#2018-19 (C) Maxim Shapovalov, Roland Dunbrack, Slobodan Vucetic, Philadelphia, PA, USA #Prediction of protein secondary structure with neural networks #Load and predict _AppVersion = '1.16.4' __return_value = 0 import sys import os #executale refers to the embedded python app_directory = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) print('* predict: %s of Version %s' % (sys.argv[0], _AppVersion)) print('* predict: application command: ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[0:])) print('* predict: kit directory: ' + app_directory) print('* predict: python version: ' + sys.version) import argparse #Arguments myArgParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True) optionalNamed = myArgParser._action_groups.pop() requiredNamed = myArgParser.add_argument_group('required named arguments') requiredNamed.add_argument("-i", "--input", help='for example, -i abcd.fasta or --input abcd.seq', required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("-o", "--output", help='for example, -o /home/user/output or --output ./project', required=True) requiredNamed.add_argument("-l", "--label", choices=[3, 4, 5, 8], type=int, help='for example, -l 8 or --label 3 --rule 1', required=True) optionalNamed.add_argument("-r", "--rule", choices=[1, 2], type=int, help='for example, -r 1 or --rule 2') optionalNamed.add_argument("-c", "--cpu", type=int, help='by default secnet uses all available cpu cores, for example override it with -c 2 or --cpu 4') myArgParser._action_groups.append(optionalNamed) #Argument parsing args = myArgParser.parse_args() #Static parameters #{1, 2}: #1 has a progess bar, #2 is quite during prediction or training VerboseLevel = 2 Hmm2SourcesIsOn = True #Processing of static parameters if Hmm2SourcesIsOn == True: HmmMode = 'hmm_div_99999' HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_1 = 99999.0 HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_2 = 0.0 if HmmMode == 'hmm_div_99999': HMM_NORMALIZATION_FACTOR = 99999.0 else: HmmMode = 'none' #Argument processing if args.label == 8: _output_extension = '.ss8' _labels_message = '8 labels: H, E, C, T, G, S, B, I' _labels_definition_during_training= '8 original DSSP labels unchanged (C, S, B, T, I, G, H, E)' _models_subpath = '8label' elif args.label == 5: _output_extension = '.ss5' _labels_message = '5 labels: H, E, C, T, G' _labels_definition_during_training= '(C, S, B) -> C, (H, I) -> H, (E) -> E, (T) -> T, (G) -> G' _models_subpath = '5label_practical' elif args.label == 4: _output_extension = '.ss4' _labels_message = '4 labels: H, E, C, T' _labels_definition_during_training= '(C, S, B, G) -> C, (H, I) -> H, (E) -> E, (T) -> T' _models_subpath = '4label_practical' elif args.label == 3: if args.rule == None or args.rule == 1: _output_extension = '.ss3rule1' _labels_message = '3 labels of Rule #1: H, E, C' _labels_definition_during_training= '(C, S, T) -> C, (H, I, G) -> H, (E, B) -> E' _models_subpath = '3label_rule1_harder' elif args.rule == 2: _output_extension = '.ss3rule2' _labels_message = '3 labels of Rule #2: H, E, C' _labels_definition_during_training= '(C, S, B, T, I, G) -> C, (H) -> H, (E) -> E' _models_subpath = '3label_rule2_easier' else: raise(Exception('unexpected rule for 3 labels')) else: raise(Exception('unexpected number of labels for secondary structure')) print('* predict: labels for prediction: ' + _labels_message) print('* predict: label definition: ' + _labels_definition_during_training) FastaFInput = '/home/user/DebugID.fasta' FastaFInput = args.input #creating a list of sequence files to process preFastaFList = [] if not os.path.isdir(FastaFInput): preFastaFList.append(FastaFInput) else: import glob for _ffilename in glob.glob(FastaFInput + '*' + '.fasta'): preFastaFList.append(_ffilename) #creating the final list of sequences files to process based on previously predicted files FastaFList = [] for FastaFFile in preFastaFList: my_seq_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(FastaFFile))[0] if os.path.isdir(args.output) == True: _output_ss_ffile = os.path.join(args.output, my_seq_id + _output_extension) else: _output_ss_ffile = args.output if os.path.isfile(_output_ss_ffile): print('* predict: prediction file already exists -- skipping its regeneration: %s' % _output_ss_ffile) else: FastaFList.append(FastaFFile) #return with success code -- prediction files were previously processed if len(FastaFList) == 0: sys.exit(__return_value) #loading and reporting some python libraries os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = 'theano' import numpy as np from keras.models import load_model import theano print('* theano: ' + theano.