TKL kinases in all conformations in complex with All ligands

Total number of genes: 41
Total number of chains: 987
Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 595 AF-O43283-K1A
DFGin BLAplus 47 6JUUA
DFGin ABAminus 9 6T6DB
DFGin BLBminus 23 5CENA
DFGin BLBplus 70 7M0XA
DFGin BLBtrans 1 6EGFB
DFGin None 29 8GW3A
DFGinter None 16 3KMUA
DFGout BBAminus 151 8C7YA
DFGout None 26 8FO9E
None None 20 6Q0JA

Database table as tsv

Gene UniprotID Protein PDB Resol Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DB 2.56 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in MM8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DC 2.56 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in MM8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCA 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in H8H Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCB 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in H8H Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCC 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none in-in H8H Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCD 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in H8H Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SZMA 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in M2Z M2Z M2Z Allosteric Allosteric Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7QB 1.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XJM LU8 XJM Allosteric Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 AF-Q04771-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6JUXA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in C9U Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4DYMA 2.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IYZ Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ACRA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9TO Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ACRB 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9TO Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7C3GA 1.802 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FH0 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7C3GB 1.802 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FH0 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3MTFA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A3F Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3MTFB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A3F Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3OOMA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 507 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UA 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UB 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UC 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UD 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGA 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGB 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGC 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGD 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGA 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGB 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGC 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGD 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6A 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4E Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6B 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4E Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6C 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4E Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6D 2.56 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in B4E Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S77B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S78B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S79B 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7GB 1.78 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7HB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7JB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7PB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7WB 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S83B 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S84B 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S89B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GI6A 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EZB Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GINA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IR2 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GINB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IR2 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GIPA 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EUN Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SRHA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SZMB 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in M2Z Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DD 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in MM8 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T8NA 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in MVE Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T8NB 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in MVE Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6TN8A 1.63 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 5U6 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6Z36B 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in Q5Z Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7A21A 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QWQ Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7A21B 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QWQ Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7NNSB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in C87 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8C7WA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in U0C Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8C7ZA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TZX Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GA 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YEE Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GB 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YEE Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GC 2.09 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YEE Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GD 2.09 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in YEE Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3H9RA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TAK Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4C02A 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TAK Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6I1SA 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in E26 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNQA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNRA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNSA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LDN Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNSB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6EIXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A3F Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7BB 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XH7 Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7CB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 T5Y Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7DB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XHD Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7EB 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XEA Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7KB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XEJ Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7MB 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 HVK Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7NB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 2AI Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7SB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 09V Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7VB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XH1 Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7XB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LGA Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7ZB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 BYZ Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S82B 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LAC Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S86B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XK7 Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S87B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XKD Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S88B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XKS Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8AB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XKY Type1 Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S75B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 HUH HUH Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S79A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7AB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 T5V T5V Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7EA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7FA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7FB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XH4 XH4 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7GA 1.78 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7OA 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7QA 1.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7UA 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7UB 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGY XGY Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7VA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7WA 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7YA 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S80A 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S80B 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGM XGM Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S82A 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S87A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S88A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S9KA 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SRHB 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6Z36A 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in Q5Z Q5Z Q5Z Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S77A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 BAQ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7DA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XHD Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7JA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XHG Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7KA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XEJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7LA 1.36 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XHJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7MA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 HVK HVK Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7NA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 2AI Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7PA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 V1L Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7SA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 09V Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7TB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGJ XGJ XGJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7XA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 LGA Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S86A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XK7 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S89A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XKV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8AA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XKY Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8BB 1.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XFV XFV XFV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S75A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 HUH HUH Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7AA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 T5V T5V Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7BA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XH7 XH7 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7HA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 HVB HVB Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7ZA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 BYZ BYZ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S81B 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XJV XJV XJV XJV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7CA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 T5Y T5Y T5Y Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7IA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 HV2 HV2 HV2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7TA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XGJ XGJ XGJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7YB 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XJP XJP XJP XJP XJP Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7RB 1.46 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGS XGS XGS XGS XGS XGS Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S85A 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XK4 XK4 XK4 XK4 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8BA 1.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XFV XFV XFV XFV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7RA 1.46 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XGS XGS XGS XGS XGS Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7IB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S78A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XGV XGV XGV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S81A 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XJV XJV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S76A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 02A 02A Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type1.5_Back
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7LB 1.36 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XHJ XHJ XHJ XHJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type3
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S84A 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XK1 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S83A 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XJY Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Type3
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7OB 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XJJ Type1 Type1
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S85B 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XK4 XK4 XK4 Type1 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S76B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 02A Type1 Type1.5_Back
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S9KB 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 YV4 Type1 Type3
ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DA 2.56 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in MM8 Type1
ACVR1B ACV1B_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1B AF-P36896-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ACVR1C ACV1C_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1C AF-Q8NER5-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A AF-P27037-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3Q4TA 1.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in TAK Type1
ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3Q4TB 1.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in TAK Type1
ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3SOCA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GVD Type1
ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3SOCB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GVD Type1
ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 4ASXA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6OJ Type1
ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 4ASXB 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6OJ Type1
ACVR2B AVR2B_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2B AF-Q13705-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ACVR2B AVR2B_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2B 2QLUA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADE Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 AF-P37023-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0B 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0C 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0D 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0E 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0F 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0G 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0H 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0I 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0J 2.65 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0K 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0L 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0M 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0N 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0O 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0P 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0Q 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0R 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0S 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0T 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0U 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0V 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0W 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0X 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
AMHR2 AMHR2_HUMAN Anti-Muellerian hormone type-2 receptor AF-Q16671-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ANKK1 ANKK1_HUMAN Ankyrin repeat and protein kinase domain-containing protein 1 AF-Q8NFD2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ARAF ARAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase A-Raf AF-P10398-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BMPR1A BMR1A_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1A AF-P36894-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BMPR1B BMR1B_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1B AF-O00238-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BMPR1B BMR1B_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1B 3MDYA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LDN Type1
BMPR1B BMR1B_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1B 3MDYC 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LDN Type1
BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 AF-Q13873-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 3G2FA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 3G2FB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 6UNPB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 6UNPA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP ADP Type1 Allosteric
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4H58B 3.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRFA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out FP3 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV1B 2.47 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XAGC 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XAGD 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf AF-P15056-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q4CB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEB 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEC 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEF 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEG 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UANC 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6U2HC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6U2HD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4YHTA 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4YHTB 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 2FB8A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 2FB8B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 215 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3D4QA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3D4QB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPKA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPKB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRIA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRIB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSBA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSBB 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSDA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSDB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q4CA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RSW Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E26A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 734 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7SHVA 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNFA 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNFB 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFFA 3.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 215 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFFB 3.89 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPJA 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPJB 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7SHVB 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMD 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2B 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2D 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UANB 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5FD2B 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-out 5XJ Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3SKCB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out BR2 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4CQEA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JRQA 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JRQB 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMB 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMC 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2A 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2C 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZVA 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZVB 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV1A 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 904 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV3A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out P02 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FK3A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 325 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UUOB 3.288 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out QH1 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5ITAA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 6DC Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4WO5A 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 324 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4WO5B 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none out-out 324 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3OG7A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 032 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHGA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI9 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHGB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out RI9 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5FD2A 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 5XJ Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV4A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV4B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV6A 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV6B 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E4XA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E4XB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHEA 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHEB 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4PP7A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4PP7B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3SKCA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out BR2 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E26B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-out 734 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIEA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIEB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIEC 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIED 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7P3VA 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7P3VB 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4CQEB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV2B 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CSWB 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V2UB 3.78 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFDA 3.66 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFEA 4.07 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6PP9A 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V2WA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0TA 3.