BRAF (Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf)

Group: TKL
Domain boundary: 457 - 716

Total number of chains: 204
Spatial Dihedral Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 36 AF-P15056-K1A
DFGin BLAplus 37 3SKCB
DFGin ABAminus 2 4H58B
DFGin BLBminus 13 7P3VB
DFGin BLBplus 16 7M0XA
DFGin None 11 4MBJB
DFGout BBAminus 73 8C7YA
DFGout None 7 8QQGA
None None 9 6Q0JA

Database table as tsv

PDB Resolution Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type Residues in structure Mutation Phosphorylation Unresolved residues in A-loop
4H58B 3.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 722 None None 13
3PRFA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out FP3 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
4XV1B 2.47 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 15
6XAGC 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 732 None X729 7
6XAGD 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 733 None X729 5
AF-P15056-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 724 None None 0
3Q4CB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 723 None None 12
4MNEB 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 722 None None 0
4MNEC 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 720 None None 7
4MNEF 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 721 None None 9
4MNEG 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 720 None None 8
6UANC 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 733 T373C,I374M X729 0
6U2HC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1 448 - 733 None X729 11
6U2HD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1 448 - 733 None X729 3
4YHTA 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1 449 - 719 I543T,I544N,I551T,L706T,L716T None 13
4YHTB 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1 449 - 720 I543T,I544N,I551T,L706T,L716T None 12
2FB8A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1 449 - 720 None None 13
2FB8B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 215 Type1 449 - 720 None None 13
3D4QA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
3D4QB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
3PPKA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
3PPKB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
3PRIA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
3PRIB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
3PSBA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
3PSBB 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
3PSDA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
3PSDB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
3Q4CA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RSW Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
4E26A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 734 Type1 448 - 723 None None 6
7SHVA 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1 449 - 721 None None 12
4MNFA 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1 449 - 720 V600E None 15
4MNFB 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1 449 - 720 V600E None 15
7MFFA 3.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 215 Type1 449 - 732 None X365,X729 13
7MFFB 3.89 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1 449 - 733 None X365,X729 13
3PPJA 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 14
3PPJB 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 12
7SHVB 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 None None 11
5JSMA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
5JSMD 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 11
5JT2B 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
5JT2D 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 718 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 15
6UANB 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 750 T373C,I374M X729 21
5FD2B 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-out 5XJ Type1 449 - 720 None None 17
3SKCB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out BR2 Type1 448 - 723 None None 0
4CQEA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
5JRQA 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
5JRQB 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
5JSMB 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
5JSMC 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 15
5JT2A 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 11
5JT2C 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
4RZVA 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
4RZVB 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back 449 - 722 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 0
4XV1A 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 904 Type1.5_Back 449 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 17
4XV3A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out P02 Type1.5_Back 448 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 17
4FK3A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 325 Type1.5_Back 448 - 718 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
6UUOB 3.288 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out QH1 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
5ITAA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 6DC Type1.5_Back 448 - 718 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
4WO5A 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 324 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 4
4WO5B 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none out-out 324 Type1.5_Back 450 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 15
3OG7A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 032 Type1.5_Back 449 - 720 K522A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 18
4EHGA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 V600E None 14
4EHGB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out RI9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 V600E None 16
5FD2A 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 5XJ Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 None None 9
3TV4A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 10
3TV4B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
3TV6A 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 8
3TV6B 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
4E4XA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 7
4E4XB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 0
4EHEA 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 10
4EHEB 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
4PP7A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 7
4PP7B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 0
3SKCA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out BR2 Type1 448 - 723 None None 16
4E26B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-out 734 Type1 448 - 722 None None 11
5HIEA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 11
5HIEB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 10
5HIEC 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 16
5HIED 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 16
7P3VA 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 V600E None 17
7P3VB 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 V600E None 0
4CQEB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
4XV2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 18
4XV2B 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 448 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 18
5CSWB 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back 447 - 721 R443P,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 18
6V2UB 3.78 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 720 None None 18
7MFDA 3.66 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 156 - 738 None X365,X729 0
7MFEA 4.07 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 156 - 738 None X365,X729 0
6PP9A 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 722 None None 0
6V2WA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 721 None None 0
7M0TA 3.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 448 - 721 None None 0
7M0UA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 449 - 722 None None 0
7M0VA 3.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 449 - 722 None None 0
7M0WA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 448 - 721 None None 0
7M0XA 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 722 None None 0
7M0YA 3.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 721 None None 0
7M0ZA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 449 - 721 None None 0
6U2GB 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ACP Type1 451 - 722 None None 8
6NYBA 4.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1 233 - 738 None X365,X729 0
8DGSA 4.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1 155 - 738 None X365,X729 0
8DGTA 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1 151 - 738 None X365,X729 0
3C4CA 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 17
4XV3B 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 16
4FK3B 2.65 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 13
