SRC (Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src)

Group: TYR
Uniprot: SRC_HUMAN
Domain boundary: 270 - 521

Total number of chains: 42
Spatial Dihedral Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 24 AF-P12931-K1A
DFGin BLBminus 1 1FMKA
DFGin BLBplus 5 2SRCA
DFGin None 3 1YOMB
DFGinter BABtrans 1 4MXXB
DFGout BBAminus 2 7OTEA
None None 6 1YOMA

Database table as tsv

PDB Resolution Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type Residues in structure Mutation Phosphorylation Unresolved residues in A-loop
AF-P12931-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 262 - 529 None None 0
1YI6A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 536 None X338,X419 0
1YI6B 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 536 None X338,X419 0
4MXYA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 M317L,T341M None 11
4MXYB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 M317L,T341M None 12
4MXZA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 M317L,T341M None 11
4MXZB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 M317L,T341M None 12
4MXXA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 A406T None 11
6E6EA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
6E6EC 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
6E6ED 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
6E6EF 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
6E6EH 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 12
2BDFA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1 260 - 531 None None 11
2BDFB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1 258 - 531 None None 9
2BDJA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HET Type1 260 - 524 None None 11
8JF3A 2.846 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none C0N Type1 260 - 536 None None 14
4MXOA 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 None None 11
4MXOB 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 None None 12
6ATEA 2.402 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 6H3 Type1 260 - 536 None None 14
1Y57A 1.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in MPZ Type1 86 - 536 None None 0
6E6EB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back 261 - 536 None None 10
6E6EE 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back 261 - 536 None None 10
6E6EG 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in HVY Type1.5_Back 261 - 536 None None 12
1FMKA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 86 - 536 None X530 14
2SRCA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 87 - 536 None X530 0
2H8HA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out H8H Type1 88 - 532 None X530 0
4K11A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0J9 Type1 87 - 534 T341G X530 0
1KSWA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out NBS Type1 87 - 536 T341G X530 0
7NG7A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UCW Type1.5_Back 260 - 536 None None 3
8HAQA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none L1N Type1 260 - 536 None None 19
8JF3B 2.846 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none C0N Type1 261 - 536 None None 19
1YOMB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out P01 Type1 258 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 18
4MXXB 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out none-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 A406T None 16
7OTEA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2 261 - 536 None None 17
7OTEB 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2 261 - 536 None None 17
1YOJA 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 264 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 21
1YOJB 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 272 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 19
1YOLA 2.3 Inactive None None in-none none-none S03 Type1 259 - 536 S345N,A370S None 20
1YOLB 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none S03 Type1 262 - 536 S345N,A370S None 20
8HAQB 2.27 Inactive None None none-none none-none L1N Type1 260 - 535 None None 20
1YOMA 2.9 Inactive None None in-none none-out P01 Type1 258 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 19

SRC (Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src)

Group: TYR
Total number of chains: 183
Spatial Dihedral Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 76 AF-P12931-K1A
DFGin BLAplus 4 6L8LA
DFGin ABAminus 2 5SWHA
DFGin BLBminus 8 1FMKA
DFGin BLBplus 11 2SRCA
DFGin BLBtrans 1 3U4WA
DFGin None 26 7AH3A
DFGinter BABtrans 1 4MXXB
DFGinter None 2 2QQ7B
DFGout BBAminus 26 2OIQA
DFGout None 9 3D7TB
None None 17 1YOMA