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0UA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0VA 3.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0WA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0XA 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0YA 3.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0ZA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6U2GB 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ACP Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6NYBA 4.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8DGSA 4.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8DGTA 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3C4CA 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV3B 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FK3B 2.65 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3OG7B 2.45 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UUOA 3.288 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out QH1 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4H58A 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out 10Z Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRFB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out FP3 Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CSWA 2.66 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5ITAB 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-in none-out 6DC Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V2UA 3.78 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MBJA 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MBJB 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4H58C 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9RB 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CSXA 2.51 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 54J Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7YA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7YB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V34A 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V34B 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QOP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4R5YA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none 3K3 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4R5YB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-out 3K3 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XFPA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V1Y Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XLOA 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V5J Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XLOB 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none V5J Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VB 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VC 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VD 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P3DA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GA 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GC 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GD 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7OA 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7OB 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7PA 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7PB 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGA 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGB 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGC 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none B96 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGD 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6CADA 2.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out EU4 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6NSQA 3.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out KZP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7XA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7XB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV9A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-out 1OO Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HI2A 2.512 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none BAX Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIDA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out B1E Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIDB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWJA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWJB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0PA 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0PB 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K81 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8QQGB 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8QQGC 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CT7A 3.17 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 55J Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VALA 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 92D Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VALB 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92D Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VAMA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 92J Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VAMB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92J Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6B8UA 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 8EN Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6B8UB 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 8EN Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0QA 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0QB 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q96A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 0NF Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q96B 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0NF Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4DBNA 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0JA Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4DBNB 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0JA Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FC0A 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0T2 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FC0B 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0T2 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSPA 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SU Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSPB 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 1SU Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSQA 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSQB 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3IDPA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out L1E Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3IDPB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out L1E Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9RA 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5C9CA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none 4Z5 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5C9CB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4Z5 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWHA 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWHB 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3II5A 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 831 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3II5B 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 831 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9CA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9CB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GB 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out E7M NHE Type2 Allosteric
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZWA 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type1
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3C4CB 2.57 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZWB 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6CADB 2.55 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out EU4 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6NSQB 3.05 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out KZP Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8QQGA 2.979 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out WJ9 Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CT7B 3.17 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 55J Type2
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7ZR0K 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7ZR5K 3.9 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7ZR6K 4.2 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0JA 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0JB 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0TA 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0TB 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0KA 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0KB 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 3KMUA 1.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 6MIBA 1.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 3KMWA 2.0 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out ATP Type1
ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 3REPA 1.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out ATP Type1
IRAK1 IRAK1_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 AF-P51617-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK1 IRAK1_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 6BFNA 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DL1 Type1
IRAK1 IRAK1_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 6BFNB 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DL1 Type1
IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6RUUA 2.95 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6RUUB 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6ZIWI 2.18 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none AGS Type1
IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6RUUC 2.95 Inactive None None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WC 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WD 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 AF-Q9NWZ3-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBC 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3DA 2.38 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CJT Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3DB 2.38 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CJT Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3EA 2.67 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-in CJQ Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3EB 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CJQ Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3GA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CJN Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3GB 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CJN Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KFD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KFD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GC 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KFD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GD 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KFD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5AAA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5BBB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5CCC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5DDD 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VA 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VB 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VC 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VD 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICC 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICD 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in ANP Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDD 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2A 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 42P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2B 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 42P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2C 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 42P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2D 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 42P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6A 2.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6B 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4GD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6C 2.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8A 2.641 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4GF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8B 2.641 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8C 2.641 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8D 2.641 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLA 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLB 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLC 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLD 2.39 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMA 2.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S2 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMB 2.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S2 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMC 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S2 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMD 2.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S2 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTNA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S3 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTNB 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S3 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTNC 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S3 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTND 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S3 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72A 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72B 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72C 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72D 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75A 2.03 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QX Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75B 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6QX Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75C 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6QX Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75D 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6QX Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K76A 2.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6R1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K76B 2.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GA 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GB 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GC 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GD 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7IA 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QZ Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7IB 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QZ Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX7B 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8A 2.671 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YE Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8B 2.671 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YE Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8C 2.671 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6YE Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8D 2.671 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YE Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76Q Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76Q Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SD 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 76Q Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TA 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TB 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TC 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TD 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73A 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XPY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73B 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XPY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73C 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XPY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73D 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XPY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JX4 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in JX4 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMC 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JX4 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMD 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in JX4 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UB 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UD 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W84A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9YY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W84B 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 9YY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W85A 2.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9YS Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W85B 2.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9YS Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EXF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYB 2.19 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in EXF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYD 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EXF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYE 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EXF Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLA 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLB 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLC 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLD 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUC 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYC 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYD 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4RMZA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T20 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4RMZB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T20 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THWA 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NBK Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THWB 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NBK Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THXA 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in N9Z Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THXB 1.99 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in N9Z Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THZA 2.38 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NB5 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THZB 2.38 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NB5 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8A 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8B 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8C 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8D 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2A 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2B 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2C 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2D 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG3A 2.11 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in B4U Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG3B 2.11 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4U Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG5A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B7R Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG5B 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B7R Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94A 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94B 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94C 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94D 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95A 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95B 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95C 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95D 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DA 2.51 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LTY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DB 2.51 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LTY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DC 2.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LTY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DD 2.51 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LTY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAA 1.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QL7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAB 1.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QL7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAC 1.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QL7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAD 1.