 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9ZS Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 2W1IA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in L0I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6TPDA 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QZ8 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5L3AA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6DP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6AAJA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6AAJB 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBEA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBEB 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBEC 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBED 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3O4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFC 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4BBFD 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O19 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ4A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 7GY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ5A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7GX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ8A 1.59 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7GS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7IA 1.78 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9I8 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7KA 1.61 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9I5 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7LA 1.97 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9I2 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7Q7WA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9HR Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3JY9A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZH Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3KCKA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3KC Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA4B 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4FVPA 2.01 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C09A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5I4NA 1.54 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6G3CA 1.6 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out EKT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6G3CB 1.6 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out EKT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6D2IA 3.192 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 35R Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6D2IB 3.192 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 35R Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B8NA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out AQG Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B8UA 1.5 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B8UB 1.5 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA2A 1.5 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q9X Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA4A 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out Q8U Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7F7WA 1.83 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 36H Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7F7WB 1.83 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 36H Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4FVRA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B99A 1.6 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out SKE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B9EA 1.5 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q7F Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BABA 1.55 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q8N Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BAKA 1.65 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out AD5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C0AA 1.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C0AB 1.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out T7I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WIJA 2.04 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AQG Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WIKB 2.6 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 584 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WILA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out YDJ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WIMA 2.55 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out 35R Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5WINA 2.38 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out SKE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4FVQA 1.75 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5USZA 2.103 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out SKE Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT0A 2.102 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 35R Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT1A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 7DZ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT2A 1.75 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 3YT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT3A 1.501 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out IK1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT4A 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out DQX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT5A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 2HB Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5UT6A 1.645 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 8MY Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BRWA 2.031 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 5BS Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BS0A 1.541 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out E4V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6BSSA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 4SP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6M9HA 1.79 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out J9D Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OAVA 1.939 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out M3A Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OBBA 1.904 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M3Y Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OBFA 1.71 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M4G Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OBLA 2.061 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M4P Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6OCCA 2.03 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out M57 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 6XJKA 2.024 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out V4D Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7JYOA 2.161 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VPS Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7JYQA 1.859 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out VPJ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7T0PA 2.04 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out E3W Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7T0PB 2.04 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out E3W Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7T1TA 2.08 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out E8I Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8B9HA 1.5 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q7F Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8BA3A 1.4 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out Q8U Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8EX0A 1.85 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AQG Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8EX1A 1.5 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AD5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C08A 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8C08B 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 8EX2A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out Q2Q Type1
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ3A 2.69 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in 7GZ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 5TQ3B 2.69 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in 7GZ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7RN6A 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 046 Type2
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 3UGCA 1.34 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 046 Type2
Homo sapiens JAK2 JAK2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 7TEUA 1.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out I6C Type2
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7C3NA 1.98 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in FHX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3LXKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 AF-P52333-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVA 2.46 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none GYW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVB 2.46 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none GYW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVC 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GYW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6HZVD 2.46 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GYW Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86A 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9YV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86B 2.61 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9YV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86C 2.61 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 9YV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5W86D 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9YV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKA 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKB 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKC 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6AAKD 2.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6A 2.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VFC Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6B 2.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VFC Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6C 2.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out VFC Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZC6D 2.42 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none VFC Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPC 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3ZEPD 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1NX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVC 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out OV5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7UYVD 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4RIOA 2.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3QX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5VO6A 2.65 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 9J4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5WFJA 2.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9Z4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6NY4A 2.33 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Z3A Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVDA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 933 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVGA 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 19Q Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVHA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 19R Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4HVIA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 19S Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4I6QA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1DT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4QT1A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3C9 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3PJCA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PJC Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TOZA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7H4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TTSA 2.34 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KU Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TTUA 1.72 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KV Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5TTVA 1.93 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KX Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DA4A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in G4V Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DB3A 1.97 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in G54 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DB4A 1.662 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in G4Y Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6DUDA 1.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HB4 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7Q6HAAA 1.749 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 934 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 3LXLA 1.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4V0GB 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none G9B Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4V0GA 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none G9B Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 1YVJA 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4ST Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16A 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4LH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16B 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4LH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16C 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4LH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4Z16D 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4LH Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4QPSA 1.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 37Q Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 4QPSC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 37Q Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5LWMA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 79T Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GL9A 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F3W Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GL9B 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F3W Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLAA 1.92 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F4B Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLAB 1.92 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F4B Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLBA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F48 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 6GLBB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in F48 Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APFA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQZ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APFB 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQZ Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 7APGD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RQT Type1