Database table as tsv

Organism UniprotID PDB Resolution Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type Residues in structure Mutation Phosphorylation Unresolved residues in A-loop
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SWHA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none none-none 71D Type1 258 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SWHB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 71D Type1 255 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QI8A 2.32 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6HA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand 258 - 533 T338I None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2OIQB 2.07 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 258 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EL8B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3TB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 256 - 533 S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QQ7A 2.38 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none SR2 Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3LOKA 2.48 None DFGin BLAminus out-none in-none DJK Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D11A 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out 56G Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D11B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 56G Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D12A 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in G97 Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVEA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GUW Type1 256 - 533 T338M,S345C None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWA 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 255 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWB 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 255 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWC 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 258 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWD 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 257 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in AMP Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQXB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1 259 - 533 None None 7
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN4A 2.55 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in KS1 Type1 258 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN5B 2.66 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none KS4 Type1 256 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1 255 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1 255 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XC 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IHH Type1 255 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XD 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1 257 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQFB 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none BK5 Type1 256 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQGA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1 258 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQGB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4FICA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-out 0UL Type1 255 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4FICB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus none-none none-out 0UL Type1 258 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4O2PB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 11V Type1 256 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4U5JA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4U5JB 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5K9IA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-in O44 Type1 259 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP5A 2.101 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8BU Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP5B 2.101 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BU Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP7A 2.012 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C6 Type1 257 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP7B 2.012 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8C6 Type1 256 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7AH3B 1.95 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out RCK Type1 256 - 533 None None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWOA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none RBS Type1 255 - 533 S345C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QLQB 2.33 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none SR2 Type1 257 - 533 S345C None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3GEQA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1 251 - 533 R388A None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3GEQB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1 251 - 533 R388A None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4MCVA 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29K Type1 256 - 533 T338G None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5TEHB 2.99 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out S56 Type1 256 - 533 V281C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLGA 2.75 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back 258 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLGB 2.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 L317I None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN4B 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KS1 Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQFA 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus in-none none-none BK5 Type1.5_Back 258 - 533 None None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4DGGB 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out I76 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6WIWB 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none I14 Type1.5_Back 259 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D57B 2.104 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 37O Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 None None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G5DA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G5DB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back 258 - 533 S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LA 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 1E8 Type1 261 - 533 None None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LB 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1 263 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LC 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1 261 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LD 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1 262 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3U51A 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3U51B 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3SVVA 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-none VSP Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 T338C None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3SVVB 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none VSP Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 T338C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4DGGA 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none none-out I76 Type1.5_Front 256 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5J5SA 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front 258 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5J5SB 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front 256 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5BMMA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 259 - 533 None None 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5BMMB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 259 - 533 None None 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2PTKA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 83 - 528 None X527 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4YBKA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4B7 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3U4WA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 259 - 533 None None 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QI8B 2.32 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OF0A 2.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 257 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OF0B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 257 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN7B 2.81 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D10B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 563 Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVFA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none GUT Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLFA 2.75 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out PD5 Type1 258 - 533 L317I None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN6B 2.39 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none KS5 Type1 257 - 533 None None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN7A 2.81 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none ABJ Type1 256 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4O2PA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out 11V Type1 257 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7AH3A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none RCK Type1 257 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGGA 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1 264 - 533 T338G None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGGB 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1 264 - 533 T338G None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWOB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none RBS Type1 258 - 533 S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWPA 2.48 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-in DJK Type1 256 - 533 S345C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGHA 2.84 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none 0JN Type1 257 - 533 T338G None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGHB 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 0JN Type1 259 - 533 T338G None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4MCVB 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none in-out 29K Type1 257 - 533 T338G None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5T0PA 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1 257 - 533 V313C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5T0PB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1 258 - 533 V313C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QLQA 2.33 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none SR2 SR2 Type1 Allosteric 256 - 533 S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5TEHA 2.99 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out S56 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 