__version__) import keras print('* keras: ' + keras.__version__) #cpu parsing if args.cpu == None: import multiprocessing args.cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count() os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(args.cpu) print('* neural network calculations will use %d CPU cores' % args.cpu) ModelsFPathNoSlash = "%s/models/%s" % (app_directory, _models_subpath) nu_of_ensemble_models = 10 print('* predict: loading %d model from %s' % (nu_of_ensemble_models, ModelsFPathNoSlash)) sys.stdout.flush() models = [None] * nu_of_ensemble_models #reading one hdf5 file with everything: model, weights, optimizer, loss and optimizer state for _cv in range(0, nu_of_ensemble_models): fpath_model_hdf5 = "%s/CV%d/model_config_weights_state_best_eps.hdf5" % (ModelsFPathNoSlash, _cv+1) print('* predict: loading model #' + str(_cv+1) + ", " + fpath_model_hdf5 + ' is %.2f MB' % (os.path.getsize(fpath_model_hdf5) / (1024.*1024.))) models[_cv] = load_model(fpath_model_hdf5) sys.stdout.flush() #using from the first model for all 10; they are all the same if _cv == 0: _fpath_required_input_npz = "%s/CV%d/required_input.npz" % (ModelsFPathNoSlash, _cv+1) required_input = np.load(_fpath_required_input_npz) X_uniqueOrdered = required_input['X_uniqueOrdered'] y_uniqueOrdered = required_input['y_uniqueOrdered'] AaWindow = required_input['AaWindow'] MtxIntList = list(required_input['MtxIntList']) for FastaFFile in FastaFList: print('* predict: FASTA-formatted sequence file is %s' % FastaFFile) fasta_file = open(FastaFFile, 'rt') my_seq_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(FastaFFile))[0] print('* predict: base name of entry is %s' % my_seq_id) my_sequence = '' while True: fline = fasta_file.readline() if not fline: break fline = fline.rstrip() if len(fline) == 0 or '>' in fline: continue my_sequence += fline fasta_file.close() print('* predict: parsed sequence from the input file is:') print(my_sequence) if len(my_sequence) == 0: print('\n-----> predict: error: (-) empty protein sequence was parsed for %s => skipping entry altogether\n' % my_seq_id) __return_value = 10 continue row = {} row['aa'] = my_sequence row['pdb5'] = my_seq_id if os.path.isdir(args.output) == True: _output_ss_ffile = os.path.join(args.output, row['pdb5'] + _output_extension) else: _output_ss_ffile = args.output print('* predict: prediction file will be %s' % _output_ss_ffile) if os.path.isfile(_output_ss_ffile): print('\n.....> predict: warning: prediction file, %s already exists, running again and overwritting it\n' % _output_ss_ffile) #HMM parsing if Hmm2SourcesIsOn == True: hmm_folder_with_slash = app_directory + '/features/hhm/' _hmm_ffileName = hmm_folder_with_slash + row['pdb5'] + '.' + 'hhm1' if os.path.isfile(_hmm_ffileName) == False: print('\n-----> predict: error: (-) hhm feature file does not exist for %s => skipping entry altogether\n' % row['pdb5']) __return_value = 20 continue _fid_hmm = open(_hmm_ffileName, 'r') _isAtNULL = False _length_hmm = -1 while True: _line = _fid_hmm.readline() if not _line: break if _length_hmm == -1 and len(_line) >= 4 and _line[0:4] == 'LENG': _length_hmm = int(_line.split()[1]) if _length_hmm >=0 and len(_line) >= 7 and _line[0:7] == 'NULL ': _isAtNULL = True #skip 3 more NULL related lines _line = _fid_hmm.readline() _line = _fid_hmm.readline() _line = _fid_hmm.readline() break #np.finfo('float32').max --> 3.4028235e+38 _hmm_matrix = None _aa_from_hmm = '' _count_hmm = 0 if _length_hmm >=0 and _isAtNULL == True: _hmm_matrix = np.zeros([_length_hmm, 30], 'float32') while True: _line = _fid_hmm.readline() if not _line: if _count_hmm != _length_hmm: raise Exception('predict: error: total number should be read before seing EOF.') break if len(_line) >= 2 and _line[0:2] == '//': if _count_hmm != _length_hmm: raise Exception('precit: error: total number of records should match before seeing the end of the hmm-file line marker.') else: continue _split_line_1 = _line.split() _count_hmm += 1 if _count_hmm != int(_split_line_1[1]): raise Exception('predict: error: hmm numbering mismatch') _aa_from_hmm += _split_line_1[0] _line = _fid_hmm.readline() _split_line_2 = _line.split() _split_line = _split_line_1[2:(len(_split_line_1)-1)] + _split_line_2[0:len(_split_line_2)] _line = _fid_hmm.readline() for _i in range(0, len(_split_line)): if _split_line[_i] == '*': _hmm_matrix[_count_hmm-1, _i] = np.float32(99999.0) else: _hmm_matrix[_count_hmm-1, _i] = np.float32(_split_line[_i]) else: raise Exception('precit: error: either LEN record was not found or the beginning of NULL model record was not found.') _fid_hmm.close() if len(row['aa']) != len(_aa_from_hmm): if len(_aa_from_hmm) > len(row['aa']) and _aa_from_hmm.find(row['aa']) >= 0: _startInd = _aa_from_hmm.find(row['aa']) _aa_from_hmm = _aa_from_hmm[_startInd:_startInd+len(row['aa'])] _hmm_matrix = _hmm_matrix[_startInd:_startInd+len(row['aa']), :] pass else: raise Exception('precict: error: hmm aa seq has to be identical or sub-sequence of fasta sequence.') if row['aa'] != _aa_from_hmm: if _hmm_ffileName[-4:] == 'hhm1': raise Exception('predict: error: contents of aa seq from fasta and their hmm have to be the same.') if _hmm_ffileName[-4:] == 'hhm1': row['hmm_original'] = _hmm_matrix row['hmm'] = row['hmm_original'] #end of #HMM parsing #psiblast profile parsing mtxRoundCount = len(MtxIntList) if mtxRoundCount > 0: #ApplicationMode-specific pssm_folder_with_slash = app_directory + '/features/psiblast/' UseFromPssmFile = required_input['UseFromPssmFile'] _pssm_matrix = np.zeros([len(row['aa']), 20*mtxRoundCount], 'float32') is_this_pssm_record_ok = False #_mtx stands for elements number in the list, not the actual mtx round for _mtx in range(1, mtxRoundCount+1): is_this_pssm_record_ok = False if MtxIntList == [0]: ActualToTryRange = range(MtxIntList[_mtx-1],-1,-1) else: #for range(0, 0, -1) it will not loop: ActualToTryRange = range(MtxIntList[_mtx-1],0,-1) #This additional loop allows to go to mtx.3 if mtx.4 does not exist due to PsiBlast early convergence for _actual in ActualToTryRange: if _actual == 0: pssm_ffile = pssm_folder_with_slash + row['pdb5'] + '.' + 'mtx' else: pssm_ffile = pssm_folder_with_slash + row['pdb5'] + '.' + 'mtx' + '.' + str(_actual) if not os.path.isfile(pssm_ffile): continue is_this_pssm_record_ok = True break #for some reason no mtx does not exist or it cannot be opened (locked file), so skip this PDB5 record altogether if is_this_pssm_record_ok == False: break with open(pssm_ffile) as pssm_fid: _line = pssm_fid.readline() _line = pssm_fid.readline() _line = pssm_fid.readline() for _ind in range(len(row['aa'])): _line = pssm_fid.readline() _split_line = _line.split() if len(_split_line) != 44: #number of items per line is not what is expected is_this_pssm_record_ok = False break if UseFromPssmFile == 'score_sigmoid': _pssm_arr = np.array(_split_line[2:2+20], 'float32') _pssm_arr = 1. / (1. + np.exp(_pssm_arr)) elif UseFromPssmFile == 'score': _pssm_arr = np.array(_split_line[2:2+20], 'float32') elif UseFromPssmFile == 'weighted_percentage': _pssm_arr = np.array(_split_line[2+20:2+40], 'float32') _pssm_arr /= 100. else: raise Exception('predict: error: unsupported UseFromPssmFile') if row['aa'][_ind] != _split_line[1]: #aa mismatch in pssm is_this_pssm_record_ok = False break _pssm_matrix[_ind, 0+20*(_mtx-1) : 20+20*(_mtx-1)] = _pssm_arr #end of for _ind in range(len(row['aa'])): pssm_fid.close() #end of with open(pssm_ffile) as pssm_fid: if is_this_pssm_record_ok == False: break #end of for _mtx in