Homo sapiens JAK3 JAK3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3 5LWNA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 79R 79S Type1 Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 AF-P35968-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CJGA 2.25 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none KIM Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2P2HA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-in none-out 994 Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3WZDA 1.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out LEV Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8RA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 887 Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8RB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 887 Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1VR2A 2.4 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1Y6AA 2.1 Inactive DFGinter None in-in none-none AAZ Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1Y6BA 2.1 Inactive DFGinter None in-in none-none AAX Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4AG8A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AXI Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4AGDA 2.81 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B49 Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPBB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C92 Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2XIRA 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 00J Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4AGCA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AXI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3WZEA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2OH4A 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out GIG Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2P2IA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 608 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3EFLA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 706 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3EFLB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 706 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 5EW3A 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 5T2 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 5EW3B 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 5T2 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6GQOA 1.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F82 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6GQPA 2.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F88 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6GQQA 1.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F8B Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6XVJA 1.78 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O35 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 6XVKA 1.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O3E Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4ASDA 2.03 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in BAX Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 4ASEA 1.83 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AV9 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VHEA 1.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 42Q Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VHKA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BPK Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2QU5A 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 276 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2QU6A 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 857 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2RL5A 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 2RL Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8QB 2.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 900 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3BE2A 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none RAJ Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CP9A 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C19 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CP9B 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C19 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPCB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out C52 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3DTWB 2.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out A96 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3EWHA 1.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in K11 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3U6JA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 03X Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3C7QA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out XIN Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2P2IB 2.4 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 608 Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VNTA 1.64 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 0JA Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VO3A 1.52 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 0KF Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 2QU6B 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 857 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3B8QA 2.75 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 900 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPBA 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out C92 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CPCA 2.4 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out C52 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3DTWA 2.9 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out A96 Type2
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3CJFA 2.15 Inactive None None in-out in-none SAV Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 1YWNA 1.71 Inactive None None in-in none-out LIF Type1
Homo sapiens KDR VGFR2_HUMAN Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 3VIDA 2.3 Inactive None None in-in none-out 4TT Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit AF-P10721-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHJA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEG Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHJB 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEG Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHKA 2.34 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEJ Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQGA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQGC 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQ9A 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQ9C 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQAA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 98A Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQAC 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 98A Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQBA 1.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9XO Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQCA 1.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9OO Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQCB 1.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9OO Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQDA 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9VV Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQDB 1.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9VV Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQEB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9WU Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQFA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9KI Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQFC 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9KI Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1PKGA 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1PKGB 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHKB 2.34 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in WEJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 3G0FA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B49 Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 3G0FB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B49 Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7ZW8A 2.119 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in K3R Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6KLAA 2.109 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DJX Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 4HVSA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 647 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7KHGA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in P31 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQJA 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F82 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQJB 2.33 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F82 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQKA 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F88 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQKB 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F88 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQLA 2.01 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F8B Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQLB 2.01 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out F8B Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQMA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F8H Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6GQMB 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in F8H Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XV9A 3.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O35 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XV9B 3.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O35 Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVAA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2K Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVAB 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2K Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVBA 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2H Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6XVBB 2.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in O2H Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6HH1A 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none G4E Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6MOBA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in JWY Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1T46A 1.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 4U0IA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 7ZY6A 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in KCI Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6ITTA 2.103 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AWO Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6ITTB 2.103 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AWO Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 6ITVA 1.881 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in AWO Type2
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 1T45A 1.9 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 3G0EA 1.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in B49 Type1
Homo sapiens KIT KIT_HUMAN Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit 8PQEA 2.0 Inactive None None in-in none-in 9WU Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck AF-P06239-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3LCKA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OF2A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 547 Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OF4A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 979 Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYOA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AM9 Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OFUA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N9 Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPCA 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPEA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP2 Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPJA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2ZM1A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSF Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2ZM4A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSM Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2ZYBA 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSL Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC1A 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KZI Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC2A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSE Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC3A 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSH Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC4A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KZL Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC5A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KZM Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AC8A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KSK Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3ACJA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSS Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3ACKA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSR Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AD4A 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KBM Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AD5A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5PB Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3AD6A 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KSC Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3KXZA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 925 Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 1QPDA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYMA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AM0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3KMMA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LHL Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3B2WA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-in 9NH Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3MPMA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out 5LK Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 4C3FA 1.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in out-out 7KW Type1
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 6PDJA 1.81 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none in-in ODJ Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OG8A 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 1N8 Type2
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OG8B 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 1N8 Type2
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYSA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none AM5 Type2
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 3BYUA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in AM6 Type2
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2PL0A 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OFVA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 242 Type2
Homo sapiens LCK LCK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lck 2OFVB 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-none 242 Type2
Homo sapiens LMTK2 LMTK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK2 AF-Q8IWU2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LMTK3 LMTK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK3 AF-Q96Q04-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LMTK3 LMTK3_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK3 6SEQA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LTK LTK_HUMAN Leukocyte tyrosine kinase receptor AF-P29376-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LYN LYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 5XY1A 2.