V281C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLFB 2.75 Inactive DFGin None out-none in-out PD5 Type1.5_Front 258 - 533 L317I None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QQ7B 2.38 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none SR2 Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3LOKB 2.48 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none DJK Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D57A 2.104 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 37O Type1 258 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3WA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3WB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6HB 2.35 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none G6H Type2 258 - 533 T338I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OEZA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2 257 - 533 L317I None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OEZB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out STI Type2 256 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2OIQA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6GA 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out G6G Type2 256 - 533 None None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4YBJA 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4A9 Type2 259 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4YBJB 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none none-out 4A9 Type2 259 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7WF5A 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2 257 - 533 None None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7WF5B 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2 254 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3VA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3VB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 256 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ7A 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ7B 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ8A 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ8B 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2 256 - 533 S345C None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ9A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQU Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SYSA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2 258 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SYSB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2 258 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3UB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in 1AW Type3 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3TA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AU 1AU Type3 Type1 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3UA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AW 1AW Type3 Type1 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3D7TB 2.899 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in STU Type1 258 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5K9IB 2.5 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in O44 Type1 259 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D5OB 2.69 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1 258 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EL7A 2.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none PD3 Type2 257 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EL8A 2.3 Inactive DFGout None in-in in-out PD5 Type2 258 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6GB 2.31 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out G6G Type2 256 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4AGWA 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2 257 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4AGWB 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2 258 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ9B 3.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out AQU Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3D7UB 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 523 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3D7UD 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 523 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN6A 2.39 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 533 None None 21
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D10A 2.7 Inactive None None none-none none-none 563 Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D12B 3.0 Inactive None None in-out none-out G97 Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVEB 1.9 Inactive None None none-none none-none GUW Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVFB 2.1 Inactive None None out-none none-none GUT Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN5A 2.66 Inactive None None none-none none-none KS4 Type1 260 - 533 None None 21
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D5OA 2.69 Inactive None None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1 257 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWPB 2.48 Inactive None None none-none none-out DJK Type1 258 - 533 S345C None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6WIWA 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none I14 Type1.5_Back 259 - 533 None None 20
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN AF-P12931-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 262 - 529 None None 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YI6A 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 536 None X338,X419 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YI6B 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 536 None X338,X419 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXYA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 M317L,T341M None 11
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXYB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 M317L,T341M None 12
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXZA 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 M317L,T341M None 11
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXZB 2.582 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 M317L,T341M None 12
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXXA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 A406T None 11
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6EA 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6EC 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6ED 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6EF 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 10
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6EH 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1 261 - 536 None None 12
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 2BDFA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1 260 - 531 None None 11
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 2BDFB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 24A Type1 258 - 531 None None 9
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 2BDJA 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HET Type1 260 - 524 None None 11
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 8JF3A 2.846 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none C0N Type1 260 - 536 None None 14
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXOA 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1 260 - 536 None None 11
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXOB 2.105 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 None None 12
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6ATEA 2.402 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 6H3 Type1 260 - 536 None None 14
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1Y57A 1.91 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in MPZ Type1 86 - 536 None None 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6EB 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back 261 - 536 None None 10
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6EE 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HVY Type1.5_Back 261 - 536 None None 10
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 6E6EG 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in HVY Type1.5_Back 261 - 536 None None 12
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1FMKA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 86 - 536 None X530 14
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 2SRCA 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 87 - 536 None X530 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 2H8HA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out H8H Type1 88 - 532 None X530 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4K11A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 0J9 Type1 87 - 534 T341G X530 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1KSWA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out NBS Type1 87 - 536 T341G X530 0
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 7NG7A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out UCW Type1.5_Back 260 - 536 None None 3
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 8HAQA 2.27 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none L1N Type1 260 - 536 None None 19
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 8JF3B 2.846 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none C0N Type1 261 - 536 None None 19
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YOMB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out P01 Type1 258 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 18
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 4MXXB 2.6 Inactive DFGinter BABtrans out-out none-in DB8 Type1 261 - 536 A406T None 16
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 7OTEA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2 261 - 536 None None 17
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 7OTEB 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2 261 - 536 None None 17
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YOJA 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 264 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 21
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YOJB 1.95 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 272 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 19
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YOLA 2.3 Inactive None None in-none none-none S03 Type1 259 - 536 S345N,A370S None 20
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YOLB 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none S03 Type1 262 - 536 S345N,A370S None 20
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 8HAQB 2.27 Inactive None None none-none none-none L1N Type1 260 - 535 None None 20
Homo sapiens SRC_HUMAN 1YOMA 2.9 Inactive None None in-none none-out P01 Type1 258 - 536 S345N,A370S,Y419W None 19
Mus musculus SRC_MOUSE 8XN8A 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1 85 - 534 None X529 0
Mus musculus SRC_MOUSE 6F3FA 2.418 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1 85 - 531 None X529 0