3OG7B 2.45 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 720 K522A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 14
6UUOA 3.288 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out QH1 Type1 450 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 14
4H58A 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out 10Z Type1 448 - 722 None None 12
3PRFB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out FP3 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
5CSWA 2.66 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 R443P,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 19
5ITAB 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-in none-out 6DC Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
6V2UA 3.78 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 None None 18
4MBJA 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 7
4MBJB 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
4H58C 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 722 None None 0
4G9RB 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type1 448 - 721 V600E None 13
5CSXA 2.51 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 54J Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 R443P,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 10
8C7YA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 448 - 721 V600E None 0
8C7YB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 449 - 721 V600E None 15
6V34A 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 14
6V34B 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QOP Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 20
4R5YA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none 3K3 Type2 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 19
4R5YB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-out 3K3 Type2 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 14
6XFPA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V1Y Type2 449 - 720 None None 0
6XLOA 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V5J Type2 449 - 720 None None 5
6XLOB 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none V5J Type2 450 - 720 None None 18
7K0VA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 449 - 722 None None 9
7K0VB 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 449 - 722 None None 7
7K0VC 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 448 - 722 None None 8
7K0VD 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 449 - 722 None None 3
6P3DA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2 448 - 721 None None 13
6P7GA 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
6P7GC 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
6P7GD 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
8F7OA 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2 449 - 723 None None 12
8F7OB 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2 449 - 722 None None 11
8F7PA 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2 449 - 721 None None 14
8F7PB 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2 448 - 721 None None 6
4JVGA 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 13
4JVGB 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
4JVGC 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
4JVGD 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 13
6CADA 2.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out EU4 Type2 449 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
6NSQA 3.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out KZP Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 1
8C7XA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 449 - 721 None None 0
8C7XB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 448 - 721 None None 13
4XV9A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-out 1OO Type2 448 - 705 R443S,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 14
5HI2A 2.512 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none BAX Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
5HIDA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out B1E Type2 449 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
5HIDB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2 449 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 0
1UWJA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 V600E None 12
1UWJB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 V600E None 13
6N0PA 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2 449 - 721 None None 5
6N0PB 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K81 Type2 449 - 721 None None 15
8QQGB 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2 448 - 721 None None 12
8QQGC 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2 448 - 721 None None 6
5CT7A 3.17 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 55J Type2 449 - 721 None None 16
5VALA 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 92D Type2 446 - 720 None None 19
5VALB 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92D Type2 448 - 721 None None 17
5VAMA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 92J Type2 449 - 721 None None 4
5VAMB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92J Type2 449 - 721 None None 13
6B8UA 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 8EN Type2 449 - 720 None None 16
6B8UB 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 8EN Type2 447 - 720 None None 19
6N0QA 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2 446 - 721 None None 17
6N0QB 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2 448 - 721 None None 17
3Q96A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 0NF Type2 449 - 722 None None 18
3Q96B 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0NF Type2 449 - 720 None None 10
4DBNA 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0JA Type2 448 - 721 None None 17
4DBNB 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0JA Type2 448 - 720 None None 10
4FC0A 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0T2 Type2 448 - 722 None None 18
4FC0B 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0T2 Type2 448 - 720 None None 10
4KSPA 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SU Type2 448 - 722 None None 18
4KSPB 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 1SU Type2 448 - 720 None None 17
4KSQA 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2 448 - 722 None None 17
4KSQB 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2 449 - 720 None None 17
3IDPA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out L1E Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 15
3IDPB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out L1E Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 16
4G9RA 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2 448 - 721 V600E None 12
5C9CA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none 4Z5 Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 16
5C9CB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4Z5 Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 18
1UWHA 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 None None 12
1UWHB 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 None None 12
3II5A 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 831 Type2 448 - 720 None None 11
3II5B 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 831 Type2 449 - 721 None None 16
4G9CA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2 448 - 723 None None 11
4G9CB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2 448 - 723 None None 12
6P7GB 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out E7M NHE Type2 Allosteric 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 0
4RZWA 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type1 448 - 720 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
3C4CB 2.57 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 18
4RZWB 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type2 448 - 721 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 19
6CADB 2.55 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out EU4 Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
6NSQB 3.05 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out KZP Type2 447 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
8QQGA 2.979 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out WJ9 Type2 449 - 722 None None 3
5CT7B 3.17 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 55J Type2 449 - 721 None None 19
7ZR0K 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 521 - 724 None None 18
7ZR5K 3.9 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 521 - 724 None None 18
7ZR6K 4.2 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 521 - 724 None None 18
6Q0JA 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 733 S365A X729 0
6Q0JB 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 734 S365A X729 0
6Q0TA 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 732 S365A X729 0
6Q0TB 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 730 S365A X729 0
6Q0KA 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 737 None X729 0
6Q0KB 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 733 None X729 0