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 8H0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens LYN LYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn AF-P07948-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LYN LYN_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 3A4OX 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens MATK MATK_HUMAN Megakaryocyte-associated tyrosine-protein kinase AF-P42679-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer AF-Q12866-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AAZA 1.855 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in R6K Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7M5ZB 3.06 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none YR7 Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVYA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none S4E Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW2A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none S4W Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OLSA 1.89 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none VJZ Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OLVA 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none VK2 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OLXA 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none VK5 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7CQEA 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none YDJ Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7CQEC 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none YDJ Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7DXLA 3.146 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out E56 Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7DXLB 3.146 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none E56 Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 2P0CA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 2P0CB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRC 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BPRD 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none OLP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BRBA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ADP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3BRBB 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none ADP Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4M3QB 2.718 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 24K Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MHAA 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 4MH Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0KA 2.545 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 6Q1 Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0XA 2.231 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none K0X Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 6MEPA 2.893 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 9VS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVXA 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in S4K Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TD2B 2.68 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MH7B 2.51 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TC0B 2.24 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AB0A 1.74 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TD2A 2.68 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 7AE Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OAMB 2.65 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-out V6H Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3TCPA 2.69 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none CKJ Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 3TCPB 2.69 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out CKJ Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4M3QA 2.718 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 24K Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MH7A 2.51 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none MH7 Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 4MHAB 2.59 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 4MH Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0KB 2.545 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 6Q1 Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5TC0A 2.24 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-in 79Y Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5U6CA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 7YS Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5U6CB 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 7YS Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AB1A 1.93 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none C6F Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AB2A 1.78 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none R6N Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVZA 2.04 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none S4N Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW0A 1.893 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none S4Q Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW3A 1.99 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none S4Z Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7M5ZA 3.06 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none YR7 Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 6MEPB 2.893 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none 9VS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7XHYA 2.16 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-none E0X Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AAYA 1.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out L1X Type2
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW4A 1.98 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-none S5E Type3
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW4B 1.98 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-none S5E Type3
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AVXB 2.44 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none S4K Type1
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AAXA 1.762 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none R6H Type2
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7AW1A 1.98 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none S4T Type2
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 7OAMA 2.65 Inactive None None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MERTK MERTK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Mer 5K0XB 2.231 Inactive None None out-out none-none K0X Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4IWDA 1.99 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in AME 1JC Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3Q6WA 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in Q6W Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3R7OA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in M61 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor AF-P08581-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3Q6UA 1.6 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-in AME Allosteric
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2G15A 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 1R1WA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AU3A 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3E8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AU3B 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3E8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AU5A 2.72 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AW1A 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AW1B 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 1RU Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBB 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 1RU Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBC 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 1RU Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4KNBD 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 1RU Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4R1VA 1.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3E8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2WD1A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in ZZY Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4R1YA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 3EH Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3F66A 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in IHX Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3F66B 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in IHX Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3QA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SV5 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3TA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in SVK Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3VA 1.93 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in SWB Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3WA 2.02 Inactive DFGin BLBplus none-none out-in SVH Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B3ZA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SV8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B40A 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SWN Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B41A 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in SWK Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B42A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in SW8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B43A 1.87 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SW5 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B43B 1.87 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SW5 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7B44A 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none SVT Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2WGJA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in VGH Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2WKMA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in PFY Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZBXA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 6XE Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZC5A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in W9Z Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZCLA 1.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5TF Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZXZA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in KRW Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3ZZEA 1.87 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 6XP Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4AOIA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 4K0 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4AP7A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in F47 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SDEA 2.49 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in V0L Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7Y4TA 2.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in I90 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7Y4UA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in I94 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8GVJA 2.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in KGL Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3I5NA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in B2D Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4DEGA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0JJ Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4DEHA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0JK Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4DEIA 2.05 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0JL Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4XMOA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 46G Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4XYFA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 44X Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5EYCA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5SZ Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5EYDA 1.85 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5T1 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2RFSA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in AM8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CCNA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in LKG Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CD8A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in L5G Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4GG5A 2.423 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in 0J3 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4GG7A 2.27 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 0J8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5EOBA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 5QQ Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5YA5A 1.89 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in 6TD Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5UABA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 84M Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5UADA 2.25 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 84P Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6UBWA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 84S Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3DKGA 1.91 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in SX8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 1R0PA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out KSA Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HNIX 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 63B Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HNIY 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 63B Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HO6A 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 63K Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3QTIA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3QT Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3QTIB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 3QT Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3DKCA 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3DKFA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-in SX8 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3A4PA 2.54 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in DFQ Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HOAA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in 63K Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HORA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 63K Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3U6HA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none 03X Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3U6IA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 044 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HLWA 1.97 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-in 62E Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFKA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none MT4 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFKB 2.2 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none MT4 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3RHKB 1.94 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-in M97 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8ANSA 2.01 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none in-in MDI Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AN8A 2.394 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-none MDI Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8AN8B 2.394 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out in-in MDI Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SDCA 1.67 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 88Z Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SDDA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in 353 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3LQ8A 2.02 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 88Z Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 6SD9A 2.35 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 88Z Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4EEVA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in L1X Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 4MXCA 1.632 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DWF Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5HTIA 1.66 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 66L Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7V3SA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 5I9 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3VW8A 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DF6 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CE3A 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 1FN Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CTHA 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 319 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3F82A 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 353 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3L8VA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in L8V Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUUA 1.77 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in W49 Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUUB 1.77 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W49 Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUVA 1.783 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3R Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OUVB 1.783 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3R Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OV7A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3W Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OVZA 2.206 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3N Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OVZB 2.206 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out W3N Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OWGA 2.631 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-none W40 Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OWGB 2.631 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-in W40 Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OWGC 2.631 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none none-out W40 Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 8OW3A 2.27 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none none-in W40 Type3
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3RHKA 1.94 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in M97 Type1
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFJA 2.6 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-none MT3 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5DG5A 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 5B4 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5DG5B 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 5B4 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 7V3RA 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 5IE Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3CTJA 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in 320 Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3C1XA 2.17 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-in CKK Type2