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QL7 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3IA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CKN Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3IB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CKN Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFIA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1H Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFIB 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1H Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFJA 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1E Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFJB 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1E Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG1A 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B8I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG1B 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B8I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQA 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQB 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQC 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQD 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIRA 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIRB 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BY Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UITA 1.84 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UITB 1.84 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CD Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIUA 2.02 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CG Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIUB 2.02 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CG Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATBAAA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O0H Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATBBBB 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O0H Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATLAAA 2.464 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O6X Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATLBBB 2.464 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O6X Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATNAAA 2.171 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O06 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATNBBB 2.171 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O06 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR6AAA 2.167 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR6BBB 2.167 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6I Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR7AAA 2.119 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6R Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR7BBB 2.119 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6R Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8DKSA 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in SO9 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8DKSB 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in SO9 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8WTFA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CG Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGDA 2.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none J87 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGDD 2.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none J87 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGEA 1.401 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DL1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGED 1.401 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none DL1 Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U97A 2.65 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U9AA 2.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6D 2.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GD 4GD Type1 Allosteric
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TIAA 2.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TIAB 2.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 76Q Type1.5_Back
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out in-in STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGFB 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U97B 2.65 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U9AB 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out STU Type1
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EG9A 2.414 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-in 0LI Type2
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EG9B 2.414 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in 0LI Type2
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGAA 2.512 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in J8A Type2
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGAB 2.512 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in J8A Type2
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2O8YA 2.4 Inactive None None in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2O8YB 2.4 Inactive None None in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX7A 2.8 Inactive None None none-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUWB 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUXA 3.34 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUYB 3.096 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUZA 3.21 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JV0A 3.63 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JV1D 3.62 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 2Y4IB 3.46 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ATP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUQB 3.22 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ADP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JURB 2.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUSB 2.99 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUTB 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUUB 3.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUVB 3.36 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7UMBB 3.231 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 5KKRB 3.509 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 6U7 Type1.5_Back
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 AF-P53667-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVJB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 3S95A 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 3S95B 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5L6WL 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 8AAUL 1.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LH0 Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVJA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ANP Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVKA 3.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATSA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-none RXQ Type1.5_Back
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5NXCL 2.25 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 9DB Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVKC 3.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in ANP Type1
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WC 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WD 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RXN Type3
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RXN Type3
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUC 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-none RXN Type3
LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUD 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-out RXN Type3
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 AF-P53671-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XA 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out A1H41 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XB 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out A1H41 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XC 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out A1H41 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XD 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out A1H41 Type1
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 7QHGA 1.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out T3B Type2
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 7QHGB 1.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out T3B Type2
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 4TPTA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in 35H Type3
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 4TPTB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in 35H Type3
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 5NXDB 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 9D8 Type3
LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 5NXDA 1.9 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-none 9D8 Type3
LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 AF-Q38SD2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E04A 3.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E05A 4.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E05B 4.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E06A 4.3 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8FACA 3.92 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 AF-Q5S007-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TXZA 3.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1N Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8SMCC 4.02 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TVT Type1
LRRK2 Q17RV3_HUMAN non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase 8U7HC 3.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A0T Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO7C 3.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4K4 Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZGA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A1N Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9A 3.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9C 3.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZCA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1N Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VP8A 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VNOA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VP6A 3.47 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VP7A 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZHA 3.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in A1N Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LHTA 3.5 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LHTB 3.5 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LHWA 3.7 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LI4A 3.1 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO2E 4.13 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO8C 3.88 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO8E 3.88 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9F 3.48 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LI3A 3.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZBA 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none T3X Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U7LA 3.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out T3X Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U7LB 3.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out T3X Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8AB 3.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8AC 3.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8BA 3.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 919 Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8BB 3.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 919 Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TYQA 2.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none T3X Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9E 3.48 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in ATP Type1
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZEA 2.9 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none T3X Type2
LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZFA 3.4 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none T3X Type2
MAP3K10 M3K10_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10 AF-Q02779-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K11 M3K11_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11 AF-Q16584-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 AF-Q12852-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CENA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CEOA 2.28 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 50D Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CEPA 1.99 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 50E Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CEQA 1.911 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 50F Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5VO1A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 9FS Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5VO2A 2.96 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 9FV Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8OURA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out W38 Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8OUSA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out W3I Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8OUTA 1.935 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out W3C Type1
MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8DEGA 2.79 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out SIQ Type1
MAP3K13 M3K13_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13 AF-O43283-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 AF-Q9NYL2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 5HESB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 032 Type1
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 5HESA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 5X5OA 1.868 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 7Z0 Type1.5_Back
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 6JUTA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out C9O Type1.5_Back
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 6JUUA 1.903 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out C9R Type1.5_Back
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Back
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWD 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Back
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAZA 2.54 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGV Type1.5_Back
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Front
MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWC 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Front
MAP3K21 M3K21_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 21 AF-Q5TCX8-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K21 M3K21_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 21 4UYAA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-none none-none AGS Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 AF-O43318-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5V5NA 2.006 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out EDH Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 7NTHA 1.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out URW Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 7NTIA 1.98 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out UWZ Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JGAA 2.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 6KC Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JGDA 3.101 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 6KD Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 2EVAA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-out ADN Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4GS6A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-out 1FM Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4L3PA 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in 1UH Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JGBA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-none none-out 6JV Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4L52A 2.54 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 1UL Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4L53A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 1UO Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3A 2.05 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JH6A 2.365 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out T92 Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5GJGA 2.61 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 6V5 Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3B 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3C 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3D 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5E7RA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus none-none none-out 5KW Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 2YIYA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out YIY Type2
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4O91A 2.393 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out NG2 Type2
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5GJDA 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 6V3 Type2
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5J9LA 2.752 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 6HF Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5J7SA 2.368 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out 6H3 Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5GJFA 2.89 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out 6V4 Type2
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5J8IA 2.404 Inactive None None in-in none-out 6H4 Type1
MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JK3A 2.371 Inactive None None in-out none-out 6L4 Type1
MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 AF-P80192-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 4UY9A 2.81 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 4UY9B 2.81 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 3DTCA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VIN Type1
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase AF-P04049-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 3OMVB 4.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CPDA 3.46 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CPDB 3.46 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 3OMVA 4.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out SM5 Type1
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CHFA 4.25 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out 29L Type1
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CHFB 4.25 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out 29L Type1
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8GFTD 3.8 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8U1LC 3.7 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 7Z37CP1 3.67 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 7Z38C 3.16 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8GAED 3.3 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 AF-Q13546-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C3EB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJY Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7XMKA 2.376 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out GO4 Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7XMKB 2.376 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none GO4 Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7YDXB 2.642 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3CI Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8I2NA 2.29 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out O4U Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5HX6B 2.23 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 65U Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5TX5B 2.56 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 7MJ Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6OCQA 2.793 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none M5J Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6RLNB 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none K8K Type1
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITJA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 1HX Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITJB 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 1HX Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7YDXA 2.642 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3CI Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8I2NB 2.29 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out O4U Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FD0A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 3IU Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FD0B 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3IU Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4NEUA 2.57 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in Q1A Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4NEUB 2.57 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none Q1A Type2
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C3EA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJY Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITHA 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RCM Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITHB 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RCM Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITIA 2.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 1HW Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITIB 2.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 1HW Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NYHA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out L8D Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NYHB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out L8D Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FCZA 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3IF Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FCZB 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3IF Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DA 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DB 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DC 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DD 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5HX6A 2.23 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 65U Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5TX5A 2.56 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 7MJ Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6HHOA 3.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out G4W Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6HHOB 3.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none G4W Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6OCQB 2.793 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none M5J Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FA 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none JSW Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FB 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out JSW Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FC 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out JSW Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FD 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out JSW Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6RLNA 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out K8K Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NW2A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none L4Y Type3
RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NW2B 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out L4Y Type3
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 AF-O43353-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8AZAA 3.15 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8AZAB 3.15 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR2A 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR2B 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG0A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG0B 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OA 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OB 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OC 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OD 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OE 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OF 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OG 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OH 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OI 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OJ 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OK 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OL 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OM 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5ON 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OO 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OP 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6HMXA 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out GEZ Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6HMXB 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out GEZ Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZEB 2.94 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out M2B Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZJB 2.53 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out M5W Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6FU5A 3.26 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out E7N Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FB 3.11 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none KRE Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FD 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out KRE Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR3A 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR3B 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ACP Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR5A 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IQ7 Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR5B 2.66 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none IQ7 Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J79A 2.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GE Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J79B 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 6GE Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG2A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG2B 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6UL8A 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out Q9J Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6UL8B 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out Q9J Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RN8A 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out K9T Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RN8B 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out K9T Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RNAA 2.62 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out KA2 Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RNAB 2.62 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out KA2 Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FA 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-out KRE Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FC 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-out KRE Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR8B 2.79 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out XYW Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3B 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3C 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3D 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZEA 2.94 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none M2B Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZJA 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out M5W Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR4A 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none SB2 Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR4B 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out SB2 Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J7BA 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 6GD Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J7BB 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 6GD Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5JA 2.85 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 9WS Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5JB 2.85 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 9WS Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6FU5B 3.26 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out E7N Type1
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR8A 2.79 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out XYW Type1.5_Back
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6ES0A 2.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BW8 Type2
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6ES0B 2.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BW8 Type2
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR7B 2.71 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out SR8 Type2
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 4C8BA 2.75 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 4C8BB 2.75 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR7A 2.71 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-none SR8 Type2
RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 AF-Q9Y572-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3B 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ZOV Type1
RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3A 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ZOV Type1.5_Back
RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3C 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ZOV Type1.5_Back
RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3D 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ZOV Type1.5_Back
RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MONB 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ZL1 Type1.5_Front
RIPK4 RIPK4_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 AF-P57078-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TESK1 TESK1_HUMAN Dual specificity testis-specific protein kinase 1 AF-Q15569-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TESK2 TESK2_HUMAN Dual specificity testis-specific protein kinase 2 AF-Q96S53-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8UA 2.03 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2NA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8SA 1.45 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 AF-P36897-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8TA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CB 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CD 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CF 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CH 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASA 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASB 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASC 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASD 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASE 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8XA 1.45 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E90A 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5L4 Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5USQA 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8LY Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1RW8A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 580 Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5FRIA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZUQ Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1VJYA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 460 Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3GXLA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QIG Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3HMMA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 855 Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X0MA 1.68 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WA Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2FA 1.49 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WJ Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2GA 1.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WK Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2WOTA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZZG Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2WOUA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZZF Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 8YHLA 1.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1D6I Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8WA 1.86 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8ZA 1.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5L4 Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QIKA 1.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2M Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QILA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2V Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QTZA 1.83 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QMY Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QU0A 1.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QMV Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3TZMA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 085 Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1PY5A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PY1 Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OA 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OB 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ZOP Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAA 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAB 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAC 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAD 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAE 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 8YHFA 1.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1D6I Type1
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2JA 1.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WN Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2KA 1.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WO Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QIMA 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2Y Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 6B8YA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in D0A Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OC 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OD 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OE 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFB 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFC 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFD 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFE 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E8YA 2.05 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 AF-P37173-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 8YGZA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E8VA 1.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E91A 2.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5L4 Type1
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E92A 2.08 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5QINA 1.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2V Type1
TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 7DV6A 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HJF Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K AF-Q59H18-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFA 3.07 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4CV Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFB 3.07 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4CV Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFC 3.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CV Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFD 3.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CV Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JA 2.97 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out CV4 Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JB 2.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none CV4 Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JC 2.97 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out CV4 Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JD 2.97 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out CV4 Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFIA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFIB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFIC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFID 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKA 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZGD Type2
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKB 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZGD Type2
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKC 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none ZGD Type2
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKD 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZGD Type2
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJA 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZFS Type2
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJB 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZFS Type2
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJC 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none ZFS Type2
TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJD 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZFS Type2

TKL kinases in all conformations in complex with All ligands

Total number of genes: 56
Total number of chains: 1061
Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 637 AF-O43283-K1A
DFGin BLAplus 48 6JUUA
DFGin ABAminus 13 3TL8A
DFGin BLBminus 26 5CENA
DFGin BLBplus 76 7M0XA
DFGin BLBtrans 1 6EGFB
DFGin None 35 8GW3A
DFGinter None 16 3KMUA
DFGout BBAminus 151 8C7YA
DFGout None 29 8FO9E
None None 29 6Q0JA

Database table as tsv

Organism Gene UniprotID Protein PDB Resol Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8D 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8H 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3ULZA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3UIMA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8G 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BIK1 BIK1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase BIK1 5TOSA 2.35 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BIK1 BIK1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase BIK1 5TOSB 2.35 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPWA 2.431 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPBA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPVA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPYA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPZA 2.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4OH4A 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4OH4B 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4Q5JA 2.772 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4Q5JB 2.772 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CARK1 CARK1_ARATH Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase 1 5XD6A 1.898 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-none ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CARK1 CARK1_ARATH Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase 1 5XD6B 1.898 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3PPZB 2.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3PPZA 2.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3P86B 2.496 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3P86A 2.496 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out STU Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDXA 2.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDXB 2.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDYA 2.28 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDYB 2.28 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDVA 1.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ATP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDVB 1.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ATP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDWA 1.926 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDWB 1.926 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TA 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TD 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TI 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TJ 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TM 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5UC 3.9 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5VC 4.25 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J6IA 3.7 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTVA 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTVB 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTXA 2.907 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTXB 2.907 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Arachis hypogaea SYMRK E6YC17_ARAHY Symbiosis receptor kinase SymRK 6M0UA 2.29 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4YZMB 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 4K4 Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4YZMA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 4K4 Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4YZNA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4K5 Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F0FA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F1OA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F1TA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out H52 H52 Type1 Allosteric
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F1MA 2.04 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP BTB Type1 Allosteric
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F0GA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Drosophila melanogaster KSR Q24170_DROME KSR 8BW9D 3.32 Inactive None None none-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DB 2.56 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in MM8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DC 2.56 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in MM8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCA 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in H8H Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCB 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in H8H Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCC 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-none in-in H8H Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ZGCD 2.67 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-out in-in H8H Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SZMA 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in M2Z M2Z M2Z Allosteric Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7QB 1.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XJM LU8 XJM Allosteric Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 AF-Q04771-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6JUXA 1.75 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in C9U Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4DYMA 2.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IYZ Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ACRA 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9TO Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6ACRB 2.01 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9TO Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7C3GA 1.802 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FH0 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7C3GB 1.802 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FH0 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3MTFA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A3F Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3MTFB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A3F Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3OOMA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 507 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UA 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UB 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UC 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3Q4UD 1.82 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGA 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGB 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGC 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4BGGD 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 844 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGA 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGB 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGC 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OXGD 2.13 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4B Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6A 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4E Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6B 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4E Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6C 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4E Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5OY6D 2.56 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in B4E Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S77B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S78B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S79B 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7GB 1.78 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7HB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7JB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7PB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7WB 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S83B 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S84B 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S89B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GI6A 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EZB Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GINA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IR2 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GINB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in IR2 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6GIPA 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EUN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SRHA 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SZMB 1.42 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in M2Z Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DD 2.56 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in MM8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T8NA 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in MVE Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T8NB 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in MVE Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6TN8A 1.63 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 5U6 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6Z36B 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in Q5Z Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7A21A 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QWQ Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7A21B 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QWQ Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 7NNSB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in C87 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8C7WA 2.26 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in U0C Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8C7ZA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TZX Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GA 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YEE Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GB 2.09 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YEE Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GC 2.09 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in YEE Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 8R7GD 2.09 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in YEE Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 3H9RA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TAK Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 4C02A 2.17 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TAK Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6I1SA 1.