BRAF (Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf)

Group: TKL
Total number of chains: 204
Spatial Dihedral Chains Representative
DFGin BLAminus 36 AF-P15056-K1A
DFGin BLAplus 37 3SKCB
DFGin ABAminus 2 4H58B
DFGin BLBminus 13 7P3VB
DFGin BLBplus 16 7M0XA
DFGin None 11 4MBJB
DFGout BBAminus 73 8C7YA
DFGout None 7 8QQGA
None None 9 6Q0JA

Database table as tsv

Organism UniprotID PDB Resolution Activity Label Spatial Label Dihedral Label Chelix-SaltBridge ActLoopNT-ActLoopCT Ligand Type Residues in structure Mutation Phosphorylation Unresolved residues in A-loop
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4H58B 3.1 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 722 None None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PRFA 2.9 Inactive DFGin ABAminus in-in out-out FP3 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4XV1B 2.47 None DFGin BLAminus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6XAGC 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 732 None X729 7
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6XAGD 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 733 None X729 5
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN AF-P15056-K1A -1.0 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 724 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3Q4CB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MNEB 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 722 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MNEC 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 720 None None 7
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MNEF 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 721 None None 9
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MNEG 2.848 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 720 None None 8
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6UANC 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 733 T373C,I374M X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6U2HC 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1 448 - 733 None X729 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6U2HD 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1 448 - 733 None X729 3
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4YHTA 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1 449 - 719 I543T,I544N,I551T,L706T,L716T None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4YHTB 3.05 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 4EF Type1 449 - 720 I543T,I544N,I551T,L706T,L716T None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 2FB8A 2.9 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1 449 - 720 None None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 2FB8B 2.9 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 215 Type1 449 - 720 None None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3D4QA 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3D4QB 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM5 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PPKA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PPKB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FNI Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PRIA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PRIB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FP4 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PSBA 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PSBB 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM6 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PSDA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PSDB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out SM7 Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3Q4CA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out RSW Type1 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4E26A 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 734 Type1 448 - 723 None None 6
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7SHVA 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1 449 - 721 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MNFA 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1 449 - 720 V600E None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MNFB 2.802 None DFGin BLAminus in-in in-none 29L Type1 449 - 720 V600E None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7MFFA 3.89 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-out in-out 215 Type1 449 - 732 None X365,X729 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7MFFB 3.89 Active DFGin BLAminus in-in in-in 215 Type1 449 - 733 None X365,X729 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PPJA 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PPJB 3.7 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out FOI Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7SHVB 2.88 Inactive DFGin BLAminus in-in in-out 29L Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 None None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JSMA 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JSMD 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JT2B 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JT2D 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 718 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6UANB 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLAplus in-out in-none No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 750 T373C,I374M X729 21
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5FD2B 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none none-out 5XJ Type1 449 - 720 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3SKCB 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out BR2 Type1 448 - 723 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4CQEA 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JRQA 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JRQB 2.287 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6N9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JSMB 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JSMC 2.19 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NB Type1.5_Back 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JT2A 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5JT2C 2.702 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-none 6NC Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4RZVA 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4RZVB 2.994 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 032 Type1.5_Back 449 - 722 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4XV1A 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 904 Type1.5_Back 449 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4XV3A 2.8 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out P02 Type1.5_Back 448 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4FK3A 2.65 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 325 Type1.5_Back 448 - 718 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6UUOB 3.288 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out QH1 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5ITAA 1.95 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-none 6DC Type1.5_Back 448 - 718 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4WO5A 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 324 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 4
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4WO5B 2.83 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-none out-out 324 Type1.5_Back 450 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3OG7A 2.45 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out 032 Type1.5_Back 449 - 720 K522A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4EHGA 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 V600E None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4EHGB 3.5 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out none-out RI9 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 V600E None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5FD2A 2.89 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 5XJ Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 None None 9
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3TV4A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 10
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3TV4B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out TV4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3TV6A 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 8
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3TV6B 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out B0R Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4E4XA 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 7