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 5T3QA 2.0 Inactive None None out-out none-out 75H Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2RFNA 2.5 Inactive None None out-out none-none AM7 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 2RFNB 2.5 Inactive None None out-out none-none AM7 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MET MET_HUMAN Hepatocyte growth factor receptor 3EFJB 2.6 Inactive None None out-none none-none MT3 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MST1R RON_HUMAN Macrophage-stimulating protein receptor AF-Q04912-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MST1R RON_HUMAN Macrophage-stimulating protein receptor 3PLSA 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens MUSK MUSK_HUMAN Muscle, skeletal receptor tyrosine-protein kinase AF-O15146-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KVTA 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-in YMX Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6IQNB 2.54 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out none-in AQ6 Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4YNEA 2.023 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-in 4EK Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4AOJA 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in V4Z Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4AOJC 2.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-in V4Z Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7VKNA 2.7 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in 7GI Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor AF-P04629-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMTA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 31Y Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5I8AA 2.33 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in 69C Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6IQNA 2.54 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in AQ6 Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7XAFA 3.001 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in FKT Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6J5LA 2.3 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in B9C Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMEB 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in OOY Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7VKOA 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in 7GI Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4AOJB 2.75 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in V4Z Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKGA 2.53 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in 22L GO7 Allosteric Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKIA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 22L GOD Allosteric Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D1ZA 1.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in FQD FQM Allosteric Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7VKMA 2.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMPA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 31W Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5H3QA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 7HF Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMMA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in 31V Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFSA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 6K0 Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFVA 1.59 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 6K1 Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFWA 1.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 6K2 Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5JFXA 1.63 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-in none-in 6K4 Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKWA 2.91 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in GXA Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKWB 2.91 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in GXA Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL2A 2.59 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in OOM Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 7XBIA 2.16 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in CVY Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J5XA 2.092 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in A4U Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL4A 2.06 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in OO7 Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D20A 1.94 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in FQD FQG Allosteric Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4F0IA 2.302 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4F0IB 2.302 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4GT5A 2.398 Inactive DFGout None in-none out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D22A 2.46 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6DKBA 2.68 Inactive DFGout None out-in none-in FKY Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMOA 2.67 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in 6UM Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4PMSA 2.8 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 31X Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J5WA 2.28 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in A4U Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J61A 3.051 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in A0X Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 8J63A 3.001 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in A6X Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5WR7A 2.76 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in RCH Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL1A 2.03 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in OOJ Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PL3A 3.0 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in OOD Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMAA 2.53 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OQS Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMBA 2.81 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OQM Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMCA 2.19 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in OQJ Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6NSPA 2.31 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in L0P Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6NPTA 2.19 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in KWY Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6NSSA 1.97 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in L0M Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6D1YA 1.93 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in FQJ Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMIA 1.87 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UE Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMJA 2.04 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 6UF Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMKA 2.24 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UG Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMMA 2.12 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UJ Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMLA 2.01 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UH Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 5KMNA 2.14 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in 6UK Type3
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 4YPSA 2.101 Inactive None None out-out out-in 4F6 Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMEA 3.0 Inactive None None in-out out-in OOY Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK1 NTRK1_HUMAN High affinity nerve growth factor receptor 6PMEC 3.0 Inactive None None in-out out-in OOY Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor AF-Q16620-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4AT3A 1.77 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in LTI Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4AT4A 2.36 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in T6E Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4ASZA 1.7 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK2 NTRK2_HUMAN BDNF/NT-3 growth factors receptor 4AT5A 1.71 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in MUJ Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor AF-Q16288-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 3V5QA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 0F4 Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 3V5QB 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-in 0F4 Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 6KZCA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DZC Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 6KZDA 1.708 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in DZ6 Type2
Homo sapiens NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 4YMJA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-in 4EJ Type1
Homo sapiens NTRK3 NTRK3_HUMAN NT-3 growth factor receptor 4YMJB 2.0 Inactive DFGout None out-none out-in 4EJ Type1
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha AF-P16234-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQHA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9JI Type1
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQIA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9OO Type1
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOIA 3.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out none-in 6T2 Type1
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 5GRNA 1.77 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 748 Type2
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOLA 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQKA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6A32A 1.87 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 8PQJA 1.82 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 5K5XA 2.168 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOKA 3.8 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in B49 Type1
Homo sapiens PDGFRA PGFRA_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha 6JOJA 2.6 Inactive None None in-in out-in 6T2 Type1
Homo sapiens PDGFRB PGFRB_HUMAN Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta AF-P09619-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 3PXKA 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out PXK Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 3PXKB 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in PXK Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YT6A 1.537 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out PKE Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YT6B 1.537 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-in PKE Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSA 1.81 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in PVT Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYA 1.918 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in P1E Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 AF-Q05397-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU9B 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 4GU Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4K8AA 2.91 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-out K8A Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4K8AB 2.91 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out out-out K8A Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KABB 2.71 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 4KA Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2ETMA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out out-out 7PY Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2ETMB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 7PY Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYB 1.918 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out P1E Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2IJMB 2.187 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out ADP Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 7PI4DDD 2.24 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 3BZ3A 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out YAM Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU9A 2.4 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4GU Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KABA 2.71 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4KA Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 2IJMA 2.187 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6I8ZA 1.99 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out H82 Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4I4EA 1.55 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 1BQ Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU6A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 10N Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4GU6B 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 10N Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YOJA 1.361 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in P4N Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1A 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1B 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1C 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YQ1D 1.784 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P7N Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9A 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P9K Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9B 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P9K Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9C 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out P9K Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YR9D 1.925 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out P9K Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSB 1.81 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out PVT Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSD 1.81 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out PVT Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYC 1.918 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out P1E Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVYD 1.918 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out P1E Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVA 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out Q2H Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVB 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out Q2H Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVC 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out Q2H Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YXVD 2.298 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out Q2H Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4EBWA 2.65 Inactive DFGinter None in-in none-out 0PF Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KAOA 2.39 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out KAO Type2
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4KAOB 2.39 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out KAO Type2
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4EBVA 1.67 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0O7 Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4K9YA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out K9Y Type2
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4I4FA 1.75 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out 1BR Type3
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 1MP8A 1.6 Inactive None None in-in none-out ADP Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 4Q9SA 2.07 Inactive None None in-in none-out 30G Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2 FAK1_HUMAN Focal adhesion kinase 1 6YVSC 1.81 Inactive None None in-out none-out PVT Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta AF-Q14289-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZOA 2.2 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 8YGXA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3CC6A 1.6 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 8XOXA 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out YAM Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 5TOBA 2.117 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-none YAM Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZSA 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in B96 Type2
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 4H1MA 1.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 0YJ Type2