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in E26 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNQA 2.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNRA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNSA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6UNSB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6EIXA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A3F Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7BB 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XH7 Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7CB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 T5Y Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7DB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XHD Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7EB 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XEA Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7KB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XEJ Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7MB 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 HVK Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7NB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 2AI Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7SB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 09V Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7VB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XH1 Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7XB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LGA Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7ZB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 BYZ Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S82B 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LAC Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S86B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XK7 Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S87B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XKD Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S88B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XKS Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8AB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XKY Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S75B 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 HUH HUH Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S79A 1.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7AB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 T5V T5V Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7EA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7FA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7FB 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XH4 XH4 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7GA 1.78 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7OA 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7QA 1.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7UA 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7UB 1.59 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGY XGY Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7VA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7WA 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7YA 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S80A 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S80B 1.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGM XGM Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S82A 1.71 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S87A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S88A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S9KA 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6SRHB 1.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6Z36A 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in Q5Z Q5Z Q5Z Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S77A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 BAQ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7DA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XHD Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7JA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XHG Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7KA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XEJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7LA 1.36 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XHJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7MA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 HVK HVK Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7NA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 2AI Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7PA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 V1L Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7SA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 09V Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7TB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGJ XGJ XGJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7XA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 LGA Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S86A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XK7 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S89A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XKV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8AA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XKY Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8BB 1.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XFV XFV XFV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S75A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 HUH HUH Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7AA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 T5V T5V Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7BA 1.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XH7 XH7 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7HA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 HVB HVB Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7ZA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 BYZ BYZ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S81B 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XJV XJV XJV XJV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7CA 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 T5Y T5Y T5Y Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7IA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 HV2 HV2 HV2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7TA 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XGJ XGJ XGJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7YB 1.37 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XJP XJP XJP XJP XJP Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7RB 1.46 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XGS XGS XGS XGS XGS XGS Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S85A 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XK4 XK4 XK4 XK4 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S8BA 1.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XFV XFV XFV XFV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7RA 1.46 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XGS XGS XGS XGS XGS Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7IB 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 HV2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S78A 1.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XGV XGV XGV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S81A 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XJV XJV Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S76A 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 02A 02A Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7LB 1.36 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XHJ XHJ XHJ XHJ Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric Type3
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S84A 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XK1 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S83A 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 LU8 LU8 XJY Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Type3
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S7OB 1.43 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XJJ Type1 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S85B 1.33 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 XK4 XK4 XK4 Type1 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S76B 1.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 02A Type1 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 5S9KB 1.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LU8 YV4 Type1 Type3
Homo sapiens ACVR1 ACVR1_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1 6T6DA 2.56 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in MM8 Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR1B ACV1B_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1B AF-P36896-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ACVR1C ACV1C_HUMAN Activin receptor type-1C AF-Q8NER5-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A AF-P27037-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3Q4TA 1.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in TAK Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3Q4TB 1.96 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in TAK Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3SOCA 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GVD Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 3SOCB 1.95 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in GVD Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 4ASXA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6OJ Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR2A AVR2A_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2A 4ASXB 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6OJ Type1
Homo sapiens ACVR2B AVR2B_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2B AF-Q13705-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ACVR2B AVR2B_HUMAN Activin receptor type-2B 2QLUA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADE Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 AF-P37023-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0B 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0C 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0D 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0E 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0F 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0G 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0H 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0I 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0J 2.65 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0K 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0L 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0M 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0N 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0O 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0P 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0Q 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0R 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0S 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0T 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0U 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0V 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0W 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens ACVRL1 ACVL1_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 3MY0X 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens AMHR2 AMHR2_HUMAN Anti-Muellerian hormone type-2 receptor AF-Q16671-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ANKK1 ANKK1_HUMAN Ankyrin repeat and protein kinase domain-containing protein 1 AF-Q8NFD2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ARAF ARAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase A-Raf AF-P10398-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BMPR1A BMR1A_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1A AF-P36894-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BMPR1B BMR1B_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1B AF-O00238-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BMPR1B BMR1B_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1B 3MDYA 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens BMPR1B BMR1B_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-1B 3MDYC 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LDN Type1
Homo sapiens BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 AF-Q13873-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 3G2FA 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 3G2FB 2.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 6UNPB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Homo sapiens BMPR2 BMPR2_HUMAN Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 6UNPA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP ADP Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4H58B 3.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRFA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out FP3 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV1B 2.47 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XAGC 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XAGD 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf AF-P15056-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q4CB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEB 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEC 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEF 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNEG 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UANC 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6U2HC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6U2HD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4YHTA 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4YHTB 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 2FB8A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 2FB8B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 215 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3D4QA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3D4QB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPKA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPKB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRIA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRIB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSBA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSBB 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSDA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PSDB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q4CA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RSW Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E26A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 734 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7SHVA 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNFA 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MNFB 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFFA 3.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 215 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFFB 3.89 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPJA 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PPJB 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7SHVB 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMD 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2B 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2D 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UANB 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5FD2B 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-out 5XJ Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3SKCB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out BR2 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4CQEA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JRQA 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JRQB 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMB 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JSMC 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2A 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5JT2C 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZVA 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZVB 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV1A 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 904 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV3A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out P02 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FK3A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 325 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UUOB 3.288 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out QH1 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5ITAA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 6DC Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4WO5A 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 324 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4WO5B 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none out-out 324 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3OG7A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 032 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHGA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHGB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out RI9 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5FD2A 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 5XJ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV4A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV4B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV6A 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3TV6B 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E4XA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E4XB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHEA 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4EHEB 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4PP7A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4PP7B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3SKCA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out BR2 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4E26B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-out 734 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIEA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIEB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIEC 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIED 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7P3VA 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7P3VB 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4CQEB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV2B 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CSWB 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V2UB 3.78 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFDA 3.66 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7MFEA 4.07 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6PP9A 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V2WA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0TA 3.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0UA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0VA 3.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0WA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0XA 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0YA 3.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7M0ZA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6U2GB 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ACP Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6NYBA 4.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8DGSA 4.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8DGTA 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3C4CA 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV3B 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FK3B 2.65 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3OG7B 2.45 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6UUOA 3.288 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out QH1 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4H58A 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out 10Z Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3PRFB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out FP3 Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CSWA 2.66 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5ITAB 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-in none-out 6DC Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V2UA 3.78 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out P06 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MBJA 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4MBJB 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4H58C 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9RB 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CSXA 2.51 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 54J Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7YA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7YB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V34A 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6V34B 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QOP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4R5YA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none 3K3 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4R5YB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-out 3K3 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XFPA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V1Y Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XLOA 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V5J Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6XLOB 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none V5J Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VB 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VC 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7K0VD 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P3DA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GA 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GC 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GD 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7OA 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7OB 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7PA 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8F7PB 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGA 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGB 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGC 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none B96 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4JVGD 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6CADA 2.