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4E4XB 3.6 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out T1Q Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4EHEA 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 10
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4EHEB 3.3 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out RI8 Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4PP7A 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 7
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4PP7B 3.4 Inactive DFGin BLAplus out-out out-out 2VX Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3SKCA 3.2 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out BR2 Type1 448 - 723 None None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4E26B 2.55 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-in in-out 734 Type1 448 - 722 None None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5HIEA 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5HIEB 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 10
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5HIEC 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5HIED 3.0 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1 449 - 722 None None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7P3VA 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 V600E None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7P3VB 2.37 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out out-out 5I4 Type1.5_Back 448 - 719 V600E None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4CQEB 2.3 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out CQE Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4XV2A 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4XV2B 2.5 Inactive DFGin BLBminus in-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 448 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5CSWB 2.66 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back 447 - 721 R443P,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6V2UB 3.78 Inactive DFGin BLBminus out-out none-none P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 720 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7MFDA 3.66 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 156 - 738 None X365,X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7MFEA 4.07 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out No_ligand No_ligand 156 - 738 None X365,X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6PP9A 2.59 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 722 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6V2WA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7M0TA 3.19 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 448 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7M0UA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 449 - 722 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7M0VA 3.16 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 449 - 722 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7M0WA 3.09 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 448 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7M0XA 2.47 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 722 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7M0YA 3.45 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 447 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7M0ZA 3.12 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ANP Type1 449 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6U2GB 2.886 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out ACP Type1 451 - 722 None None 8
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6NYBA 4.1 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1 233 - 738 None X365,X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8DGSA 4.3 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1 155 - 738 None X365,X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8DGTA 3.9 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out out-out AGS Type1 151 - 738 None X365,X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3C4CA 2.57 Inactive DFGin BLBplus out-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4XV3B 2.8 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 705 S446A,S447A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4FK3B 2.65 Inactive DFGin None in-out in-out No_ligand No_ligand 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3OG7B 2.45 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 720 K522A,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6UUOA 3.288 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out QH1 Type1 450 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4H58A 3.1 Inactive DFGin None in-in in-out 10Z Type1 448 - 722 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3PRFB 2.9 Inactive DFGin None in-in out-out FP3 Type1 448 - 723 None None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5CSWA 2.66 Inactive DFGin None out-out none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 R443P,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 19
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5ITAB 1.95 Inactive DFGin None out-in none-out 6DC Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6V2UA 3.78 Inactive DFGin None out-none none-out P06 Type1.5_Back 449 - 721 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MBJA 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 7
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4MBJB 3.6 Inactive DFGin None out-out out-out DFS Type1.5_Back 448 - 723 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4H58C 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 722 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4G9RB 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type1 448 - 721 V600E None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5CSXA 2.51 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out out-out 54J Type1.5_Back 448 - 720 R443P,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 10
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8C7YA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 448 - 721 V600E None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8C7YB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 449 - 721 V600E None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6V34A 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6V34B 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none QOP Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 20
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4R5YA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-none 3K3 Type2 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 19
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4R5YB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out out-out 3K3 Type2 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6XFPA 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V1Y Type2 449 - 720 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6XLOA 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out V5J Type2 449 - 720 None None 5
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6XLOB 2.493 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none V5J Type2 450 - 720 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7K0VA 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 449 - 722 None None 9
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7K0VB 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 449 - 722 None None 7
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7K0VC 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 448 - 722 None None 8
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7K0VD 1.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out VQP Type2 449 - 722 None None 3
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6P3DA 2.11 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0LI Type2 448 - 721 None None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6P7GA 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2 449 - 720 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6P7GC 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6P7GD 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out E7M Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8F7OA 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2 449 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8F7OB 3.54 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out QOP Type2 449 - 722 None None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8F7PA 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2 449 - 721 None None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8F7PB 2.74 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2 448 - 721 None None 6