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3ET7A 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 349 Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZPA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-in AGS Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZRA 2.7 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 3JZ Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 5TO8A 1.985 Inactive DFGout None in-none out-none 7FM Type1
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3FZTA 1.95 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 4JZ Type2
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 4H1JA 2.0 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in 0YH Type2
Homo sapiens PTK2B FAK2_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta 3H3CA 2.0 Inactive None None in-out none-in P1E Type1
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 AF-Q13882-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VA 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VB 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VC 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5D7VD 2.33 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 6CZ2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UA 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UB 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UC 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5H2UD 2.24 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 5DA3A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 58V Type1
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 6CZ3A 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out FLJ Type1
Homo sapiens PTK6 PTK6_HUMAN Protein-tyrosine kinase 6 6CZ4A 1.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none FKY Type2
Homo sapiens PTK7 PTK7_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 6VG3A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK7 PTK7_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 6VG3B 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens PTK7 PTK7_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 6VG3C 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret AF-P07949-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 5AMNA 2.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DTQ Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6FEKA 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in ADN Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6I82A 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H6W Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6I82B 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H6W Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6I83A 1.88 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in H72 Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6VHGA 2.303 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QX1 Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVSA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACK Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVSB 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACK Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVTA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVUA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZD6 Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2KA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2K Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2LA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2L Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2MA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2M Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2X2MB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X2M Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 4CKJA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADN Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NJAA 1.92 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADE Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU9A 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU9B 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU5A 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU5B 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q4J Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU6A 2.06 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7NZNA 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in VJH Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 2IVVA 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP1 Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 5FM2A 3.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP1 Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 5FM3A 2.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP1 Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NE7A 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 4CKIA 2.116 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADN Type1
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NECA 1.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XIN Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 6NECC 1.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XIN Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DUAA 1.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HJ0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DUAB 1.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HJ0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7RUNA 3.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7QU Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7RUNB 3.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7QU Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU8A 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7DU8B 2.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens RET RET_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret 7JU6B 2.06 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in Q6G Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens ROR1 ROR1_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR1 6TU9A 1.94 Inactive None None in-in out-in 0LI Type1
Homo sapiens ROR1 ROR1_HUMAN Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR1 6TU9B 1.94 Inactive None None in-in none-in 0LI Type1
Homo sapiens ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 3ZZWA 2.9 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 4GT4A 2.406 Inactive DFGinter None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 4GT4B 2.406 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ROR2 ROR2_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase transmembrane receptor ROR2 3ZZWB 2.9 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 3ZBFA 2.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out VGH Type1
Homo sapiens ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 4UXLA 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-out 5P8 Type1
Homo sapiens ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS AF-P08922-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5WA 2.254 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out IDW Type1
Homo sapiens ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5WB 2.254 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out IDW Type1
Homo sapiens ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5XA 2.035 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out AWJ Type1
Homo sapiens ROS1 ROS1_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS 7Z5XB 2.035 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out AWJ Type1
Homo sapiens RYK RYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase RYK 6TUAA 2.38 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src AF-P12931-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YI6A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YI6B 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXYA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXYB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXZA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXZB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXXA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EC 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6ED 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EF 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EH 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2BDFA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2BDFB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2BDJA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HET Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8JF3A 2.846 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none C0N Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXOA 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXOB 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6ATEA 2.402 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 6H3 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1Y57A 1.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in MPZ Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EE 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6E6EG 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in HVY Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1FMKA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2SRCA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2H8HA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out H8H Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4K11A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0J9 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1KSWA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out NBS Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7NG7A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UCW Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8HAQA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none L1N Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8JF3B 2.846 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none C0N Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOMB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out P01 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MXXB 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out none-in DB8 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7OTEA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7OTEB 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOJA 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOJB 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOLA 2.3 Inactive None None in-none none-none S03 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOLB 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none S03 Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8HAQB 2.27 Inactive None None none-none none-none L1N Type1
Homo sapiens SRC SRC_HUMAN Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 1YOMA 2.9 Inactive None None in-none none-out P01 Type1
Homo sapiens SRMS SRMS_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Srms AF-Q9H3Y6-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK AF-P43405-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG2A 2.21 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 1XBAA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4F4PA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0SB Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4DFLA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0K0 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4DFNA 2.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0K1 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PV0A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CG4 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6HM6A 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GDK Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6HM7A 1.64 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GDH Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3SRVA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in S19 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3SRVB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in S19 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5LMAA 1.43 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6ZG Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5LMBA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6ZF Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5LMBB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6ZF Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 8X5KA 1.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 3YT Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6VOVA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R6D Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6VOVB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R6D Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJOA 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4DF Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJPA 1.83 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4DL Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJQA 1.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DK Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJRA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DJ Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJSA 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4DN Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJTA 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DQ Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJUA 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DO Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4YJVA 1.652 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4DT Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5TR6A 1.93 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 7KG Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5TT7A 1.77 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7KF Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RSSA 1.83 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4MG Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG3A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in X3G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG3B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X3G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG4A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X4G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG6A 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X6G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG7A 1.76 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out X7G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG8A 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none X8G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG8C 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X8G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG9A 2.91 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X9G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4XG9B 2.91 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none X9G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5GHVA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X5G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5GHVB 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in X5G Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 1XBBA 1.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STI Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 1XBCA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQEA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P5C Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQHA 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 057 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQHB 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 057 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3FQSA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 585 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FL1A 1.79 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FYNA 2.318 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VE Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FYOA 1.