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out EU4 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6NSQA 3.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out KZP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7XA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8C7XB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4XV9A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-out 1OO Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HI2A 2.512 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none BAX Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIDA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out B1E Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5HIDB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWJA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWJB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0PA 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0PB 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K81 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8QQGB 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8QQGC 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CT7A 3.17 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 55J Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VALA 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 92D Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VALB 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92D Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VAMA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 92J Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5VAMB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92J Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6B8UA 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 8EN Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6B8UB 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 8EN Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0QA 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6N0QB 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q96A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 0NF Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3Q96B 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0NF Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4DBNA 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0JA Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4DBNB 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0JA Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FC0A 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0T2 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4FC0B 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0T2 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSPA 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SU Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSPB 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 1SU Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSQA 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4KSQB 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3IDPA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out L1E Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3IDPB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out L1E Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9RA 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5C9CA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none 4Z5 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5C9CB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4Z5 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWHA 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 1UWHB 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3II5A 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 831 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3II5B 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 831 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9CA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4G9CB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6P7GB 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out E7M NHE Type2 Allosteric
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZWA 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type1
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 3C4CB 2.57 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 4RZWB 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6CADB 2.55 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out EU4 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6NSQB 3.05 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out KZP Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 8QQGA 2.979 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out WJ9 Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 5CT7B 3.17 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 55J Type2
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7ZR0K 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7ZR5K 3.9 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 7ZR6K 4.2 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0JA 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0JB 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0TA 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0TB 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0KA 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens BRAF BRAF_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf 6Q0KB 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 3KMUA 1.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 6MIBA 1.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 3KMWA 2.0 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens ILK ILK_HUMAN Integrin-linked protein kinase 3REPA 1.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK1 IRAK1_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 AF-P51617-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK1 IRAK1_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 6BFNA 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DL1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK1 IRAK1_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 6BFNB 2.26 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DL1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6RUUA 2.95 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6RUUB 2.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6ZIWI 2.18 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none AGS Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK3 IRAK3_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 6RUUC 2.95 Inactive None None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WC 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2WD 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in YTH FJ9 Allosteric Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 AF-Q9NWZ3-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBC 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIBD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3DA 2.38 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CJT Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3DB 2.38 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CJT Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3EA 2.67 None DFGin BLAminus in-out none-in CJQ Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3EB 2.67 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CJQ Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3GA 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CJN Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3GB 2.37 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in CJN Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KFD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in KFD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GC 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KFD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6N8GD 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in KFD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5AAA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5BBB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5CCC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR5DDD 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R73 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VA 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VB 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VC 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7C2VD 2.44 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in FJ0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICA 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICB 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICC 2.4 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OICD 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2OIDD 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2A 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 42P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2B 2.73 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 42P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2C 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 42P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4XS2D 2.73 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 42P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6A 2.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6B 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4GD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6C 2.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8A 2.641 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4GF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8B 2.641 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8C 2.641 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YP8D 2.641 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLA 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLB 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLC 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTLD 2.39 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMA 2.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S2 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMB 2.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S2 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMC 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S2 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTMD 2.66 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S2 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTNA 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S3 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTNB 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 4S3 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTNC 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S3 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4ZTND 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4S3 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72A 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72B 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72C 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K72D 2.22 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75A 2.03 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QX Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75B 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6QX Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75C 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6QX Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K75D 2.03 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6QX Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K76A 2.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6R1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K76B 2.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GA 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GB 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GC 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7GD 2.23 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6R0 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7IA 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QZ Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5K7IB 2.31 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6QZ Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX7B 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8A 2.671 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YE Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8B 2.671 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YE Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8C 2.671 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 6YE Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX8D 2.671 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6YE Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76Q Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SC 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76Q Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SD 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 76Q Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TA 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TB 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TC 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1TD 2.34 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 76P Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73A 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XPY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73B 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XPY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73C 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in XPY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4Y73D 2.14 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in XPY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JX4 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in JX4 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMC 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JX4 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6MOMD 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in JX4 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UB 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UC 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O8UD 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LS7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W84A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 9YY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W84B 2.9 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in 9YY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W85A 2.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9YS Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5W85B 2.25 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 9YS Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EXF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYB 2.19 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-in EXF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYD 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EXF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6LXYE 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in EXF Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLA 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLB 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLC 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6VQLD 2.069 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R7S Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUB 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUC 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRUD 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T12 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYC 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYD 2.15 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4RMZA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T20 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4RMZB 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in T20 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THWA 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NBK Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THWB 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NBK Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THXA 1.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in N9Z Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THXB 1.99 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in N9Z Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THZA 2.38 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NB5 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6THZB 2.38 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in NB5 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8A 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8B 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8C 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TI8D 2.32 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in NBW Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2A 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2B 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2C 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG2D 3.031 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B6I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG3A 2.11 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in B4U Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG3B 2.11 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B4U Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG5A 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B7R Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG5B 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B7R Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94A 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94B 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94C 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O94D 1.98 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LRS Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95A 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95B 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95C 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O95D 1.77 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LSV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DA 2.51 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LTY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DB 2.51 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LTY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DC 2.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LTY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6O9DD 2.51 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in LTY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAA 1.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QL7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAB 1.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QL7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAC 1.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QL7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6UYAD 1.74 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in QL7 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3IA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CKN Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6F3IB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in CKN Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFIA 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1H Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFIB 2.31 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1H Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFJA 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1E Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6RFJB 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in K1E Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG1A 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B8I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 7QG1B 2.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in B8I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQA 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQB 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQC 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIQD 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BV Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIRA 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIRB 2.64 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8BY Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UISD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8C1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UITA 1.84 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UITB 1.84 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CD Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIUA 2.02 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CG Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5UIUB 2.02 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CG Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATBAAA 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O0H Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATBBBB 2.35 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O0H Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATLAAA 2.464 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O6X Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATLBBB 2.464 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in O6X Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATNAAA 2.171 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O06 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8ATNBBB 2.171 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in O06 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR6AAA 2.167 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR6BBB 2.167 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6I Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR7AAA 2.119 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6R Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8BR7BBB 2.119 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in R6R Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8DKSA 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in SO9 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8DKSB 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in SO9 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 8WTFA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 8CG Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGDA 2.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none J87 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGDD 2.1 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none J87 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGEA 1.401 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in DL1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGED 1.401 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none DL1 Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U97A 2.65 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U9AA 2.8 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4YO6D 2.32 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4GD 4GD Type1 Allosteric