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4JVGA 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4JVGB 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4JVGC 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4JVGD 3.09 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none B96 Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6CADA 2.55 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out EU4 Type2 449 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6NSQA 3.05 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out KZP Type2 448 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 1
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8C7XA 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 449 - 721 None None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8C7XB 1.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out TXV Type2 448 - 721 None None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4XV9A 2.0 Inactive DFGout BBAminus out-out none-out 1OO Type2 448 - 705 R443S,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R None 14
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5HI2A 2.512 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none BAX Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5HIDA 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out B1E Type2 449 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5HIDB 2.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2 449 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 1UWJA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 V600E None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 1UWJB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 V600E None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6N0PA 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out K81 Type2 449 - 721 None None 5
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6N0PB 2.37 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K81 Type2 449 - 721 None None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8QQGB 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2 448 - 721 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8QQGC 2.979 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out WJ9 Type2 448 - 721 None None 6
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5CT7A 3.17 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 55J Type2 449 - 721 None None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5VALA 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 92D Type2 446 - 720 None None 19
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5VALB 2.26 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92D Type2 448 - 721 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5VAMA 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 92J Type2 449 - 721 None None 4
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5VAMB 2.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 92J Type2 449 - 721 None None 13
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6B8UA 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 8EN Type2 449 - 720 None None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6B8UB 2.68 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 8EN Type2 447 - 720 None None 19
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6N0QA 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2 446 - 721 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6N0QB 2.04 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out K7S Type2 448 - 721 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3Q96A 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 0NF Type2 449 - 722 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3Q96B 3.1 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0NF Type2 449 - 720 None None 10
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4DBNA 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0JA Type2 448 - 721 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4DBNB 3.15 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0JA Type2 448 - 720 None None 10
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4FC0A 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 0T2 Type2 448 - 722 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4FC0B 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0T2 Type2 448 - 720 None None 10
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4KSPA 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SU Type2 448 - 722 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4KSPB 2.93 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-out none-out 1SU Type2 448 - 720 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4KSQA 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2 448 - 722 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4KSQB 3.3 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 1SW Type2 449 - 720 None None 17
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3IDPA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out L1E Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 15
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3IDPB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out L1E Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4G9RA 3.2 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out B1E Type2 448 - 721 V600E None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5C9CA 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-none 4Z5 Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5C9CB 2.7 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-none 4Z5 Type2 449 - 720 V600E None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 1UWHA 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 1UWHB 2.95 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out BAX Type2 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3II5A 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 831 Type2 448 - 720 None None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3II5B 2.79 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in none-out 831 Type2 449 - 721 None None 16
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4G9CA 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2 448 - 723 None None 11
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4G9CB 3.5 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out 0WP Type2 448 - 723 None None 12
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6P7GB 2.65 Inactive DFGout BBAminus in-in out-out E7M NHE Type2 Allosteric 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,V600E,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4RZWA 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type1 448 - 720 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 3C4CB 2.57 Inactive DFGout None in-out none-out 324 Type1.5_Back 448 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 4RZWB 3.493 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out B1E Type2 448 - 721 R509H,I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 19
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6CADB 2.55 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out EU4 Type2 449 - 721 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6NSQB 3.05 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out KZP Type2 447 - 722 I543A,I544S,I551K,Q562R,L588N,K630S,F667E,Y673S,A688R,L706S,Q709R,S713E,L716E,S720E,P722S,K723G None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 8QQGA 2.979 Inactive DFGout None in-in out-out WJ9 Type2 449 - 722 None None 3
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 5CT7B 3.17 Inactive DFGout None in-in none-out 55J Type2 449 - 721 None None 19
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7ZR0K 3.4 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 521 - 724 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7ZR5K 3.9 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 521 - 724 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 7ZR6K 4.2 Inactive None None none-none none-out No_ligand No_ligand 521 - 724 None None 18
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6Q0JA 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 733 S365A X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6Q0JB 4.9 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 734 S365A X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6Q0TA 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 732 S365A X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6Q0TB 5.7 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 730 S365A X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6Q0KA 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 737 None X729 0
Homo sapiens BRAF_HUMAN 6Q0KB 6.8 Inactive None None in-none in-in No_ligand No_ligand 449 - 733 None X729 0

BRAF (Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf)

No non-human structures known.