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VF Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FZ6A 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VG Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FZ7A 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0VH Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4GFGA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0XF Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4I0RA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1B4 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4I0SA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1B5 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4I0TA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 1B6 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PUZA 2.085 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CG9 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PUZB 2.085 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CG9 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5T68A 2.93 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 77V Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5T68B 2.93 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 77V Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5TIUA 1.49 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 7CU Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3EMGA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 685 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5Y5TA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8OR Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5Y5UA 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8OU Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5Y5UB 2.14 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 8OU Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3VF8A 2.08 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 0JE Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3VF9A 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 477 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4WNMA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3RT Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5C26A 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 50H Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5C27A 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 50J Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6SSBA 2.08 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LUE Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZC0A 1.97 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QDZ Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCPA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFK Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCQA 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFB Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCRA 1.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCSA 1.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFE Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCUA 1.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5JG Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCXA 1.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QFQ Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 6ZCYA 1.81 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QF8 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 8BI2A 1.508 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QR7 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RX7A 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3YV Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RX8A 1.59 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3YX Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5CXHA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55M Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5CXZA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55U Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4RX9A 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3YT Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4PX6A 1.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 2X6 Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 5CY3A 1.76 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55Y Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FL3A 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 4FL2A 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3TUCA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-none FPW Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3TUBA 2.23 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none FPU Type2
Homo sapiens SYK KSYK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK 3TUDA 2.33 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in FPX Type2
Homo sapiens TEC TEC_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Tec AF-P42680-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor AF-Q02763-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 3L8PA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-none 0CE Type1
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 1FVRA 2.2 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 1FVRB 2.2 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2OO8X 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out RAJ Type2
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2OSCA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out MUH Type2
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2P4IA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in MR9 Type2
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 6MWEA 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 919 Type2
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 6MWEB 2.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 919 Type2
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2WQBA 2.95 Inactive DFGout None none-none out-out QQ1 Type1
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 2P4IB 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out MR9 Type2
Homo sapiens TEK TIE2_HUMAN Angiopoietin-1 receptor 4X3JA 2.5 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 3WR Type2
Homo sapiens TIE1 TIE1_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Tie-1 AF-P35590-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK1 TNK1_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TNK1 AF-Q13470-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZRA 1.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZRB 1.31 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U46A 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4EWHA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T77 Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4EWHB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T77 Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 7KP6A 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in WTP Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 7KP6B 1.79 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in WTP Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 6VQMA 2.87 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R7P Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U54A 2.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8FE9A 3.2 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in R9B Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4ID7A 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus out-out in-in 1G0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTA 3.17 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTB 3.17 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTC 3.17 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQRA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T74 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQRB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in T74 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 AF-Q07912-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U46B 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQPA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in T95 Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 3EQPB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in T95 Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 6VQMB 2.87 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in R7P Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U4DA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DBQ Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U4DB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DBQ Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 1U54B 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSA 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSB 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSC 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 4HZSD 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 8HMTD 3.17 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in LWX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 5ZXBA 2.198 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 9KO Type2
Homo sapiens TNK2 ACK1_HUMAN Activated CDC42 kinase 1 5ZXBB 2.198 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none 9KO Type2
Homo sapiens TXK TXK_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase TXK AF-P42681-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYRA 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in OVI Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4PY1A 2.16 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 2YK Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6DBKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in G5D Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6DBMA 2.368 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in G4J Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNSA 2.09 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R5D Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNVA 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4Y Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNXA 2.18 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4V Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6VNYA 2.3 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in R4S Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6X8FA 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6X8FC 2.15 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWP Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6X8GA 2.21 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in UWM Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3LXNA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in MI1 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GJ2A 2.4 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0XH Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GJ3A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0XP Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5WALA 2.45 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 9ZS Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4OLIA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 2TT 2TT Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 AF-P29597-K2A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYSA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OVC Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYTA 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV5 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7UYUA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in OV0 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GVJA 2.03 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3LXPA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5F1ZA 2.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5U3 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5F20A 2.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5U4 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6OVAA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in N9G Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GFOA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 0X2 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3NZ0A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6AAMA 1.98 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 9T6 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GIHA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 0X5 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3NYXA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in TZ1 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4GIIA 2.31 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in 0X6 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7AX4A 2.12 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out NM7 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7AX4B 2.12 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out NM7 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S98A 1.87 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZRU Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S98B 1.87 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZRU Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S98C 1.87 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZRU Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S99A 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZS3 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S99B 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZS3 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S99C 1.71 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZS3 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S9AA 1.83 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZSB Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S9AB 1.83 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZSB Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8S9AC 1.83 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZSB Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5TKDA 1.92 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 7GL Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5TKDB 1.92 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 7GL Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 3ZONA 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out IK1 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZRA 2.56 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LAJ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZRB 2.56 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LAJ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4WOVA 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 3SM Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4WOVB 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out 3SM Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NSLA 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out KZJ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NSLB 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out KZJ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZEA 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L8Y Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZEB 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L8Y Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZFA 2.39 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L91 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZFB 2.39 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L91 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZHA 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L9A Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZHB 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out L9A Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZPA 2.35 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB7 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZPB 2.35 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB7 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZQA 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB4 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 6NZQB 2.11 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out LB4 Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7OA 2.82 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZJ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7OB 2.82 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZJ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7QA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZG Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 7K7QB 2.27 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out VZG Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB5A 2.32 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOQ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB5B 2.32 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOQ Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB6A 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOI Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 8TB6B 1.96 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out ZOI Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C01A 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out UNL Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C01B 2.15 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out UNL Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C03A 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AGS Type1
Homo sapiens TYK2 TYK2_HUMAN Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 5C03B 1.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none out-out AGS Type1
Homo sapiens TYRO3 TYRO3_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 AF-Q06418-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens YES1 YES_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase Yes AF-P07947-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 AF-P43403-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 1U59A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
Homo sapiens ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 2OZOA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ZAP70 ZAP70_HUMAN Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 4K2RA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out ANP Type1
