Open a task. Task list populating.

Well, you have opened the main window of BioDownloader. What's next? You need to perform some task. First of all you need to specify a task. How?

A task is represented by a file with the .task extension that contains all necessary information to specify the download/update task. There are many ways how to open a task. The easiest way is to add some predefined task(s) from the Repository distributed together with the application itself.

I. Add task(s) with Repository:

1) Open the Repository using either one of two ways:


2) Task repository dialog window will be shown:


Basically, the Task Repository is a table of the available tasks. They are represented by files stored recursively within the parent folder (by default, the parent folder is the BioDownloader installation folder). The table contains different task fields: task filename, description, server type, host name, user, last modified, local destination, task path.

The table might be too big and confusing. To facilitate the search four filter fields are provided:

  1. server type
  2. host name
  3. user
  4. last modified


The user can sort the tasks by any column, by clicking the column heading:


3) To select one or more tasks you want to add to the task list you should check the checkbox in front of each required task or double-click the appropriate task:


4) When you are done with selections of tasks, click the Add button:


5) The selected files will be added to the task list:


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II. Open a task with Open Dialog:

1) Click Open:

2) Browse and open a task file using the Open Dialog:


Choose the task and click Open:


 The task is added to the task list:

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III. Open a task using Recent.

From Task Recent click on the full filename of the required task:


The task will be added to the task list if it is not already in the list, and got activated:


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IV. Open a task from Windows Explorer.

1) Browse to the required task file and double-click it:

2) This will launch a new instance of BioDownloader. You should select to which user account the task will be added:

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