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TIAA 2.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6TIAB 2.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ND2 ND2 ND2 ND2 Type1 Allosteric Allosteric Allosteric
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5T1SB 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 76Q Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYA 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2NRYB 2.15 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGFB 2.61 Inactive DFGin BLBtrans out-out out-none ANP Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U97B 2.65 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 4U9AB 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out STU Type1
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EG9A 2.414 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-in 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EG9B 2.414 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGAA 2.512 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in J8A Type2
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 6EGAB 2.512 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-in J8A Type2
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2O8YA 2.4 Inactive None None in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 2O8YB 2.4 Inactive None None in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens IRAK4 IRAK4_HUMAN Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 5KX7A 2.8 Inactive None None none-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUWB 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUXA 3.34 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUYB 3.096 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JUZA 3.21 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JV0A 3.63 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR1 KSR1_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 1 7JV1D 3.62 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 2Y4IB 3.46 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ATP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUQB 3.22 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ADP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JURB 2.82 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUSB 2.99 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUTB 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUUB 3.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7JUVB 3.36 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 7UMBB 3.231 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens KSR2 KSR2_HUMAN Kinase suppressor of Ras 2 5KKRB 3.509 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out 6U7 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 AF-P53667-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVJB 2.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 3S95A 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 3S95B 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5L6WL 2.53 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in AGS Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 8AAUL 1.74 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in LH0 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVJA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ANP Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVKA 3.5 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATSA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-none RXQ Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5NXCL 2.25 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 9DB Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 5HVKC 3.5 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WC 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7B8WD 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none T3B Type2
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUA 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RXN Type3
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUB 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RXN Type3
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUC 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-none RXN Type3
Homo sapiens LIMK1 LIMK1_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 1 7ATUD 2.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-none out-out RXN Type3
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 AF-P53671-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWB 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8WSWD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out LH0 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XA 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out A1H41 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XB 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out A1H41 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XC 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out A1H41 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 8S3XD 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out A1H41 Type1
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 7QHGA 1.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out T3B Type2
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 7QHGB 1.45 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out T3B Type2
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 4TPTA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in 35H Type3
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 4TPTB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-in 35H Type3
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 5NXDB 1.9 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 9D8 Type3
Homo sapiens LIMK2 LIMK2_HUMAN LIM domain kinase 2 5NXDA 1.9 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-none 9D8 Type3
Homo sapiens LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 AF-Q38SD2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E04A 3.8 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E05A 4.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E05B 4.6 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8E06A 4.3 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK1 LRRK1_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8FACA 3.92 Inactive DFGout None in-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 AF-Q5S007-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TXZA 3.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1N Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8SMCC 4.02 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in TVT Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 Q17RV3_HUMAN non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase 8U7HC 3.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A0T Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO7C 3.52 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in 4K4 Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZGA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in A1N Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9A 3.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9C 3.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZCA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1N Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VP8A 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VNOA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VP6A 3.47 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6VP7A 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZHA 3.9 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-in A1N Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LHTA 3.5 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LHTB 3.5 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LHWA 3.7 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LI4A 3.1 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO2E 4.13 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO8C 3.88 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO8E 3.88 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9F 3.48 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 7LI3A 3.8 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZBA 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none T3X Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U7LA 3.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out T3X Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U7LB 3.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out T3X Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8AB 3.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8AC 3.4 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8BA 3.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 919 Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8U8BB 3.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 919 Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TYQA 2.99 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none T3X Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8FO9E 3.48 Inactive DFGout None out-out out-in ATP Type1
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZEA 2.9 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none T3X Type2
Homo sapiens LRRK2 LRRK2_HUMAN Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8TZFA 3.4 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-none T3X Type2
Homo sapiens MAP3K10 M3K10_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10 AF-Q02779-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K11 M3K11_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11 AF-Q16584-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 AF-Q12852-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CENA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CEOA 2.28 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 50D Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CEPA 1.99 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 50E Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5CEQA 1.911 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 50F Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5VO1A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 9FS Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 5VO2A 2.96 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 9FV Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8OURA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out W38 Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8OUSA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out W3I Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8OUTA 1.935 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out W3C Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K12 M3K12_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12 8DEGA 2.79 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out SIQ Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K13 M3K13_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13 AF-O43283-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 AF-Q9NYL2-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 5HESB 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 032 Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 5HESA 2.14 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 5X5OA 1.868 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 7Z0 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 6JUTA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out C9O Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 6JUUA 1.903 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out C9R Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWA 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWD 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAZA 2.54 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWB 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MAP3K20 M3K20_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 20 7YAWC 2.1 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out IGS Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens MAP3K21 M3K21_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 21 AF-Q5TCX8-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K21 M3K21_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 21 4UYAA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-none none-none AGS Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 AF-O43318-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5V5NA 2.006 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out EDH Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 7NTHA 1.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out URW Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 7NTIA 1.98 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out UWZ Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JGAA 2.0 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 6KC Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JGDA 3.101 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out 6KD Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 2EVAA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-out ADN Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4GS6A 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-out 1FM Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4L3PA 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-in 1UH Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JGBA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-none none-out 6JV Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4L52A 2.54 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 1UL Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4L53A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 1UO Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3A 2.05 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JH6A 2.365 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out T92 Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5GJGA 2.61 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out 6V5 Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3B 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3C 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None out-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 8GW3D 2.05 Inactive DFGinter None out-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5E7RA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus none-none none-out 5KW Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 2YIYA 2.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out YIY Type2
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 4O91A 2.393 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out NG2 Type2
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5GJDA 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 6V3 Type2
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5J9LA 2.752 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 6HF Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5J7SA 2.368 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out 6H3 Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5GJFA 2.89 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out 6V4 Type2
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5J8IA 2.404 Inactive None None in-in none-out 6H4 Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K7 M3K7_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 5JK3A 2.371 Inactive None None in-out none-out 6L4 Type1
Homo sapiens MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 AF-P80192-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 4UY9A 2.81 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 4UY9B 2.81 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens MAP3K9 M3K9_HUMAN Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9 3DTCA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out VIN Type1
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase AF-P04049-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 3OMVB 4.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CPDA 3.46 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CPDB 3.46 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 3OMVA 4.0 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out SM5 Type1
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CHFA 4.25 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out 29L Type1
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8CHFB 4.25 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out 29L Type1
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8GFTD 3.8 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8U1LC 3.7 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 7Z37CP1 3.67 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 7Z38C 3.16 Inactive None None none-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RAF1 RAF1_HUMAN RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase 8GAED 3.3 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 AF-Q13546-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C3EB 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJY Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7XMKA 2.376 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out GO4 Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7XMKB 2.376 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none GO4 Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7YDXB 2.642 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3CI Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8I2NA 2.29 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out O4U Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5HX6B 2.23 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 65U Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5TX5B 2.56 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 7MJ Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6OCQA 2.793 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none M5J Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6RLNB 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none K8K Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITJA 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 1HX Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITJB 1.8 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 1HX Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7YDXA 2.642 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3CI Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 8I2NB 2.29 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out O4U Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FD0A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none 3IU Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FD0B 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3IU Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4NEUA 2.57 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-in Q1A Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4NEUB 2.57 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none Q1A Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C3EA 2.6 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJY Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITHA 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RCM Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITHB 2.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out RCM Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITIA 2.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 1HW Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 4ITIB 2.86 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 1HW Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NYHA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out L8D Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NYHB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out L8D Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FCZA 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3IF Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 7FCZB 2.21 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 3IF Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DA 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DB 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DC 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6C4DD 2.52 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out EJP Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5HX6A 2.23 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 65U Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 5TX5A 2.56 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 7MJ Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6HHOA 3.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out G4W Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6HHOB 3.49 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none G4W Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6OCQB 2.793 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none M5J Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FA 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none JSW Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FB 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out JSW Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FC 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out JSW Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6R5FD 3.25 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out JSW Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6RLNA 2.87 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out K8K Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NW2A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-none L4Y Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK1 RIPK1_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 6NW2B 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out L4Y Type3