Monosiga brevicollis RTKC8 A9VBW0_MONBE TK/RTKC protein kinase 8E4TA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU STU Type1 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2Z60A 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P3Y Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2QOHA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P3Y Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2QOHB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P3Y Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KF4A 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in B90 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KF4B 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in B90 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK7A 2.01 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK6A 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK6B 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK3A 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK3B 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3K5VA 1.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STJ STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3K5VB 1.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STJ STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD4A 2.03 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FYW STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD4B 2.03 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FYW STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD6A 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FYH STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3OY3A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in XY3 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3OY3B 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in XY3 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3IK3A 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 0LI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3IK3B 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3OXZA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KFAA 1.22 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B91 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KFAB 1.22 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B91 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1FPUA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in PRC Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1FPUB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in PRC Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1IEPA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1IEPB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPJA 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPJB 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZNA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in KIN Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD6B 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MS9A 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS9 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MS9B 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS9 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSA 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSB 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSC 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSD 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1M52A 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P17 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1M52B 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P17 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPKA 1.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK7B 2.01 Inactive None None in-none out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL2 ABL2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 4XLIA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL2 ABL2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 4XLIB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6MNYB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4XI2A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8S93A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9AJ Type1
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8GMBA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9AJ Type1
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6MNYA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out JVP Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FD9A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out XQQ Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FF0A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 7GB Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8S9FA 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-none 1N1 Type1
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8S9FB 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2HELA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2Y6MA 1.7 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2Y6OA 1.543 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 1N1 Type1
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2XYUA 2.117 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in Q9G Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HENA 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HENB 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HENC 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HEND 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 1JPAA 1.91 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none ANP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 1JPAB 1.91 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none ANP Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 7T6FA 3.6 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 7T6FB 3.6 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 8EWYA 5.5 Inactive None None in-none in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 8EWYB 5.5 Inactive None None in-none in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9A 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IZA Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9B 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IZA Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9C 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IZA Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9D 3.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZV7A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZV8A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZV9A 2.76 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP2 Type1
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZVAA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus SRC SRC_MOUSE Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8XN8A 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1
Mus musculus SRC SRC_MOUSE Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6F3FA 2.418 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1
Mus musculus TYK2 TYK2_MOUSE Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4E20A 2.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0MY Type1
Mus musculus TYK2 TYK2_MOUSE Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4E1ZA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0MX Type1
Mus musculus TYRO3 TYRO3_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 3QUPA 1.9 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out LUN Type1
Mus musculus TYRO3 TYRO3_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 4FEQA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-none 0T8 Type1
Mus musculus TYRO3 TYRO3_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 4FF8A 2.4 Inactive None None none-none none-none 14S Type1
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AE 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AF 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus MUSK MUSK_RAT Muscle, skeletal receptor tyrosine protein kinase 1LUFA 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Schistosoma mansoni VKR2 A0A3Q0KQ92_SCHMA Guanylate cyclase 7ZVSC 3.07 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Schistosoma mansoni VKR2 A0A3Q0KQ92_SCHMA Guanylate cyclase 7ZVSA 3.07 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in ADP Type1
Schistosoma mansoni VKR2 A0A3Q0KQ92_SCHMA Guanylate cyclase 7ZVSB 3.07 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1

TYR kinases in all conformations in complex with All ligands

Total number of genes: 17
Total number of chains: 270
Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 84 3DQWA
DFGin BLAplus 4 6L8LA
DFGin ABAminus 15 4E1ZA
DFGin BLBminus 7 3SVVA
DFGin BLBplus 19 4Y95A
DFGin BLBtrans 1 3U4WA
DFGin None 53 7T6FA
DFGinter BABtrans 2 8S9FB
DFGinter None 8 3DK7A
DFGout BBAminus 50 3KFAA
DFGout None 12 1OPKA
None None 15 8EWYA

Database table as tsv

Organism Gene UniprotID Protein PDB Reso Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95A 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 Type1
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95D 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 Type1
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y93A 1.695 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 Type1
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95B 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 PE4 Type1 Allosteric
Bos taurus BTK Q3ZC95_BOVIN Tyrosine-protein kinase 4Y95C 1.599 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 746 PE4 Type1 Allosteric
Caenorhabditis elegans LET23 LET23_CAEEL Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase let-23 5WNOA 2.386 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4VA 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4YB 1.8 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5HB 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5KB 1.75 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4SB 2.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-in BI9 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4VB 2.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out none-out KB8 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D58B 1.95 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out out-out BI9 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D55A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0LA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY4A 5.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY4B 5.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4RA 1.55 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4RB 1.55 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4SA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D4YA 1.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D58A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5KA 1.75 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY3A 6.32 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6TY3B 6.32 Inactive DFGin None in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKMA 2.31 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out BII Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0MB 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKQA 2.6 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in VG8 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKKA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in BI9 Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2JKOA 1.65 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in BIJ Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4BRXA 2.05 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out KGW Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4C7TA 2.05 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-in 5RI Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 4D5HA 1.75 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out 9RM Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCRA 2.3 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out EUW Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCWA 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out EUQ Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCWB 2.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out EUQ Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 6GCXA 1.553 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out EUW Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0JA 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0KA 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus PTK2 FAK1_CHICK Focal adhesion kinase 1 2J0KB 3.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out 4ST Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SWHA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none none-none 71D Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SWHB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 71D Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QI8A 2.32 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6HA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2OIQB 2.07 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EL8B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3TB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QQ7A 2.38 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none SR2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3LOKA 2.48 None DFGin BLAminus out-none in-none DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D11A 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out 56G Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D11B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 56G Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D12A 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in G97 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVEA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GUW Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWA 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWB 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWC 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQWD 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in AMP Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3DQXB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN4A 2.55 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in KS1 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN5B 2.66 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none KS4 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XC 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F6XD 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQFB 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none BK5 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQGA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQGB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4FICA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-out 0UL Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4FICB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus none-none none-out 0UL Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4O2PB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 11V Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4U5JA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4U5JB 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5K9IA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-in O44 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP5A 2.101 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8BU Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP5B 2.101 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BU Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP7A 2.012 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C6 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5XP7B 2.012 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8C6 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7AH3B 1.95 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out RCK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWOA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none RBS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QLQB 2.33 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none SR2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3GEQA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3GEQB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MCVA 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29K Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5TEHB 2.99 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out S56 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLGA 2.75 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLGB 2.