SRC (Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src)

Group: TYR
Total number of chains: 141
Spatial Dihedral Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 52 3DQWA
DFGin BLAplus 4 6L8LA
DFGin ABAminus 2 5SWHA
DFGin BLBminus 7 3SVVA
DFGin BLBplus 6 8XN8A
DFGin BLBtrans 1 3U4WA
DFGin None 23 7AH3A
DFGinter None 2 2QQ7B
DFGout BBAminus 24 2OIQA
DFGout None 9 3D7TB
None None 11 3D7UB

Database table as tsv

Organism UniprotID PDB Resolution Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type Residues in structure Mutation Phosphorylation Unresolved residues in A-loop
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SWHA 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none none-none 71D Type1 258 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SWHB 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in none-none 71D Type1 255 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QI8A 2.32 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6HA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand 258 - 533 T338I None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2OIQB 2.07 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 258 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EL8B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3TB 2.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 256 - 533 S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QQ7A 2.38 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none SR2 Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3LOKA 2.48 None DFGin BLAminus out-none in-none DJK Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D11A 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out 56G Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D11B 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 56G Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D12A 3.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in G97 Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVEA 1.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GUW Type1 256 - 533 T338M,S345C None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWA 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 255 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWB 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 255 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWC 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 258 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQWD 2.017 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1 257 - 533 T338I X416 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in AMP Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3DQXB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AMP Type1 259 - 533 None None 7
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN4A 2.55 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in KS1 Type1 258 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN5B 2.66 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none KS4 Type1 256 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1 255 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1 255 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XC 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IHH Type1 255 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F6XD 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in IHH Type1 257 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQFB 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none BK5 Type1 256 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQGA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1 258 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQGB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none B5A Type1 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4FICA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-out 0UL Type1 255 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4FICB 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus none-none none-out 0UL Type1 258 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4O2PB 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 11V Type1 256 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4U5JA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4U5JB 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in RXT Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5K9IA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-in O44 Type1 259 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP5A 2.101 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8BU Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP5B 2.101 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BU Type1 259 - 533 None None 8
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP7A 2.012 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C6 Type1 257 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5XP7B 2.012 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8C6 Type1 256 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7AH3B 1.95 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out RCK Type1 256 - 533 None None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWOA 2.5 None DFGin BLAminus out-none none-none RBS Type1 255 - 533 S345C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QLQB 2.33 None DFGin BLAminus none-none in-none SR2 Type1 257 - 533 S345C None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3GEQA 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1 251 - 533 R388A None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3GEQB 2.2 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none PP2 Type1 251 - 533 R388A None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4MCVA 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29K Type1 256 - 533 T338G None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5TEHB 2.99 None DFGin BLAminus out-out none-out S56 Type1 256 - 533 V281C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLGA 2.75 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back 258 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLGB 2.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 1N1 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 L317I None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN4B 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KS1 Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3UQFA 2.27 None DFGin BLAminus in-none none-none BK5 Type1.5_Back 258 - 533 None None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4DGGB 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out out-out I76 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6WIWB 2.3 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none I14 Type1.5_Back 259 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D57B 2.104 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 37O Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 None None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G5DA 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G5DB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 1N1 Type1.5_Back 258 - 533 S345C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LA 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 1E8 Type1 261 - 533 None None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LB 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1 263 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LC 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1 261 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6L8LD 2.888 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 1E8 Type1 262 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3U51A 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3U51B 2.241 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand 261 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3SVVA 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-none VSP Type1.5_Back 257 - 533 T338C None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3SVVB 2.204 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none VSP Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 T338C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4DGGA 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none none-out I76 Type1.5_Front 256 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5J5SA 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front 258 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5J5SB 2.153 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none 6G3 Type1.5_Front 256 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5BMMA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 259 - 533 None None 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5BMMB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 259 - 533 None None 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2PTKA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 83 - 528 None X527 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4YBKA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out 4B7 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3U4WA 1.9 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 259 - 533 None None 0