MtxIntList: if is_this_pssm_record_ok == True: row['pssm'] = _pssm_matrix else: #ApplicationMode-specific print('\n-----> predict: error: (-) problems with psiblast profile %s for %s => skipping entry altogether\n' % (pssm_ffile, row['pdb5'])) __return_value = 30 continue #end of if mtxRoundCount > 0: #ApplicationMode-specific aaTotal = len(row['aa']) #to make sure 21 aa alphabet = 20 standard aa + 1 other X aminoacid _aa_array = np.array(row['aa'], 'c') _aa_is_other_array = ~np.in1d(_aa_array, [b'A', b'C', b'D', b'E', b'F', b'G', b'H', b'I', b'K', b'L', b'M', b'N', b'P', b'Q', b'R', b'S', b'T', b'V', b'W', b'Y']) if float(np.array('X','c').view(np.uint8)) in X_uniqueOrdered: _aa_array[_aa_is_other_array] = 'X' else: _aa_array[_aa_is_other_array] = '?' row['aa'] = _aa_array.tostring().decode("utf-8") X_whole = np.empty((aaTotal, AaWindow, 1), 'float32') if HmmMode == 'none': Z_whole = np.empty((aaTotal, AaWindow, 20*mtxRoundCount), 'float32') else: Z_whole = np.empty((aaTotal, AaWindow, 20*mtxRoundCount + 30), 'float32') halfWindow = int((AaWindow-1)/2) if required_input['HowToTreat_N_C_termini'] in ['none']: readFrameShift = halfWindow elif required_input['HowToTreat_N_C_termini'] in ['addQMtoEnds']: readFrameShift = 0 else: raise Exception('predict: error: unsupported HowToTreat_N_C_termini') recnu = 0 for j in range(readFrameShift, len(row['aa'])-readFrameShift): if j >= halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 <= len(row['aa']): #normal _temp_aa = row['aa'][j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow+1] elif j < halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 <= len(row['aa']): #left missing _temp_aa = row['aa'][0:j+halfWindow+1] _temp_aa = '?' * (halfWindow-j) + _temp_aa elif j+halfWindow+1 > len(row['aa']) and j >= halfWindow: #right missing _temp_aa = row['aa'][j-halfWindow:] _temp_aa = _temp_aa + '?' * (j+halfWindow+1 - len(row['aa'])) elif j < halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 > len(row['aa']): #both left and right are missing _temp_aa = row['aa'][0:] _temp_aa = '?' * (halfWindow-j) + _temp_aa + '?' * (j+halfWindow+1 - len(row['aa'])) else: raise Exception('predict: error: unexpected situation') X_whole[recnu] = np.array(_temp_aa, 'c').reshape(AaWindow, 1).view(np.uint8) if mtxRoundCount > 0: if j >= halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 <= len(row['aa']): _temp_pssm = row['pssm'][j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow+1, :] elif j < halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 <= len(row['aa']): _temp_pssm = row['pssm'][0:j+halfWindow+1, :] _temp_pssm = np.concatenate((np.ones([halfWindow-j, 20*mtxRoundCount], 'float32')*-19, _temp_pssm)) elif j+halfWindow+1 > len(row['aa']) and j >= halfWindow: _temp_pssm = row['pssm'][j-halfWindow:, :] _temp_pssm = np.concatenate((_temp_pssm, np.ones([j+halfWindow+1 - len(row['aa']), 20*mtxRoundCount], 'float32')*-19)) elif j < halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 > len(row['aa']): _temp_pssm = row['pssm'][0:, :] _temp_pssm = np.concatenate((np.ones([halfWindow-j, 20*mtxRoundCount], 'float32')*-19, _temp_pssm, np.ones([j+halfWindow+1 - len(row['aa']), 20*mtxRoundCount], 'float32')*-19)) Z_whole[recnu, :, 0:(20*mtxRoundCount)] = _temp_pssm if HmmMode != 'none': if j >= halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 <= len(row['aa']): _temp_hmm = row['hmm'][j-halfWindow:j+halfWindow+1, :] elif j < halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 <= len(row['aa']): _temp_hmm = row['hmm'][0:j+halfWindow+1, :] _temp = np.ones([halfWindow-j, 30], 'float32')*HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_1 _temp[:, 27:30] = HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_2 _temp_hmm = np.concatenate((_temp, _temp_hmm)) elif j+halfWindow+1 > len(row['aa']) and j >= halfWindow: _temp_hmm = row['hmm'][j-halfWindow:, :] _temp = np.ones([j+halfWindow+1 - len(row['aa']), 30], 'float32')*HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_1 _temp[:, 27:30] = HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_2 _temp_hmm = np.concatenate((_temp_hmm, _temp)) elif j < halfWindow and j+halfWindow+1 > len(row['aa']): _temp_hmm = row['hmm'][0:, :] _temp1 = np.ones([halfWindow-j, 30], 'float32')*HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_1 _temp1[:, 27:30] = HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_2 _temp2 = np.ones([j+halfWindow+1 - len(row['aa']), 30], 'float32')*HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_1 _temp2[:, 27:30] = HMM_OUTSIDE_SEQ_DEFAULT_VALUE_2 _temp_hmm = np.concatenate((_temp1, _temp_hmm, _temp2)) if HmmMode == 'hmm_conv_to_true_prob_and_diversity' or HmmMode == 'hmm_conv_to_true_prob_and_diver_div_16': _temp_hmm[:,0:27] = np.power(2.0, _temp_hmm[:,0:27] / -1000.0) _temp_hmm[:,27:30] = _temp_hmm[:,27:30] * 0.001 if HmmMode == 'hmm_conv_to_true_prob_and_diver_div_16': _temp_hmm[:,27:30] = _temp_hmm[:,27:30] / 16.0 Z_whole[recnu, :, (20*mtxRoundCount):] = _temp_hmm else: Z_whole[recnu, :, (20*mtxRoundCount):] = _temp_hmm / HMM_NORMALIZATION_FACTOR recnu += 1 #end of for j #print("*** recnu = %i ***" % recnu) X_whole = X_whole[range(recnu)] Z_whole = Z_whole[range(recnu)] #represent X not as a depth-1 float32 vector but depth-(20~21) float32 vector #converting if True: for i in range(0, len(X_uniqueOrdered)): X_whole[X_whole == X_uniqueOrdered[i]] = i # one hot encode outputs np_utils.to_categorical() does not work on a tensor of 3D and higher; it produces multiple one's X_whole_temp = X_whole.astype(np.uint8) new_shape = (X_whole_temp.shape[0], X_whole_temp.shape[1], len(X_uniqueOrdered)) X_whole = np.zeros(shape=new_shape) (I1,I2) = np.unravel_index(np.arange(new_shape[0]*new_shape[1]), (new_shape[0], new_shape[1])) I3 = X_whole_temp.ravel() X_whole[I1, I2, I3] = 1. del X_whole_temp del I1 del I2 del I3 old_shape = X_whole.shape if HmmMode == 'none': new_shape = (old_shape[0], old_shape[1], old_shape[2] + 20*mtxRoundCount) else: new_shape = (old_shape[0], old_shape[1], old_shape[2] + (20*mtxRoundCount) + 30) new_X_whole = np.zeros(shape=new_shape) new_X_whole[:, :, 0:old_shape[2]] = X_whole del X_whole if HmmMode == 'none': new_X_whole[:, :, old_shape[2]:old_shape[2]+20*mtxRoundCount] = Z_whole else: new_X_whole[:, :, old_shape[2]:old_shape[2]+(20*mtxRoundCount)+30] = Z_whole del Z_whole X_whole = new_X_whole del new_X_whole #ApplicationMode-specific X_probe = X_whole print('predict: predicted secondary structure for %d models' % (nu_of_ensemble_models)) array_of_pred_classes = np.empty([nu_of_ensemble_models, len(X_probe)], dtype='c') for _cv in range(0, nu_of_ensemble_models): pred_classes_probe = models[_cv].predict_classes(X_probe, verbose=VerboseLevel) array_of_pred_classes[_cv,:] = y_uniqueOrdered[pred_classes_probe].view('c') _pred_classes_print_as_string = array_of_pred_classes[_cv,:].tostring().decode("utf-8") print(_pred_classes_print_as_string) top_vote_pred_class = np.empty([len(X_probe), ], dtype='c') for _j in range(len(X_probe)): (_vals, _counts) = np.unique(array_of_pred_classes[:, _j], return_counts=True) top_vote_pred_class[_j] = _vals[np.argmax(_counts)] top_vote_pred_class_as_string = top_vote_pred_class.tostring().decode("utf-8") print('predict: major vote:') print(top_vote_pred_class_as_string) fidout = open(_output_ss_ffile, 'wt') fidout.write('#command:\t' + ' '.join(sys.argv[0:]) + '\n') fidout.write('#format_version:\t' + '1.0.2' + '\n') fidout.write('#ensemble of %d nnet models:\t%s\n' % (nu_of_ensemble_models, ModelsFPathNoSlash)) fidout.write('#id:\t' + row['pdb5'] + '\n') fidout.write('#app:\t' + 'SecNet of version, ' + _AppVersion + '\n') fidout.write('#labels:\t' + _labels_message + '\n') fidout.write('#label_definition:\t' + _labels_definition_during_training + '\n') fidout.write('#recnu:\t%d\n' % recnu) fidout.write('#seq:\t' + row['aa'] + '\n') fidout.write('#ss:\t' + top_vote_pred_class_as_string + '\n') fidout.close() print('* predict: successful (+) prediction at %s' % _output_ss_ffile) print('* predict: returned code is %d (0 = success, non-zero = failure)' % __return_value) sys.exit(__return_value)