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN4B 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KS1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3UQFA 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus in-none none-none BK5 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4DGGB 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out I76 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6WIWB 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none I14 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D57B 2.104 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 37O Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G5DA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G5DB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LA 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LB 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LC 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6L8LD 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3U51A 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3U51B 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3SVVA 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-none VSP Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3SVVB 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none VSP Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4DGGA 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none none-out I76 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5J5SA 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5J5SB 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5BMMA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5BMMB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2PTKA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4YBKA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4B7 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3U4WA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QI8B 2.32 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OF0A 2.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OF0B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN7B 2.81 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D10B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 563 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVFA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none GUT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLFA 2.75 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out PD5 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN6B 2.39 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none KS5 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN7A 2.81 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none ABJ Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4O2PA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out 11V Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7AH3A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none RCK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGGA 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGGB 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWOB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none RBS Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWPA 2.48 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-in DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGHA 2.84 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none 0JN Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4LGHB 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 0JN Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4MCVB 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none in-out 29K Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5T0PA 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5T0PB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QLQA 2.33 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none SR2 SR2 Type1 Allosteric
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5TEHA 2.99 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out S56 Type1.5_Back
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3QLFB 2.75 Inactive DFGin None out-none in-out PD5 Type1.5_Front
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2QQ7B 2.38 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none SR2 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3LOKB 2.48 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D57A 2.104 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 37O Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3WA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3WB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6HB 2.35 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none G6H Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OEZA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3OEZB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out STI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2OIQA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6GA 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out G6G Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4YBJA 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4A9 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4YBJB 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none none-out 4A9 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7WF5A 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7WF5B 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3VA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3VB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ7A 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ7B 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ8A 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ8B 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ9A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SYSA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5SYSB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3UB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in 1AW Type3
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3TA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AU 1AU Type3 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3F3UA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AW 1AW Type3 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3D7TB 2.899 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in STU Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5K9IB 2.5 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in O44 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D5OB 2.69 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EL7A 2.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none PD3 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EL8A 2.3 Inactive DFGout None in-in in-out PD5 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3G6GB 2.31 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out G6G Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4AGWA 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 4AGWB 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3TZ9B 3.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out AQU Type2
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3D7UB 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3D7UD 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN6A 2.39 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D10A 2.7 Inactive None None none-none none-none 563 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 5D12B 3.0 Inactive None None in-out none-out G97 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVEB 1.9 Inactive None None none-none none-none GUW Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6HVFB 2.1 Inactive None None out-none none-none GUT Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 3EN5A 2.66 Inactive None None none-none none-none KS4 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 7D5OA 2.69 Inactive None None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 2HWPB 2.48 Inactive None None none-none none-out DJK Type1
Gallus gallus SRC SRC_CHICK Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6WIWA 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none I14 Type1.5_Back
Monosiga brevicollis RTKC8 A9VBW0_MONBE TK/RTKC protein kinase 8E4TA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU STU Type1 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2Z60A 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P3Y Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2QOHA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P3Y Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2QOHB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in P3Y Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KF4A 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in B90 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KF4B 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in B90 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK7A 2.01 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK6A 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK6B 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-none out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK3A 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK3B 2.02 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3K5VA 1.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STJ STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3K5VB 1.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STJ STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD4A 2.03 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FYW STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD4B 2.03 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FYW STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD6A 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in FYH STI Allosteric Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3OY3A 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in XY3 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3OY3B 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in XY3 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3IK3A 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-in 0LI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3IK3B 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in 0LI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3OXZA 2.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KFAA 1.22 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B91 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3KFAB 1.22 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in B91 Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1FPUA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in PRC Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1FPUB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in PRC Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1IEPA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1IEPB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPJA 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPJB 1.75 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 2HZNA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in KIN Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 6HD6B 2.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI Type2
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MS9A 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS9 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MS9B 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS9 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSA 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSB 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSC 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3MSSD 1.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in STI MS7 Type2 Allosteric
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1M52A 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P17 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1M52B 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P17 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 1OPKA 1.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in P16 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL1 ABL1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL1 3DK7B 2.01 Inactive None None in-none out-in SX7 Type1
Mus musculus ABL2 ABL2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 4XLIA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus ABL2 ABL2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 4XLIB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6MNYB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 4XI2A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8S93A 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9AJ Type1
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8GMBA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 9AJ Type1
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 6MNYA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out JVP Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FD9A 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out XQQ Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8FF0A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 7GB Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8S9FA 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-none 1N1 Type1
Mus musculus BTK BTK_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK 8S9FB 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out out-out 1N1 Type1
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2HELA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2Y6MA 1.7 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2Y6OA 1.543 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-in 1N1 Type1
Mus musculus EPHA4 EPHA4_MOUSE Ephrin type-A receptor 4 2XYUA 2.117 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in Q9G Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HENA 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HENB 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HENC 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 2HEND 2.6 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-none ADP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 1JPAA 1.91 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none ANP Type1
Mus musculus EPHB2 EPHB2_MOUSE Ephrin type-B receptor 2 1JPAB 1.91 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none ANP Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 7T6FA 3.6 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 7T6FB 3.6 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 8EWYA 5.5 Inactive None None in-none in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK1 JAK1_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK1 8EWYB 5.5 Inactive None None in-none in-in ADN ADP Allosteric Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9A 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IZA Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9B 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IZA Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9C 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IZA Type1
Mus musculus JAK2 JAK2_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2 4GL9D 3.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IZA Type1
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZV7A 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZV8A 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZV9A 2.76 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PP2 Type1
Mus musculus LYN LYN_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyn 2ZVAA 2.6 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back
Mus musculus SRC SRC_MOUSE Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 8XN8A 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1
Mus musculus SRC SRC_MOUSE Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src 6F3FA 2.418 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1
Mus musculus TYK2 TYK2_MOUSE Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4E20A 2.6 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0MY Type1
Mus musculus TYK2 TYK2_MOUSE Non-receptor tyrosine-protein kinase TYK2 4E1ZA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in 0MX Type1
Mus musculus TYRO3 TYRO3_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 3QUPA 1.9 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out LUN Type1
Mus musculus TYRO3 TYRO3_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 4FEQA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-none 0T8 Type1
Mus musculus TYRO3 TYRO3_MOUSE Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 4FF8A 2.4 Inactive None None none-none none-none 14S Type1
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AE 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus CSK CSK_RAT Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK 1K9AF 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Rattus norvegicus MUSK MUSK_RAT Muscle, skeletal receptor tyrosine protein kinase 1LUFA 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None in-in out-in No_ligand No_ligand
Schistosoma mansoni VKR2 A0A3Q0KQ92_SCHMA Guanylate cyclase 7ZVSC 3.07 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Schistosoma mansoni VKR2 A0A3Q0KQ92_SCHMA Guanylate cyclase 7ZVSA 3.07 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in ADP Type1
Schistosoma mansoni VKR2 A0A3Q0KQ92_SCHMA Guanylate cyclase 7ZVSB 3.07 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1