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 AF-O43353-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8AZAA 3.15 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 8AZAB 3.15 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR2A 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR2B 2.44 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG0A 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG0B 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ACP Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OA 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OB 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OC 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OD 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OE 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OF 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OG 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OH 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OI 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OJ 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OK 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OL 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OM 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5ON 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OO 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5OP 2.89 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-out 9XA Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6HMXA 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out GEZ Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6HMXB 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out GEZ Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZEB 2.94 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out M2B Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZJB 2.53 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out M5W Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6FU5A 3.26 None DFGin BLAminus in-in none-out E7N Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FB 3.11 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none KRE Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FD 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out KRE Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR3A 3.23 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR3B 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ACP Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR5A 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out IQ7 Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR5B 2.66 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none IQ7 Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J79A 2.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 6GE Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J79B 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 6GE Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG2A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG2B 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6UL8A 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out Q9J Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6UL8B 2.68 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out Q9J Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RN8A 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out K9T Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RN8B 2.69 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out K9T Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RNAA 2.62 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out KA2 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6RNAB 2.62 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out KA2 Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FA 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-out KRE Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6S1FC 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in out-out KRE Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR8B 2.79 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out XYW Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3A 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3B 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3C 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5NG3D 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZEA 2.94 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none M2B Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6SZJA 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out M5W Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR4A 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-none SB2 Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR4B 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out SB2 Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J7BA 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 6GD Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5J7BB 2.53 Inactive DFGin BLBplus in-in none-out 6GD Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5JA 2.85 Inactive DFGin None none-none none-none 9WS Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5W5JB 2.85 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none 9WS Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6FU5B 3.26 Inactive DFGin None in-in none-out E7N Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR8A 2.79 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out XYW Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6ES0A 2.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BW8 Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 6ES0B 2.38 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BW8 Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR7B 2.71 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out SR8 Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 4C8BA 2.75 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 4C8BB 2.75 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 0LI Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK2 RIPK2_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 5AR7A 2.71 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-none SR8 Type2
Homo sapiens RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 AF-Q9Y572-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3B 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ZOV Type1
Homo sapiens RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3A 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ZOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3C 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ZOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MX3D 3.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ZOV Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens RIPK3 RIPK3_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 7MONB 2.23 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ZL1 Type1.5_Front
Homo sapiens RIPK4 RIPK4_HUMAN Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 AF-P57078-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TESK1 TESK1_HUMAN Dual specificity testis-specific protein kinase 1 AF-Q15569-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TESK2 TESK2_HUMAN Dual specificity testis-specific protein kinase 2 AF-Q96S53-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8UA 2.03 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2NA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8SA 1.45 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 AF-P36897-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8TA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CB 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CD 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CF 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1B6CH 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASA 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASB 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASC 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASD 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1IASE 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8XA 1.45 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E90A 2.05 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5L4 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5USQA 2.55 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 8LY Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1RW8A 2.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 580 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5FRIA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZUQ Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1VJYA 2.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 460 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3GXLA 1.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QIG Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3HMMA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 855 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X0MA 1.68 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WA Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2FA 1.49 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WJ Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2GA 1.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WK Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2WOTA 1.85 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZZG Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2WOUA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZZF Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 8YHLA 1.47 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1D6I Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8WA 1.86 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5E8ZA 1.51 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5L4 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QIKA 1.58 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2M Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QILA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2V Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QTZA 1.83 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QMY Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QU0A 1.67 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in QMV Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3TZMA 1.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 085 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 1PY5A 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in PY1 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OA 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OB 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ZOP Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAA 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAB 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAC 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAD 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3FAAE 3.35 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 55F Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 8YHFA 1.4 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in A1D6I Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2JA 1.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WN Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 4X2KA 1.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 3WO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 5QIMA 1.75 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2Y Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 6B8YA 1.65 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in D0A Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OC 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OD 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 2X7OE 3.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ZOP Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFA 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFB 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFC 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFD 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR1 TGFR1_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-1 3KCFE 2.8 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in JZO Type1.5_Back
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E8YA 2.05 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 AF-P37173-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 8YGZA 2.1 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E8VA 1.69 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E91A 2.42 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 5L4 Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5E92A 2.08 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 5QINA 1.57 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in J2V Type1
Homo sapiens TGFBR2 TGFR2_HUMAN TGF-beta receptor type-2 7DV6A 2.39 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in HJF Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K AF-Q59H18-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFA 3.07 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4CV Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFB 3.07 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 4CV Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFC 3.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CV Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFFD 3.07 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CV Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JA 2.97 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out CV4 Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JB 2.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none CV4 Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JC 2.97 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out CV4 Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 6B5JD 2.97 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out CV4 Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFIA 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFIB 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFIC 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 4YFID 2.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4CW Type1
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKA 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZGD Type2
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKB 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZGD Type2
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKC 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none ZGD Type2
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGKD 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZGD Type2
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJA 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZFS Type2
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJB 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZFS Type2
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJC 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none ZFS Type2
Homo sapiens TNNI3K TNI3K_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase TNNI3K 7MGJD 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out ZFS Type2
Lotus japonicus None Q8LKX1_LOTJA Receptor-like kinase SYMRK 8PEHB 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Lotus japonicus None Q8LKX1_LOTJA Receptor-like kinase SYMRK 8PEHC 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Lotus japonicus None Q8LKX1_LOTJA Receptor-like kinase SYMRK 8PEHA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Miscanthus lutarioriparius RIPK A0A811MS43_9POAL Protein kinase domain-containing protein 8HODA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ADP Type1
Miscanthus lutarioriparius RIPK A0A811MC32_9POAL Protein kinase domain-containing protein 8HOAA 1.676 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out ATP HX2 Type1 Allosteric
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 4M66A 2.401 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 4M66B 2.401 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 4M69A 2.497 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 6OKOA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 1FN Type2
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 6OKOB 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-none 1FN Type2
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNIA 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ATP Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNJA 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 2V9 Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNLA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNMA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out VX6 Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNKA 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out B6J Type1.5_Back
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 2QKWB 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKA 3.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKB 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKC 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKD 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Theobroma cacao PR1RK2 A0A061FLD4_THECC Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein 6CTHA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FE7 Type1

TKL kinases in all conformations in complex with All ligands

Total number of genes: 17
Total number of chains: 74
Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 42 4F0FA
DFGin BLAplus 1 6M0UA
DFGin ABAminus 4 3TL8A
DFGin BLBminus 3 4F0GA
DFGin BLBplus 6 7CTXB
DFGin None 6 3TL8G
DFGout None 3 3P86A
None None 9 8BW9D

Database table as tsv

Organism Gene UniprotID Protein PDB Reso Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8A 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8D 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8H 2.5 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3ULZA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3UIMA 2.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BAK1 BAK1_ARATH BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated receptor kinase 1 3TL8G 2.5 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BIK1 BIK1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase BIK1 5TOSA 2.35 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BIK1 BIK1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase BIK1 5TOSB 2.35 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPWA 2.431 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPBA 1.98 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPVA 2.7 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPYA 2.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ATP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 5LPZA 2.48 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4OH4A 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4OH4B 2.25 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4Q5JA 2.772 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 BRI1_ARATH Protein BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 4Q5JB 2.772 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CARK1 CARK1_ARATH Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase 1 5XD6A 1.898 Inactive DFGin None out-none out-none ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CARK1 CARK1_ARATH Receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase 1 5XD6B 1.898 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-none ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3PPZB 2.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3PPZA 2.99 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in STU Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3P86B 2.496 Inactive DFGin None in-out none-out No_ligand No_ligand
Arabidopsis thaliana CTR1 CTR1_ARATH Serine/threonine-protein kinase CTR1 3P86A 2.496 Inactive DFGout None out-out none-out STU Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDXA 2.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDXB 2.23 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDYA 2.28 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDYB 2.28 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDVA 1.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ATP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDVB 1.97 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ATP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDWA 1.926 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana FERONIA FERON_ARATH Receptor-like protein kinase FERONIA 7XDWB 1.926 None DFGin BLAminus in-none in-none ADP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TA 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TD 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TI 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TJ 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5TM 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5UC 3.9 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J5VC 4.25 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana PBL2 PBL2_ARATH Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase PBL2 6J6IA 3.7 Inactive None None none-none none-out U5P U5P Allosteric Allosteric
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTVA 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTVB 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-none out-out ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTXA 2.907 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Arabidopsis thaliana SOBIR1 SBIR1_ARATH Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase SOBIR1 7CTXB 2.907 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Arachis hypogaea SYMRK E6YC17_ARAHY Symbiosis receptor kinase SymRK 6M0UA 2.29 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4YZMB 3.0 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out 4K4 Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4YZMA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in out-out 4K4 Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4YZNA 1.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4K5 Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F0FA 1.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F1OA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP Type1
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F1TA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out H52 H52 Type1 Allosteric
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F1MA 2.04 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ACP BTB Type1 Allosteric
Dictyostelium discoideum ROCO4 ROCO4_DICDI Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase roco4 4F0GA 2.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in none-none No_ligand No_ligand
Drosophila melanogaster KSR Q24170_DROME KSR 8BW9D 3.32 Inactive None None none-none out-out No_ligand No_ligand
Lotus japonicus None Q8LKX1_LOTJA Receptor-like kinase SYMRK 8PEHB 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Lotus japonicus None Q8LKX1_LOTJA Receptor-like kinase SYMRK 8PEHC 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAminus out-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Lotus japonicus None Q8LKX1_LOTJA Receptor-like kinase SYMRK 8PEHA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-in No_ligand No_ligand
Miscanthus lutarioriparius RIPK A0A811MS43_9POAL Protein kinase domain-containing protein 8HODA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out ADP Type1
Miscanthus lutarioriparius RIPK A0A811MC32_9POAL Protein kinase domain-containing protein 8HOAA 1.676 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-none none-out ATP HX2 Type1 Allosteric
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 4M66A 2.401 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 4M66B 2.401 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none No_ligand No_ligand
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 4M69A 2.497 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 6OKOA 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 1FN Type2
Mus musculus RIPK3 RIPK3_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 6OKOB 2.1 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-none 1FN Type2
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNIA 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out ATP Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNJA 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 2V9 Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNLA 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out STU Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNMA 2.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out VX6 Type1
Mus musculus RIPK4 RIPK4_MOUSE Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 5WNKA 3.11 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out B6J Type1.5_Back
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 2QKWB 3.2 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKA 3.3 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKB 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKC 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Solanum pimpinellifolium PTO Q40234_SOLPI Protein kinase 3HGKD 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in No_ligand No_ligand
Theobroma cacao PR1RK2 A0A061FLD4_THECC Concanavalin A-like lectin protein kinase family protein 6CTHA 1.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-in FE7 Type1