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QI8B 2.32 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OF0A 2.7 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 257 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OF0B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 257 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN7B 2.81 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D10B 2.7 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 563 Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVFA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none GUT Type1 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLFA 2.75 Inactive DFGin None in-none none-out PD5 Type1 258 - 533 L317I None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN6B 2.39 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none KS5 Type1 257 - 533 None None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN7A 2.81 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none ABJ Type1 256 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4O2PA 2.1 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out 11V Type1 257 - 533 None None 10
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7AH3A 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-none RCK Type1 257 - 533 None None 12
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGGA 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1 264 - 533 T338G None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGGB 2.41 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-none VGG Type1 264 - 533 T338G None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWOB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none RBS Type1 258 - 533 S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWPA 2.48 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-in DJK Type1 256 - 533 S345C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGHA 2.84 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-none 0JN Type1 257 - 533 T338G None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4LGHB 2.84 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 0JN Type1 259 - 533 T338G None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4MCVB 2.73 Inactive DFGin None in-none in-out 29K Type1 257 - 533 T338G None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5T0PA 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1 257 - 533 V313C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5T0PB 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-none 73A Type1 258 - 533 V313C None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QLQA 2.33 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none SR2 SR2 Type1 Allosteric 256 - 533 S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5TEHA 2.99 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out S56 Type1.5_Back 256 - 533 V281C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3QLFB 2.75 Inactive DFGin None out-none in-out PD5 Type1.5_Front 258 - 533 L317I None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2QQ7B 2.38 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none SR2 Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3LOKB 2.48 Inactive DFGinter None none-none none-none DJK Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D57A 2.104 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 37O Type1 258 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3WA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 257 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3WB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6HB 2.35 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none G6H Type2 258 - 533 T338I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OEZA 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2 257 - 533 L317I None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3OEZB 2.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out STI Type2 256 - 533 L317I None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2OIQA 2.07 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out STI Type2 256 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6GA 2.31 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out G6G Type2 256 - 533 None None 14
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4YBJA 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4A9 Type2 259 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4YBJB 2.61 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-none none-out 4A9 Type2 259 - 533 None None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7WF5A 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2 257 - 533 None None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7WF5B 1.798 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0LI Type2 254 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3VA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3VB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1BU Type2 256 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ7A 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ7B 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQB Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 17
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ8A 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ8B 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQM Type2 256 - 533 S345C None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ9A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out AQU Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SYSA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2 258 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5SYSB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 72F Type2 258 - 533 V281C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3UB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-in 1AW Type3 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3TA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AU 1AU Type3 Type1 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3F3UA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1AW 1AW Type3 Type1 257 - 533 S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3D7TB 2.899 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-in STU Type1 258 - 533 None None 11
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5K9IB 2.5 Inactive DFGout None out-out in-in O44 Type1 259 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D5OB 2.69 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1 258 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EL7A 2.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none PD3 Type2 257 - 533 None None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EL8A 2.3 Inactive DFGout None in-in in-out PD5 Type2 258 - 533 None None 13
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3G6GB 2.31 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out G6G Type2 256 - 533 None None 15
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4AGWA 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2 257 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 4AGWB 2.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none NG7 Type2 258 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3TZ9B 3.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out AQU Type2 257 - 533 S345C None 18
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3D7UB 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 523 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3D7UD 4.111 Inactive None None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 523 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN6A 2.39 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand 260 - 533 None None 21
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D10A 2.7 Inactive None None none-none none-none 563 Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 5D12B 3.0 Inactive None None in-out none-out G97 Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 16
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVEB 1.9 Inactive None None none-none none-none GUW Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6HVFB 2.1 Inactive None None out-none none-none GUT Type1 258 - 533 T338M,S345C None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 3EN5A 2.66 Inactive None None none-none none-none KS4 Type1 260 - 533 None None 21
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 7D5OA 2.69 Inactive None None out-out none-out TZ0 Type1 257 - 533 None None 19
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 2HWPB 2.48 Inactive None None none-none none-out DJK Type1 258 - 533 S345C None 20
Gallus gallus SRC_CHICK 6WIWA 2.3 Inactive None None in-out none-none I14 Type1.5_Back 259 - 533 None None 20
Mus musculus SRC_MOUSE 8XN8A 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1 85 - 534 None X529 0
Mus musculus SRC_MOUSE 6F3FA 2.418 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ADP Type1 85 - 531 None X529 0